Home > Dirty Desires(7)

Dirty Desires(7)
Author: Crystal Kaswell

Grown-up charm.

Devilish smile.

Eyes that scream I'm picturing you naked.

Only not the normal naked.

Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome barely blinked when Candy tossed away her thong.

Whereas he looked at me like he was undressing my soul.

Maybe I'm projecting. Maybe I'm the one who wants to undress his soul.

But that's silly. I don't have time for men. Especially not strangers with strange offers.

Or is that the excuse? The fear disguised as caution?

Would it really be so bad if I returned his call?

What am I risking?

What am I risking by ignoring his offer?

It's probably not five hundred dollars for three hours of bartending. It's probably a soft interview for stripping at a bachelor party.

Or something more illicit.

Lots of guys offer four-figure sums for dancers to go the, ahem, extra mile.

Hell. Maybe he's like the doctor. After my virginity.

What are the odds? Am I that popular?

I know this site gets visitors, but I'm not exactly The AVClub.

Only so many people want to hear my thoughts on The Handmaid's Tale… again. (The Tarantino comment is probably costing me a few dozen readers).

What are the odds he's reading right now?

It's probably the doctor.

Or a dancer with good intentions.

Britney is sweet. She knows I'm broke. If she knows a guy who's willing to pay for one night with a virgin…

God, I can't even say it.

How am I supposed to call Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome?

How can I resist?

What if he really is Prince Charming?

What if he really does want to erase all my problems?



As usual, I wake to the sound of Addie's music. A violin track. By this artist who considers herself a rock star.

If you ask me, it's still orchestra. Where are the drums and bass? Where are the screaming vocals?

I don't get the genre, but Addie loves it.

There is something about this song. A haunting pain that wants to find my weak point. Does Addie hear it too? Is that why she loves the song? Or is just her love of strings?

I'm not as punk rock as I look.

Sure, I love thrashing guitars and telling authority figures to fuck off. Yes, I feel more myself with colorful hair and thick eyeliner.

But I'm happiest in my bed, lost in a great book. Or a particularly binge-worthy TV show. Or a new entry.

Last night flits through my head. Rude customers, naked women, Cindy leaving me a sixty-dollar tip out with a you deserve it kid. Thanks for taking care of me.

She lets guys buy her drink after drink. They don't know her drinks are non-alcoholic. That's where I come in.

A fun game. More or less. I have a bottle of "well vodka" just for her. Okay, I occasionally use it on particularly rude customers. Like a barista who brews decaf for assholes.

All the normal business of work.

And Ian.

His name is enough to make my pulse race. It's too hot in here. I can't afford to warm the room further. It's already stuffy.

Usually, June is humid—thus the gloom—but this is August heat. Heat that demands cold showers and ice cream.


Shit, is that smoke?

I pull on a tank and shorts—it's too hot for pajamas—and I run into the main room.

The kitchen, I guess. It's all one room. Kitchen slash dining room slash den. Fridge, stove, counter, tiny table, TV.

Small by most people's standards. But a good size for New York. Even if we're practically in Long Island.

"They're not burning, I swear!" Addie flips a pancake. It's not burnt, exactly, but it's past golden brown.

"It's the chocolate chips." Mmm melting chocolate. Not mmm burnt chocolate. My nose is confused. "They burn faster."

I turn the heat to low. Push the window all the way open. Is it hotter in here or out there?

Either way, it's stuffy as hell.

She nods right, of course. "Sorry? Did I wake you? I can turn it down." She motions to the speaker in the corner. One of those wireless ones that connects to her computer. A present for her birthday. Well, our birthday, I guess. Since it's for me as much as it's for her.

"And ruin the mood? How else will I wake up to sadness?"

Her lips curl into a frown. That reminder neither one of us wants. The day, more than a year ago now, she almost died.

"It's not—"

"We can play Green Day instead."

Addie's face scrunches with displeasure. She has absolutely no interest in "suburban boys who want to pretend they're anarchists." Or "men who spend eight straight songs whining about their exes."

She has a point. If I had to critique swap one of these songs with a classmate, I'd have a different take.

But some things stick. Like the music Dad always played when we were younger. It should repel me—anything that man loved is bad news—but what is it they say?

The heart wants what it wants?

Not that I listen to mine. Not anymore.

My eyes flit to the clock on the wall—the cheap pink one from Target. For all her STEM nerdiness (she's a chemistry genius), Addie is a total girly girl. Pink and purple everywhere. Only it's pink leggings and t-shirts.

She rocks low-effort cute like it's her job. No makeup, ashy hair in a messy bun, pink tank top.

"You need help with those?" I motion to the pancakes. No longer smoking. Smelling a lot more like chocolate and vanilla and a lot less like burnt flour.

My stomach growls. I'm starving. And dead tired.

I need caffeine.

"I got it. I swear," she says.

I motion to the kettle on the counter. "Set it for me, please. I have to pee."

She nods of course. Calls out an apology for waking me as I run to the bathroom.

Another small space. With the world's smallest window.

Ah, the charms of the city. Really, I love New York. It's home.

When things were better, when Dad was working and sober, we visited Jersey, Florida, California, Iowa, Hawaii, Vegas. Sometimes family. Sometimes work. Sometimes fun.

Lots of places appealed. Constant sunshine and gorgeous beaches in California. Houses the size of a city block and fields of grass in Iowa. Bright lights and—

Okay, Vegas is like Times Square on New Year's Eve. All drunk people. No reason to visit.

New York is special. Unlike anywhere else. At least in the US.

Is Ian from London? Or is it that I can't name any UK cities outside of London?

Edinburgh. That's a place. There's the countryside. In that show Broadchurch. Or the other countryside in Happy Valley. God, I watch some depressing shit.

And I'm already in a bad situation.

Thinking about Ian as I pee, wash my hands, brush my teeth.

Even as I move into the kitchen and fix my chai. Extra strong tea, lots of almond milk (Addie is a vegetarian, but she's trying to go vegan).

A tiny sprinkle of cinnamon.

Another thought of Ian.

Is that his real name? Or is he really some sort of operative?

And why do I keep—

"You okay?" My sister shoots me a curious look.

"Tired." I try to avoid lying to her, but it's not always possible. I don't want her to know how much I'm struggling. I want to protect her from that.

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