Home > Maximum Dare(15)

Maximum Dare(15)
Author: Vanessa Fewings

I rounded a bend and saw the end of the slide approaching. There, standing a little ways back, were my cohorts—all of them wearing shocked expressions as I flew toward them like a bat out of hell.

I shot out of the end of the tube, my legs trying to slow my projectile speed as I stumbled forward unable to slow down. Then I saw a blur…a man moving forward to catch me.

I fell into his arms with force.

He staggered backwards and crashed to the ground with me landing on top of him, straddling him like a pony.

I stared down into the face of Max Marquis.

I finally overcame my mortification enough to speak. “It’s you.”

He smiled. “Your glasses still look nice.”

My lips came crashing down on his with the sole purpose of letting him know I was forever in his debt for saving me…for simply existing in the world.

He nipped my lower lip, his tongue darting into my mouth, his hand reaching around to the back of my neck to pull me closer as we forgot time and place…forgot that we hated each other…and that we had an audience.

Finally, he broke away.

“Daisy,” he whispered.

I sat up quickly, realizing what I’d done.



Sitting astride Max with my face on fire, I let out a shaky breath. “You…saved me.”

Max managed a grin. “Right up until you knocked me into tomorrow.”

I climbed off him and leapt to my feet, vaguely aware of the applause coming from my teammates.

Max stood up and gave a charming bow to the cheering crowd, acknowledging his act of chivalry.

You kissed him.

You actually kissed Nick’s brother.

Have you lost your mind?

“Sure you’re okay?”

He stretched as though realigning his spine. “I don’t think there’s any permanent damage.”

He wasn’t mentioning the kiss. Not now, not ever, hopefully. The embarrassing mistake I’d made in front of everyone was running through my mind on repeat.

I covered my flushed cheeks with my hands.

Max reached out to pull my hands away from my face. “I’m just glad you’re not hurt.”

His touch sent a shiver through me.

As though rising from a trance, I almost began jumping up and down with happiness at the realization that I’d completed the first dare. Somehow, I’d done the unthinkable. I’d risked my life for one moment of bravery.

Seeing my elated expression, Max gave my shoulder a friendly pat. “Well done.”

All he was doing was standing there, being Max, and I was bewitched.

He brushed off his trousers. “That actually looked like fun.”

I beamed at him. “It was amazing.”

Everyone was still buzzing from the rush. The daring few who had risked life and limb to partake in this ridiculous scheme were laughing, adrenaline spiking their veins like the people you see coming off a rollercoaster.

My thoughts cleared enough for me to ask Max how he had come to be at the hotel.

“I’m staying here.” He ran a hand through his tousled hair. “I set up my office at the Waldorf when I’m in town. Thought I’d grab a drink at the bar.”

Thinking back, I seemed to recall he’d mentioned staying here before. It was an amazing coincidence.

Ted walked over and handed me my phone. It had slipped out of my grasp during the bumpy landing. I stopped the recording and then tucked it into my back pocket.

“That was quite some performance, Daisy,” he said, grinning.

I tried not to feel self-conscious. “Thank you for the near-death experience, Ted.”

“Plenty more of that to come. We’ll send out an email with tomorrow’s meet-up location.” He slapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Let’s all have a drink together.”

Ted’s assistant approached me to return my handbag.

I noticed that Max was staring at me intently, tilting his head as though he were intrigued. Maybe he was trying to work out what his brother saw in me. Or maybe he was trying to look into my soul. That’s what it felt like when Max Marquis’ focus was solely on you.

He knows. He knows you’re falling for him.

“I have to go now.” I pivoted and hurried toward the lift.

Ted called after me, “You don’t want to stay for a drink?”

With a wave and a shake of my head I hurried out.

Summoning the lift, I waited for the doors to open, my heart racing with a swirl of emotions. I’d kissed him. That alone had me reeling. Making eye contact with Max now was impossible.

A hand rested on my shoulder. I knew that touch, that presence.

“At least let me escort you out,” said Max, his voice husky. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

With a quick nod, I stepped into the lift.

Max followed me in and stood watching me, as though he wanted to make sure I was really okay.

I couldn’t stand the embarrassment any longer. “I’m sorry I kissed you.”

He did that thing with his lips…that curling of the mouth that ended in a devastating expression of joy. “Really?”

“Yes, it won’t happen again. I was just so glad to be alive.”

“That’ll do it.”

“Do what?”

“Inspire you to be spontaneous.” He lowered his sights on me. “Daisy?”

“Yes,” I said breathlessly.

“Are you going to do the honors or shall I?”

“Excuse me?”

He leaned over and pressed the DOWN button.

I let out a sigh. “You know that gold envelope you gave me yesterday?”


“It was for membership to a Dare Club. That’s what this was all about.”

Max’s expression was inscrutable.

“Did you know about it?” I asked.

He smiled. “I must admit that I love seeing you in those glasses.”

“You have a lovely taste.” I gulped. “I meant you have lovely taste. In things. Like glasses. And hotels. This place is so nice.”

“Daisy,” he said softly, his tone seductive. He moved closer until he was towering over me.

I felt an electric charge in the air, a crackle of volatile chemistry between us.

He reached out with both hands and yanked the front of my coat closed, the tug nudging my breasts together and causing my nipples to bead in pleasure.

“You lost a button on your shirt,” he explained.


“I was pulling your coat closed to cover your shirt.”

Looking down, I saw where my bra was peeking through a gap in my shirt. I let out a long moan of mortification; it sounded erotic.

Max stepped back and leaned against the wall. He whipped out his phone, now seeming to ignore me.

I pulled mine out of my back pocket and swiped over to Instagram. I raised it closer to my face to better see the screen.

Max hurried toward me and crushed my body against the wall. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

His eyes narrowed. “Don’t take my photo. I don’t want Nick to see it.”

I cringed inwardly. “Of course not.”

His intense brown gaze met mine. “Daisy, what I meant was…”

“Why would I want a photo of you?” I asked, his closeness making me shudder.

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