Home > Maximum Dare(7)

Maximum Dare(7)
Author: Vanessa Fewings

I might have represented some shady characters in my time, but that was unfair. Anyway, this was a tailored Savile Row suit. A look he’d adopt after he’d worked through his bad boy phase.

“There are other ways to impress a woman,” I chided.

“Morgan will be rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. Least a boyfriend can do.”

“To post on her Instagram?” I said. “Better ask the guests first. This is a private affair.”

After a beat he studied me. “You recognize Morgan, then?”

I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I only knew about her infamous status from Daisy. “Where did you go last night that was so important?” Having left me on the side of the road with his ex, no less.

“We went home.”

I flashed him a wary glance. “How have you been, Nick?”


“How have you really been?”

He gave a shrug. “Just wish Dad was alive to see what I’m doing.”

“He’d be proud of you. You know that.”

“I miss him more every day. I still can’t believe he’s gone.”

I felt that sting, too. “I’m here for you. Don’t ever forget that.”

“Thank you for coming all this way for me.”

“Of course. How’s Mum?”

He shook his head. “Same. She refuses to sell this place.”

“Her best memories are here.”

I could relate.

Aged ten, I’d scored my first goal in this very garden—only later realizing that David had let me because he was seriously that cool. Despite the circumstances of their marriage coming after the scandal of an affair, Mum really had seemed happier with David. My own dad had worked hard to establish his law firm back in São Paulo, building it up from nothing. Sadly, he’d done it all for her. A heartbreaking fact I tried not to think about.

I looked around at the partygoers. “I hate these things,” I muttered.

“Want to grab a drink?” asked Nick.

He led me onto the patio where we each snagged a glass of champagne and huddled beneath a heater.

Nick raised his glass to toast a stranger across the lawn and then turned back to me. “So, how have you been?”

“This trip is the break I needed.”

“Maybe we can spend some quality time together before you head back.”

“I insist.” Following his line of sight, I saw Morgan. She was standing with a circle of women who looked like they’d huddled together to gossip. “Are those Morgan’s friends?”


“Anyone from your team here?”

“No, they’re banned after what happened at the last party.”

“Do I even want to know?”

He smirked. “Probably not.”

“When do you hear about Manchester United?”

“Coach tells me I should find out in about two weeks.”

“That’s fantastic, Nick. I’ll be here to help you celebrate.” I studied his reaction. “You still want this, right?”

“More than anything. Only, I can’t help but think they just want me because of who my dad was—not because I’m a bloody good player.”

“Normal reaction,” I assured him. “It could be Imposter Syndrome.”

“I bet you don’t get that.”

“Being an attorney is in my blood.” It wasn’t strictly true, but he didn’t need to see doubt right now. He needed someone strong to lean on. “You Brits are famous for being self-deprecating. It’s in your DNA. You apologize for everything. Even if it’s not your fault.”

He grinned. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

I smiled back at him and gave his shoulder a reassuring slap. “Football is not only a passion, it’s a business too. Manchester United needs you. They only go after the best players.”

“Hope you’re right.”

He was staring at his girlfriend again.

“How’re things with Morgan? She seems…” I wanted to say shallow, but I didn’t really know her, except for what I’d seen after an agonizing peek at her social media.

He shook his head in awe. “Look at her, she’s gorgeous.”

“She’s very…”

“Glamorous, right?

“She is.”

I waved at a passing waiter and snagged us both another glass of champagne, handing one off to Nick.

“She always has her hair and make-up done before she leaves home.” He downed his drink in one. “She’s in the public eye so has no choice, really.”

My first thought went to Daisy, who didn’t have those kinds of resources. But she was naturally pretty. She had an authenticity that was refreshing. A beguiling presence that my thoughts returned to all too easily.

“She’s a savvy businesswoman, too.” Nick remained focused on Morgan.

Surely there’d be less drama with Daisy, compared to a woman who was high maintenance. Morgan was posting pictures of Nick already and letting the world into their relationship. It felt like a bad idea to be so open.

I turned to face him. “I gave Daisy a lift home yesterday.”


“When she ran into me her glasses got broken.”

Mentioning to him that she’d gone and bumped into a lamppost afterward seemed bad form—Nick didn’t need to know that detail.

His eyes turned dark. “Was she upset I left with Morgan?”

“She’s taking it well. She wanted me to give you a message.”

He set his empty glass down on a table. “I hadn’t spoken with Daisy for weeks, and then she turned up at my party last night and was all weird.”

“Weird how?”

“Like she was desperate to get my attention.”

“Perhaps if you hadn’t blocked her number.”

He spun to face me. “Did she tell you that?”

“She’s been trying to call you and can’t get through.”

Nick pulled his phone out of his back pocket and swiped the screen. “She’s not blocked. I’ll show you.” His frown deepened and then he flashed a wary glance over to Morgan.

“She is blocked, then?” I said.

“That’s strange. I’ll unblock her.”

“Give Daisy a call. It won’t hurt to check on her.”

He gave a reluctant nod. “I don’t know why she came to see me last night.”

“She’s concerned for you.”


I glanced over at Morgan. “How well do you know Morgan? I mean, really know her?”

“I’m living with her.”

“It’s all happening very fast, Nick.”

“Max, you don’t live here. You can’t fly in and start bossing us all around.”

“I’m just looking out for you.”

He sighed. “What was Daisy’s message?”

“She wished you a happy birthday.” I rubbed my brow, wondering how much I should say. “And best of luck for getting into Manchester United.”

“She needs to move on.”

“You’re ready for that? I mean, you were living together.”

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