Home > See No Evil(66)

See No Evil(66)
Author: Ivy Fox

 Fuck, but this dress really is something.

 The dark-red silk perfectly hugs all of her curves like a second skin, the backless cut giving a little hint on the sides of the swell of her breasts. Her hair is up to showcase her long neck, just begging for my hands to clasp around it. The whole ensemble could quickly be on the tile floor with just a tug of the bow at the back of her neck. I’m positive I won’t be able to think of doing anything else for the whole night.

 “We’ve fucked in worse places, Stone,” I tease, licking my lips as my eyes continue to travel up and down her body.

 “That was different,” she bites back, unamused.


 “Because,” she mumbles out in exasperation, walking backward as I keep my predatory gaze on her.

 “Because why?”

 She squints her eyes at me, her anger starting to shine, and her little fist getting ready to do some damage.


 Abort! Abort!

 This is not how I wanted to start this night out.

 “Stone, I’m kidding. I’m not going to fuck you the minute you waltz through my front door. I do have some restraint, you know? This dress really isn’t making it easy on me, but I’m not a total caveman. I brought you here because I wanted to talk to you in private before everyone else wants a piece of you. That’s all.”

 She bows her head toward the floor, which hurts my heart just by looking at her.

 “Hey. I swear, I just wanted to talk,” I vow, caressing her cheek with my hand.

 “Then talk,” she quips back, still pissed and not entirely convinced of my motives.

 “Okay, maybe not talk, but more like I wanted to give you something,” I stutter, my nerves starting to make an appearance.

 “If the next words out of your mouth are about your cock, I swear to Almighty God I’ll bite the thing off.” She snarls, and I can’t help but chuckle as the jitters of my initial intention evaporate completely.

 “No, you wouldn’t. You need it just as much as I do. But rest assured, this isn’t dick-related.”

 “Hmm,” she mumbles suspiciously with her defined eyebrow still up in the air.

 I swallow dryly, pulling out a velvet box from inside my tuxedo pocket and placing it in her palms.

 “What’s this?” she asks, looking at the small box in her hands as if it were a foreign object to her.

 “Open it and find out.”

 Stone hesitates for a moment but then gives in to her curiosity. When she opens the lid and sees the two diamond-studded earrings inside, all she can do is stare with her mouth agape.

 While she and Kennedy went on their little shopping spree yesterday afternoon, I went on one of my own. The minute I saw them at the jewelers, I knew they could only belong to my girl. Just like Stone, they are beautifully breathtaking in their loud savagery and compact size.

 “Finn,” she begins to hush.

 “Do you like them?”

 “Of course, I do. They’re magnificent. But I can’t accept this,” she laments, placing the box on the vanity sink. “I already accepted the dress you bought me, so I can’t accept this. It’s just too much.”

 I bridge the gap between us and raise her chin with my knuckles.

 “No, it’s not. Nothing is too much for you. These are just rocks that turned into something beautiful under extreme pressure, just like you. You thrive, even when the world is set against you. I think they suit you perfectly. Do this for me, please. Keep them. You don’t have to wear them if you don’t want to, but I would really love it if you did.”

 “Why?” she probes, her brows pinched together in both suspicion and curiosity.

 “Because I want to know that every time you look in the mirror, you’ll see a little bit of me there too,” I admit shyly, feeling my face warm at the confession.

 “I see you just fine, Finn. I see you even when my eyes are closed,” she admits softly, grasping the hand under her chin and placing a tender kiss onto my open palm.

 “You do?” I stutter, my foolish heart doing laps all around my chest.

 “Yes, you fool. I do.” She laughs. “I’ll wear them tonight if it’s so important to you.”

 “The only thing important to me is you.”

 A small blush colors her cheeks, and it takes everything in me not to grab her and kiss her how I want. Stone grabs the velvet box again and places it in my hands.

 “Put them on me, will you? You look like you need the distraction,” she jokes, tilting her head down at my swollen cock.

 I shift the fucker to the side, to which he only complains. He wants to play while there are over five hundred guests prowling just on the other side of this door. My mind might tell me that a quickie right now is not very prudent, but my cock is not on the same page.

 I carefully take the earrings out of the box and place one in each of her lobes. Thankfully, tonight Stone decided to have them free of all the usual hardware. Even the piercing on her brow is a no show.

 A sudden frown crests its way onto my lips, and sensing my discomfort, she questions, “What’s wrong?”

 “You know you don’t have to change a thing for me, right? I’d never ask you to do that.”

 “Jesus, quarterback, what’s going on inside that chaotic mind of yours now?” She chuckles, pretending to knock on the side of my head.

 “You look beautiful tonight, Stone. You do, but I don’t want you to think that this version of you is what I want. The real Stone Bennett is just perfect the way she is.”

 She rolls her eyes and turns around to look at herself in the mirror, the sparkle in her emeralds even more breathtaking than the diamonds on her ears.

 “It’s just a dress, pretty boy. I am the same girl, regardless of what I’m wearing. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

 “Always the brat,” I joke, feeling myself relax.

 I stand behind her and hold my arms around her waist, admiring the reflection in the mirror while she appreciates her gift. As I look at both of us, one thing is very clear to me—we are nothing but two opposites of the same coin. As unlikely a pair as we might be, somehow, we still fit perfectly.

 I lean in closer to plant a kiss on her neck, the scent of her perfume wreaking havoc on my senses. The minute my lips touch her skin, goosebumps runs all throughout her shoulders. With one hand placed softly on her stomach and the other slowly grabbing one ass cheek, my swollen cock begins to make its presence known, acknowledging the cruelty for tempting his strained composure.

 “I know that look, pretty boy. Don’t you fucking dare,” Stone threatens at my reflection, the very one who can’t take its eyes off her.

 “I’m not going to fuck you,” I rasp, rubbing my hard length through the small crack of her butt cheeks.

 “I hear the words, but your body is telling me something entirely different,” she whispers, and the damn Southie bends slightly over the sink, pressing her ass harder on my dick, just to aggravate me further.

 “Judging by your body’s reaction, I can’t say yours isn’t having a similar conversation with mine.”

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