Home > Hate (Her Monsters Book 2)(34)

Hate (Her Monsters Book 2)(34)
Author: K.A Knight

It’s fucking.

It’s claiming.

His cock is almost cold, and the sensation of that icy caress inside my molten heat causes me to cry out and clench around him again, wanting it. Wanting to feel that ice-cold touch everywhere.

“Bite me,” I beg, wrapping my legs higher around him, making him slip farther in until he’s bumping my cervix. That touch of pain, coupled with him dragging along my nerves has me climbing back up to another release, and I want to reach it with his fangs buried in me as he drains me dry.

“Jair, bite me!” I scream.

He growls, pushing my face down as he buried his fangs in me once more, the flash of pain melting to red-hot pleasure that tracks down my throat, to my chest, and then meets his ice-cold desire building in my belly, twining together. The heat and ice leaves me with nothing but a hole for him, keeping me locked in that sensation as it flows through me repeatedly until suddenly, it explodes in a firework of ice and lava, sweeping me away as something clicks into place.

A bond.

My eyes fly wide, he’s my mate!

His teeth leave my neck as he grunts, burying his face there as I feel his cum fill me, his hips stopping. Panting, we lie there, wrapped in each other’s arms with blood dripping from my neck, cum from my pussy, and a smile curving my lips.

Leaning up on his arms, he stares down at me with a smile as he pushes my sweaty hair away from my neck and gently cups my cheek. His touch is so opposite to how he just fucked me.

“Well, I didn’t expect that,” he remarks, and I swallow, my throat dry.

“Me neither,” I reply, my voice hoarse. I feel a bit weak from the blood loss and my thighs are shaking still, but it was worth it. “We are mates,” I mutter, as much for me as him.

“I felt it, I felt you click into place. That part of me that had always been missing, like when air comes back into the room or when you feed and it just feels right. Your edges match mine perfectly, sealing me, rebuilding me to make me whole again. I have been waiting all my life for this, for you. My heart once belonged to another. It’s damaged and used, but it’s yours, as is my soul. They always belonged to you.”

“And it will always be theirs as well. Your daughter and wife. I will never replace them. It’s not a competition, you can still love them and me. I’ll share that space with them, I want to see them in your memories, see how they made you into the man I met here.”

“Dawn.” His eyes mist and he sighs, resting his head against mine. “That was a lifetime ago. Sometimes I feel like it happened to someone else, but thank you.”

His eyes go to the blood, which is dripping slowly from my neck, and he winces. “Sorry, let me heal that.”

I stop him with a hand on his face. “Wait, will it scar?”

“It will if I don’t heal it,” he answers, confused.

“Then leave it, I’ll wear it proudly.”

I feel his cock jerk inside me, making us both groan as he gets hard again. Digging my feet into his ass, I start to rock against him and he meets my movements with shallow, slow thrusts. Our eyes remain locked in shared pain and need.

Both of us have suffered, both of us have died and were reborn into something else…

Both of us found each other in the dark.

“I will always find you,” he whispers.

The fucking turns into something else, something softer. Emerging from all that need, anger, and blood lust is something beautiful and strong.




With nothing else to do, we sit and talk. He wraps me in his arms and tells me stories of all the places he’s seen and people he’s met over the years. He builds me kingdoms and palaces from words, winding the tales around me until I feel like I’m there.

Each one of my mates offers me something different, a strength, a weakness, a chance to be better. To build and grow. And each time I’m in their arms, it feels perfect, special. It doesn’t feel the same or get old, it always feels right. And if Griffin or Nos or Dume or Aska walked in right now, I would be just as excited to see them.

I know this won’t be uneventful forever, there will be jealousy and fights, but we can handle it. We can handle anything together. In a way, being locked up down here with nothing but my thoughts to occupy me has given me a chance to really look inside myself.

With no ex to hunt, I’ve stopped for a time, taking a break, and it makes me realise just how much I’ve grown to care for all of them—even Jair, whom I just met. They all have a piece of me. It’s a dark and damaged piece, but it’s me. I know we have enemies on all sides and life will never be easy. We are going to have to fight each and every day, but when the aftermath comes in such a sexy, depraved package like my mates, can I really complain?

Besides, wasn’t that what I was doing as a human? Only back then I had no one to fight by my side, to watch my back, to care if I lived or died.

Now I have five creatures who care. Who will always be there, who will never hurt me—unless I want them to—who will never abandon me, or deem me not good enough.

It’s mating, it’s forever, and I’m beginning to see just how amazing that is. The rage I once felt melts to something softer, brighter almost, with shades of grey thrown in.

Being good isn’t the best thing a person can be, and it depends on whom you surround yourself with. If you live in the light, but you live alone, is living and loving in the dark really such a wrong thing?

I don’t think so.

We hear it then, the booted feet heading our way, and it pops our bubble of happiness. Sighing, I look up at Jair. “Time to play again. Next time I see you, we are putting the plan into place. It’s time to show them exactly what kind of monsters they have kept locked up.”

He grins with an evil look in his eyes, and I know I have the same one. Monsters recognise one another, after all. “Until then, my rising moon, make them hurt.” He kisses me soundly before helping me to my feet. Stepping back, he pretends to be chained as I wait in front of the door, hoping they won’t look too closely at him.

The door swings outward and five guards stand there sneering at me. “Well, hello again,” I purr. “I’m afraid we got a little bored and decided to have some fun, hope that’s okay?”

“Grab her, Amos wants to talk to her,” one orders.

“Oooh, Assmos? Why didn’t you say so, let’s go.” Winking back at Jair, I push through the guards, whistling as I start to saunter away, feeling them gape after me.

I hear the cell door slam shut then they soon catch up with me. One grabs my arm, but after Jair’s loving touch, I find myself hating their hands on me, so doing as Jair prompted, I rip out his throat with my nails.

Stepping over the body, I carry on walking. “Don’t touch me.”

They yell and get mad, but don’t try to guide me again. Instead, two walk behind and two stride in front as my hand steadily drips blood behind me like a Hansel and Gretel trail.

Let’s see what the great and powerful Assmos wants now. I hope he has cake this time. I’m famished after all the fucking and blood drinking. I wonder if I told him that I wouldn’t kill any more guards if he would get me some?

See? I can be a good prisoner, assface, now cake please?

I doubt it, might be worth a try though.

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