Home > Hate (Her Monsters Book 2)(56)

Hate (Her Monsters Book 2)(56)
Author: K.A Knight

Being dominated.

Whimpering, I push back into Dume’s thrusts, loving it. That last edge of always being in control, of always being looked to, falls away. With them I’m nothing more than their mate. There are no expectations. I lose myself in them, in their hands and cocks, just feeling each glide of Jair’s cock into my mouth as it matches Dume’s punishing thrusts. Their rough hands add the edge of pain I love, the blood and scent of sex filling the air until I’m drunk on it.

Dume’s cock drags along those nerves inside me that have me lighting up, screaming around Jair’s cock as his blood and my saliva drip down my chin. I feel that same power rise again, and with nothing else to focus on, I watch it swirl inside me before moving to Jair and then back to me and then Dume. Again and again, it washes through us. They feel it. I see it on Jair’s face, feel it in the clenching of Dume’s hands. In his fast, hard thrusts which are picking up speed. As it gets stronger, we draw closer to our releases. It builds in us, dragging us nearer, nearer, nearer until, with screams, we all explode.

Power and cum.

It surges from us, splintering out like a shockwave. My eyes are locked closed, my body jerking and draining of both power and energy until, finally, it’s over. My mouth is filled with Jair’s cum and I swallow it as I feel Dume’s cock filling my pussy. They both pull away and we collapse.

Holy fuck.



We all felt the pulse of magic from our union. It flowed between us, dragged from body to body, speeding up until it burst from us with a scream of release. It blasted outwards into the dungeon, and I felt magic bindings snap, chains break, and nets and spells shatter in the wake of our magic.

Her magic.

I look down at Dawn, my draya, curled up between me and her vampire. She seems so small, her pale skin dotted with bruises, but there is a giant smile on her face as she wiggles closer to both of us. Popping myself up on my arm, I stare down at her before glancing up to see Jair is doing the same. His eyes run across her face lovingly, a sheen of tears in them as he watches the woman who saved him.

I know the feeling. Like your heart might explode. Even broken, damaged, blackened, and hurt, she put it back together with her own blood and pain and made it beat again. For her. That’s what she does for us, she brings us back to life, gives us a purpose, a reason to live.

All in one small, beautiful, dangerous package.

He meets my eyes, not ashamed by his tears, and in those depths I see a promise. To always protect her, to always be with her. I know because it is in my own. Nothing could make me leave her. When the rest of the world does, even if her other mates do, I never will.

I am hers forever.

I will follow whatever path she takes, fraught with danger and enemies. Even if it leads me to chains again, even if it leads to my death, I would follow. He nods, promising the same, and we have a moment of understanding. It is hard watching another touch and love the woman who is supposed to be mine, but when they love her, when they want nothing but to protect her and be close to her like me, an understanding forms. I only hope the other mates are as accepting.

Because Jair and I aren’t going anywhere.

She sighs and we both jerk our heads down to check that she is okay. We are so in sync, waiting, watching, offering whatever she needs, but it’s happiness on her face as she presses her palm to my chest and grabs Jair’s hand and drags it across her waist, holding us both close like she can’t bear to be without us.

Our draya, offering and taking. Others might see her as a monster, a feat of evil, but I know the truth. Dawn is an act of God, a true saviour. Come to collect the monsters of this world and save them, to right the wrongs of man.

To some she is a monster, but to us, her mates, she is perfect.

And we will be here to help.

My hooves and horns are hers, and when we get free of this prison, I will kill those who dare to hurt my mate, who dare to make her question herself.

“Likom, Draya,” I whisper, leaning down and kissing her head.

I love you, I repeat mentally. She lifts her head, her eyes wide with understanding.

I love you too, my bull.

The whisper floats into my mind, wrapping around it with such love, such obsession and need, that I gasp. My little mate, how does she hold such emotions in such a tiny body?

That makes her giggle and Jair smiles at that as he brushes some hair from her neck and drops a kiss there, making her shiver. I inhale deeply as the musk of her arousal fills the air. Jair’s eyes flash red, his fangs descending as smoke curls from my nose, called forth by my mate’s need.

My cock hardens, prodding her stomach, and her eyes start to bleed to black again as her breathing picks up, but just then the door is wrenched open. I leap to my feet, dragging her closer as Jair turns, his fangs out as he snarls at the intruder.




“Griffin?” I exclaim. I’ve never seen him like this. His eyes are lost, his body wet and naked, and he looks wild and...scared.

I look to my men. “Leave,” I order. I don’t have time for niceties, he needs me, I feel it. They nod and get to their feet, but Dume doesn’t even tease Griffin. When they go to pass him, he cringes away from them and slides into the room, slamming the door behind him and pressing his head to the metal, muttering to himself under his breath.

Getting to my feet, I step over to him and rest a hand on his back. “Griff—”

He spins, his eyes leaking black. “Dawn,” he whispers raggedly. “Help me.”

“What-what happened? What can I do?” I almost scream, searching his eyes, knowing something is really wrong. This isn’t like my usual teasing or even angry fallen, something is very wrong.

I reach for his mind and see flashes of skin, of a hand before he jerks away, his eyes filling with tears. “Help me,” he repeats, and in those words I hear a plea. He’s asking for something, something he doesn’t even know how to do.

I open my arms and he rushes into them. I fall to my knees, wrapping myself around him. “Shush, it’s okay, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here,” I chant, holding him close.

His hands convulse on my back as he drags me closer, his head burrowing into my shoulder as a sob racks his body.

I hold him, anger burning in my gut. Whoever did this, whoever hurt him, will die.

I hold him as he cries, as he breaks in my arms. I can feel his mind shying away, he wants to speak, to tell me, but he can’t. He feels guilty, wrong, like he shouldn’t be reacting like this. Gripping his head, I pull it away until I can stare into those red-rimmed, tear-filled eyes. “Baby, tell me, I’ll fix it.”

“You can’t,” he croaks.

“Griff, please, what’s wrong?” I beg, gripping his cheeks. He shivers, his eyes closing for a moment in such immense pain and...guilt?

“I can’t—”

“Can you show me?” I suggest and he cringes, staring into my eyes. “Show me, baby, let me in.”

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks as his mind opens to me. I dive in, reliving what happened. As I watch, I feel what he felt. The confusion, the horror, the guilt, the utter hopelessness. He feels like he shouldn’t care, that he shouldn’t be upset. God, my poor boy.

I push away my anger and need to hunt the fucker down—I can do that later. Right now my mate needs me. “Griff,” I murmur, and he opens his eyes, beyond hurt, expecting me to invalidate his feelings. “What happened was wrong. You hear me? It was wrong. He should have never touched you. Do not blame yourself or try to explain it away. It was wrong.”

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