Home > Reid(39)

Author: Maddie Wade

“King, get that door open.”

Blake blew the lock on the door and they ducked as Clay threw a flashbang through the glass. It all happened in seconds, but as Reid moved through the smoke toward the back clearing the space as he went, his only focus to get to Callie.

He saw a door to an office on the left and moved that way as Clay tucked in behind him. He reached the door and saw the blinds were closed; his heart knew she was there. Looking at Clay, he nodded, and his friend lifted his chin in agreement. Reid shouldered the door open, and Clay entered, going high as he went low.

He saw her then tied to the chair, her gaze strong on his before it moved behind him, and her eyes widened at seeing Clay. Only a cut to her lip marred her perfection. He couldn’t take the time he wanted on Callie though because Sophia stood behind her, a knife at his woman’s throat. He remained steady as he held his weapon on her, calm overtaking the red in his vision.

“Put the knife down, Sophia.”


“You won’t walk out of here alive if you hurt her.” He meant every word. If Callie were hurt, Reid would burn down the world to avenge her.

“You won’t let me live either way.” Sophia looked twitchy, edgy, and unhinged rather than the cool, calm, and collected woman he’d known.

“You can walk out of here and still have a life when you get out of prison.” He kept his eyes on Sophia, not trusting himself to look at Callie. Despite his words, he preferred she stayed in prison forever, the threat against Callie not one he could bear.

“I’d rather die than spend my life with those people.”

Reid knew her intent the second she started speaking and his eyes never left her hand on the knife.

His bullet hit sure and true, and Sophia dropped to the ground, the knife falling from her limp hand. He moved quickly to the woman he loved and Clay moved to secure Sophia who was alive but injured.

He was on his knees, his hands on her face, moving over her body, making sure she was safe before he spoke. “Jesus, sunshine, you took twenty years off my life.”

“I knew you’d come.” His throat clogged at her tremulous smile and the way her sweet voice sounded to his ears. She looked at Clay then. “When did you get here?”

Reid was crowded out by Clay who took over checking her for any injury. “Thought I’d come surprise you. Didn’t plan on a rescue first though.”

Reid stood to the side, his eyes on Callie and Clay, two people he cared about, each had a piece of his heart and he’d let them both down. He moved away, focusing his attention on Sophia. The shot had hit her in her arm, but the shock and pain had caused her to pass out. He wondered what made someone with so much potential become this person.

As soon as Clay untied Callie, she pushed up and hugged her brother before releasing him and turning to Reid. He wanted to resist and fight the pull he felt for her knowing he’d failed her so badly, but he couldn’t when she threw herself at him.

He caught her as her legs and arms went around him like a monkey, her head buried in his neck, and held on. He cradled her close, one hand on her back, the other on her head. He would stay like this forever if he could with her safe in his arms. She pulled her head from his neck and gazed up at him. The feeling there almost felled him, the tears in her eyes and a love so intense he knew he’d never forget it.

“Thank you for saving me.”

The five words were innocuous, but he couldn’t accept her thanks when he was to blame. He locked his jaw and set her away ignoring the confusion clouding her features that bit into his heart.

“We need to go. Clay, will you secure Callie? I’ll make sure the others have Gunner locked down.”

Clay took his sister into his embrace and pulled her away. “You don’t need to ask me to protect what’s mine, Reid.”

His flinty gaze was locked on Reid when he spoke, and the message was clear. He blamed him for what had happened, as he should. Reid nodded, a wealth of meaning in that action as he watched Clay move towards Blake and Jack.

Callie looked back, confusion and hurt in her features and he turned away, unable to bear knowing he’d caused her more pain than he already had.

Once the scene was clear, they made their way back to Eidolon with Liam, Alex, Jack, Mitch, and Reid escorting Gunner. Reid knew what he had to do. He wasn’t cut out for love or relationships. He was like his old man, failing the women that needed him—he’d abandoned his mother and sisters, and now Callie could’ve been killed because of him.

He’d walk away from the love of his life, the sunshine in his dark world, knowing he wouldn’t love again but knowing she’d eventually find happiness with someone else.

Liam and Alex pulled Gunner from the vehicle when they pulled up to Eidolon a black fabric bag covering his head, his wrists secured with ties, and Reid wondered why he wasn’t struggling to get free. Gunner hadn’t said a word since he’d come around and been hauled upright by the men he’d betrayed.

Reid caught Callie moving into the showers she’d used before but studiously kept his eyes facing front so he didn’t have to engage with her and hurt her more. He could feel her hurt gaze on his back as he walked away and hated himself for not protecting her better.

Once they cleared the hallway and moved towards the interrogation room, he let Jack and Alex put Gunner in a cell, leaving him cuffed and blind. Jack then locked the door to the empty room that had no place to sit and no light.

“How long will you leave him?” Reid asked Jack, hating that he still had even the slightest bit of compassion for the man.

“A few hours, then we can start the questioning. I need to make sure Milla is safe and settled at a new location before we begin. I want all my cards stacked, so he has no choice but to do what we want.”

“Did Fortis secure Milla?”

“Yes, they took her to the safe house. The medical staff were there waiting. She seems to have handled the move OK.”

Reid nodded and brushed back his hair which had fallen over his face.

“This wasn’t your fault.”

Reid looked up sharply at Jack’s words, shock almost taking him back a step before he locked still. “It’s absolutely my fault.”

Jack shook his head. “I don’t know what it is that haunts you, Reid, but you’re a good man and she’d be lucky to have you.”

Not used to such praise from Jack, Reid was at a loss what to say.

“When this is done, take some time off, go see your family.”

Reid wanted that, no, he needed it. His head snapped up as Clay exited the weapons room, changed into his civilian clothes.

Jack followed his gaze. “Good man, he loves his sister.”

Reid nodded. “He’s the best man I know, always has been.”

Jack swung his gaze back to Reid, assessing him before he shook his head and walked away. “Let me know about the time off.”

“Will do.”

Reid watched as Jack reached Clay and stopped to thank him, saying a few words Reid couldn’t hear. Clay looked up and straight at Reid before he nodded. Jack moved away and then it was just him and Clay.

He moved down the hall and Reid did the same until they stopped a few feet apart. This had never been them; they’d been best friends, brothers, since they were young boys. To have this tension between them now and it stung knowing he was the one who’d caused the rift.

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