Home > One Of Us(34)

One Of Us(34)
Author: Samie Sands

The unknown stuck to the dark expertly and moved with fluid accuracy in the direction of their goal. The shadow-clad figure stopped just under the great steps that led up to the entrance of City Hall. I squinted to try and get a better idea of just who this person was as I was not yet certain if they would be a threat should they spot me or should I choose to approach.

As I began to move back towards my pack the morning sun crested the rooftop behind me and reflected off something positioned on the building opposite. My heart skipped a beat. Sniper. I tensed and held my breath. I knew that if they had seen me I would be dead already. I could only assume they were watching the progress of the person below. That was not good.

My very soul was screaming at me to get the hell out of there but I couldn’t. I knew I had to get some kind of warning to whoever this person was. I made the decision to hide my pack inside the chimney to collect later, reasoning that it would be easier to move quickly and silently without the added bulk.

I crouched down and moved as fast as I dared to the edge before climbing down the broken roof ramp. I took care to remain unseen and as silent as possible without sacrificing speed. I reached the bottom and took a deep breath before rounding the corner below.

Into a world of pain.

I yelled out as something solid connected with my jaw, knocking me sideways into the wall. I stumbled to regain balance as again the solid object sent me reeling. My vision began to blur as blood fell from my mouth. A hand grabbed my throat and forced me upright. I was face to face with a bandit. I shot a hand down toward my knife but no sooner had I moved than a rifle was thrust into my face.

“Not a wise move kid” the bandit sneered. “Take him to the pump with the other one” he ordered.

I glanced over his shoulder and could see they had caught the other runner and had him knelt at gunpoint in the center of the town square. The bandits’ grip relented and another blow fell hard across my face. I fell forward and two men took me roughly under the arms before dragging me to the center.

The sun had grown strong and beat down on me as I knelt next to the other captured runner. The group of bandits were deep in discussion leaving one leaning against the pump watching us with a rifle. He would occasionally run the water before taking care to drink it as slowly as possible, his pleasure at our torment plain to see on his bearded face.

I looked to my right, at the runner. He was of slender build and wore a mask concealing his features. From what I could tell he was also wearing a military-grade sneaking suit, all in black. He didn’t look back at me the whole time I looked him over but just remained stone still, staring at the floor. I shook my aching head and looked back towards the group of bandits. It seemed they had come to a decision regarding our future.

The big man who had held me in his grip earlier strode forward, obviously some figure of authority. He squatted in front of the other runner.

“Now then, my little friends,” he said, shooting a glance in my direction. “The choice I place before you is a simple one. Join us, we could use sneaky filth like you, or die right here right now.” he smiled, revealing a mouth full of rotted and broken teeth.

The runner remained staring at the ground. There was nothing but silence.

The bandit looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow before turning back. “Didn’t you hear me!” he yelled, ripping the mask from the head of the runner.

A cascade of deep brown hair fell over soft womanly features, causing me to catch my breath.

“Well now!” the bandit shouted, turning to his followers with his arms spread victoriously; “Looks like we have struck gold here today gentlemen” Turning to the girl, he pressed his head right up against hers. “Don’t worry darlin’, we will take good care of you?” he said before licking her cheek.

“Leave her alone!” a voice yelled. It took me a few seconds before I realized that voice was mine. The leader looked at me, seething. “You heard me, leave her alone,” I said, gritting my teeth to keep my fear suppressed.

“You are a brave one, aren’t you,” he said, striding over and bringing his face level with mine. “And what do they call you, my little heroic friend?”


Gunfire erupted from across the square. “We’ve got dead approaching!” came a shout.

The big bandit spun around. I quickly scanned the scene, my mind racing. I could see the corpses emerging from every direction and the group of bandits trying to organize a defense. This was my chance. I jumped up, drawing my knife as I went.

The bandit turned just in time to deflect my first attack with a sweep of his massive arm. He came at me fists flying. He was of huge build but slow, and I ducked the attack before thrusting upwards with my knife arm.

The man screamed as my blade sunk deep into his eye socket. He fell to the floor with his massive hands covering his face, blood spurting between his fingers. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around bracing myself for the blow but instead came face to face with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

It was the runner. “Come on!” she shouted over the sound of chaos all around us.

The dead had reached the town square and the remaining bandits were running for their lives. Knowing it would soon be us on the menu I looked for any kind of cover that could shield us from their sight. There was nothing.

Panic bubbled up in my stomach. I looked to the girl and saw she was kneeling, rifling through her pack. I watched as she brought out two square-shaped bundles and what looked like a trigger.

Before my mind had time to grasp what she was planning I caught sight of a bandit preparing his weapon to fire. Without a moment’s hesitation, I positioned myself between him and the girl and felt the pain tear through me.

An enormous explosion ripped through the air, throwing me forward. Debris fell all around as the floor beneath me began to crumble.

“Over here!” I turned in the direction of the shout and saw that the girl was hanging from a rope tied around her waist, reaching her hand out towards me.

I steeled myself against the pain in my body and climbed to my feet, struggling to balance on the shifting ground. I ran as quickly as I dared with my eyes set firmly on her outstretched hand. I knew I was going to have to jump and fingers of dread gripped me.

The floor was quickly disappearing all around. Bracing myself I sprinted for the edge and launched myself with everything I had left out into the void.

“No!” I heard her shout as my fingers brushed hers before gravity took me, her wide eyes the last thing I saw before everything turned to darkness.

The fire was intense, flames licking at the walls and ceiling. The dead just kept coming, their skin burnt and blistered. My father lay on the floor pinned beneath a collapsed beam with blood pouring from some unseen wound. He was yelling, pleading with my mother to get away. She just stood over him with a look of determination in her eyes as the dead came...

I opened my eyes and blinked. Immediately pain drove through me and I could feel the warmth of fresh blood trickling down my face. I tried to reach up and wipe it away but my arm felt heavy and numb. I could feel the throbbing bullet wound in my shoulder. My whole body ached and I was sure more than a few things were broken.

I made to shout out but the only sound that broke my lips was a hollow whisper. The air was thick with dust causing me to cough and splutter, the taste of blood in my throat.

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