Home > Go for Love(5)

Go for Love(5)
Author: Laura Chapman

He shrugged off that thought and went to work, setting up his materials. Ducking his head to survey the wire again, he saw he’d need to cut the power before he went any further. For that—unfortunately—he’d need to find someone in charge. And that someone, in all likelihood, would be the very person he most wanted to avoid.

He briefly considered risking electrical shock, but quickly dismissed the notion. Much as he wanted the money this job would give him, he wasn’t willing to die for it. He could afford to give up a little of his pride, he supposed.

Pulling out his phone, he was about to call Sarah when someone cleared his throat. Swiveling around, Beck came face to face with Bryant. It had been years since they’d last crossed paths, but Beck would recognize him anywhere. Back when they’d dated, Sarah had spent most of her waking hours with the other man. If Beck had wanted to see her, it meant hanging out with her business partner as well.

The green-eyed monster had always poked his head up every time Sarah had stayed late at the office. Beck could admit it now, but he’d envied Bryant for all the time he spent with Sarah. More, he’d been jealous of the implicit trust and confidence she’d given her partner.

It was more than she’d given him.

It’d bothered Beck to be that clingy then, and it sure as hell bothered him now to revisit it. Fighting to dismiss the feelings he’d promised he’d ignore the next few days, Beck pushed himself off the ground and shook the other man’s hand.

“Good to see you,” Bryant said with a nod, releasing his hand. “You have your work cut out for you.”

That was an understatement.

“Where’s the boss?”

Bryant arched an eyebrow. “She’s finishing up a call with one of her overseas partners.”

“And she sent you to babysit me in the meantime?”

“Do you need a babysitter?”

Beck’s jaw set. “I think the better question is, does Sarah think I need a babysitter?”

The other man’s eyes crinkled around the edges then.

“Maisie was right. You are the best person for the job.”

That comment didn’t make much sense, but Beck wasn’t going to give it any more thought.

Beck shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’m going to need to cut the power.”

“That’s why I’m here.” Bryant motioned for him to follow. “Sarah thought you might need some help with that, so she sent me over.”

A little of Beck’s annoyance eased up. He had to give her credit for thinking of everything. She could make an Eagle Scout look like a novice when it came to being prepared.

Bryant showed Beck to a room that housed the building’s main server and power sources. He explained what did what, even though Beck could’ve figured it out for himself. This was his area of expertise.

“Do I need to let anyone know before I cut the power?” Beck asked.

Bryant shook his head. “The rest of the GO team is off for the night, and Sarah came prepared to work off the grid, so to speak.”

He had no doubt.

“I’ll leave you to it. Cut the power whenever you like. I’ll take the stairs.” Bryant turned to leave but hesitated at the door. “Hey, Beck.”


“I meant it when I said you were the right person for the job. It’s good you’re here.”

On that note, he left Beck alone to cut the power and consider the other of the man’s cryptic messages.

Even though Bryant had said he’d take the stairs, Beck gave the other guy a few more minutes before turning off the power. He also sent a text to the boss so she wouldn’t be surprised either. A moment later, she’d replied with a “Go for it.” Figuring that was enough due diligence, Beck turned on his torch and flipped the switch. With a whoosh, the lights around him went dark.

Taking a deep breath, he sat in the dark silence for a moment. It had been years since the dark had stirred panic in him. As a boy, he’d been afraid of the dark longer than most of his friends. It had taken him years—and a lot of teasing at their hands—to get over the affliction.

When he’d told Sarah about his old fear one night after a storm had knocked the power out, he’d waited for her to say something. To tease him like his friends. Or to murmur words of comfort like his mom had. Instead, she’d wrapped her arms around his waist while they waited for the power to return.

Tracing a palm over his heart, he could almost draw back the feeling of her cheek pressed against his chest.

He shook the memory from his head. He didn’t have time to dwell on the past anymore. It was time to go to work.

Back in the main open office area, Beck set about removing the outdated wires. With the generator humming and his phone playing music, he made quick work of it.

A Bruce Springsteen song came on, and Beck softly crooned along with the Boss about having a bad desire and being on fire. It was one of his dad’s favorite songs. Something about the familiar music put him at ease and into the zone.

Beck was just crescendoing into the final chorus when a chuckle froze his hands and blood.

“I see your musical tastes haven’t changed much.” Sarah stepped into the glow of his work light.

He wiped his hands on his jeans. “A classic is a classic.”

“So you used to say.” Her lips curved into a slow grin. “You always were an old soul when it came to music.”

Beck couldn’t help but stare at her mouth, remembering the way it had felt against his own. The muscles in his stomach clenched painfully tight. Thoughts like those were going to get them both into trouble.

Clearing his throat again, he gestured over his shoulder. “I almost have this panel knocked out.”

“So I see.” She moved closer until she was within an arm’s reach. If he wanted, he could grab her and pull her up against his chest.

If he wanted. And damn it all, he did.

To keep himself from giving in to the impulse, he shoved his hands in his pocket. “I should be able to get this wall finished before dinner.”

“Don’t let me stop you. Will it bother you if I work over here?”

Not if she stayed at least three yards away from him at any given time.

He shrugged. “You’re the boss.”

She gave him a wry look. “I promised I wouldn’t get in your way.”

“I didn’t say you were.” Pulling his hands back out of his pockets, he pointed to his toolbox. “If you’ll excuse me, I need that wrench.”

“I’ll get it.”

She grabbed the tool and offered it to him. Their fingers briefly touched. A jolt surged through Beck, bringing his whole body to life. Pulling away, like he’d been shocked by electricity, he took a step back.

Ready to bury himself back in his work and pretend she wasn’t there, Beck couldn’t help but notice the way her chest rose up and down rapidly. Had she felt it too? The energy between them. No. He had to stop asking himself questions like that.

Shaking his head, Beck stepped up on his ladder, determined to finish this project as soon as possible. Bonus or not, he needed to get done here. Fast. And after he finished, he’d put Sarah far out of his mind again.



They worked in companionable silence for an hour. In that time, he managed to clear out the rest of the wiring in the wall. He also managed not to notice how her fingers flew across the keyboard of her laptop with the grace of a concert pianist.

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