Home > One Of Us(25)

One Of Us(25)
Author: Samie Sands

“She’s a witch!” exclaimed Zoey. “We have our witch!” Aunt Elise just smiled and looked off into the distance.




“I need to go home to get some aromatherapy oils, and then we can get back here about half an hour before the library closes.” Aunt Elise said as she started up the car.

“Aromatherapy oils? You have something in all your little bottles that works with witches?” Zoey asked.

“Well, there just might be! I remember reading something about Geranium, I’m not sure. Let’s hurry cause we need all the help we can get.” And they drove back home.

They ran their errand and were back at the library at 5:30 pm. The library closed at 6 pm. but most of the people had already left. They had discussed a few scattered ideas on what they should do, as they drove back, but they had no real plan.

They walked up to the librarian and this time Zoey took note of the name tag on the desk—Miss Meredith Fink. Aunt Elise spoke first.

“Excuse me but we may need your help!” The librarian looked up apprehensively.

“You ladies were just here a while ago,” Miss Meredith Fink exclaimed, “Is there a problem?”

Zoey leaned on the desk and said, “Yes, Meredith, a big problem. I really need your help!” And when the librarian simply stared at her, Zoey looked around to see if anyone was near and then stuck her hand near the woman.

“I have a bite here and I need your help,” Zoey said looking up at her.

“Well, what’s that got to do with me?” She answered, and the look of distaste on her face was obvious.

“You know, Meredith,” Zoey said playfully, “It’s a witch’s bite!” And with that phrase, Meredith, the librarian rose abruptly. Her dank smell became stronger to Zoey and was almost unbearable. In her weakened state, she felt faint.

“Where are you going, Meredith?” Aunt Elise asked abruptly. “We need you to help us. You are a witch, aren’t you?” The librarian stepped away from the desk and started backing away. A weird sing-song sound rose in her witch’s throat.

“If you don’t help us, we’ll tell the library that they have an old witch working for them- they wouldn’t like that now, would they!” Meredith, the witch, began reciting something that sounded spell-ish so Zoey began with her counter phrasing.

“Oh, Meredith dear witch you are so caring and kind to children and animals! Your heart is so big and you have so much love!”

Meredith looked baffled and the sound in her throat ceased. Aunt Elise took out a cotton pad that was soaked with rose essential oil with a touch of geranium.

This was a very feminine essential oil that stood for natural womanhood and beauty and motherhood—all the things that Meredith was not. She stepped forward and put the odorous cotton pad under the witch’s nose. Meredith shrieked and began to run and renewed her spell chant, but Zoey caught up with her and held her with both hands. She continued to bombard the witch with niceties and kind compliments.

“You are the queen of kindness and loyalty, so loving and full of concern for all you meet! “The witch wiggled in her arms and her face was beginning to turn a reddish-purple color.

“What do you want from me?” the witch screamed out. A young man suddenly came into view and hurriedly walked up to them. Zoey gave him a big, toothy grin.

“Uh, are you the librarian?” he asked, looking at Miss Fink. “Yes, yes,” Meredith responded.

“Well, can I check this book out so I can go,” he answered

“Oh, yes, she’ll check that book out for you,” Aunt Elise said, “There’s nothing that she loves better than to help people out, isn’t that right, Meredith?”

The frustrated librarian checked his book out and when he was gone from view, Zoey stepped back in.

“It’s almost closing time and we all need to get out of here. If you don’t help me I will make your life miserable. Believe me, I know how. Just kiss this damn bite better and we all can go home. That’s all I want!”

“Oomva- ista...” Meredith started to chant!

“You are so lovely in that sweater,” Zoey cooed and her aunt stuck the cotton pad under the witch’s nose again.

She shivered and squealed and tried to break loose from Zoey’s grip.

“Okay, alright!” Meredith yelled “I’ll do it! Just don’t let me smell that again!”

Zoey smiled broadly and still saying complimentary words, softly, just in case the witch would sneak in a spell, she put her hand forward under the witch’s mouth.

Meredith’s top lip almost curled.

Then she snarled and shivered like a dog but she put her lips together and kissed Zoey’s hand.

“Eww!” Zoey, grimaced, “Why thank you, Miss Fink”.

She looked closely at her hand and saw that the redness quickly began to recede. It felt warm and tingly and she slowly peeled off the band-aid.

“No,” said Aunt Elise, “don’t do too much to it. I have to wrap it in Valerian tea when we get home.”

But something else was happening to Zoey. She looked at her aunt as she watched Meredith scurry off.

“I feel warm and tingly all over- Aunt Elise! I don’t know what is happening to me!” she exclaimed.

But from deep within, Zoey felt a surge of strength and fortitude. She looked across the floor where Miss Meredith Fink was quickly getting into her jacket. And she could see that witch’s tainted soul and the potential of her evil intentions. Then and there Zoey both acknowledged and accepted her new found power. And she knew then, that she had been given a gift, or maybe it was a curse. But any witch that had even the whisper of a desire to hurt her, or anyone she cared about, had better run fast- and far.

The older woman smiled at her, “You’re kind of glowing a bit, Zoey! You look wonderful!”

“Well, I never got to tell you what I also read in that ‘Remedies’ book. I found out what happens when you survive a witch’s bite,” and she looked over at her dear aunt’s face that had anticipation written all over it.

“You become stronger, not weaker—and I read you get even an increased power over witches. I have survived the witch’s bite—“And then she shouted out quite loudly. Considering they were inside a public library—

“I am Zoey. Witch Hunter!” And they both laughed and hugged. “And you, dear Auntie, are my helper!”



Linda Jenkinson



Writing as a passion came full circle five years ago. I discovered writing again and renewed my earlier interest with some pieces for magazine and newspaper, newsletters, etc. I’m an avid content writer but have recently plunged myself into writing ‘Creative’. This includes poetry, short stories, novel excerpts and hopefully a first novel, sometime, before the cows come home. A Canadian born woman, born in Ontario, I have enjoyed both the busy cities and the near wilds of the northern Kawarthas.

I’m excited about my renewed writing path and just want to get to work. Love this anthology and the chance to contribute!



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