Home > The Summer of Us (Mission Cove #1)(6)

The Summer of Us (Mission Cove #1)(6)
Author: Melanie Moreland

On the way back to camp, we stopped at another small town, and I bought two pay-as-you-go cell phones. I couldn’t do that where I lived—there was no place to get them. Now we each had a phone, and once I got home, even if I got my other one back, Sunny and I could stay in touch and my father would never know. The money Gerry was giving me each week would cover the cost for a long time.

The best times were the evenings. Once the kids were in bed and the camp was quiet. Often we walked along the water’s edge or sat, hidden in Sunny’s favorite spot. Two large weeping willows soared above the other trees, standing about twenty feet apart and set way back from the water, almost on their own as if they’d been planned. When the breeze blew hard enough, their branches lifted and touched, and Sunny insisted they were soul mates reaching for each other. I teased her about her romantic notion, but secretly I liked it. I carved my name and date into the base of one tree, and hers into the other. She cried when I told her our souls would now touch for eternity too.

She also let me touch her tits even longer that night, so it was a win-win situation for me.

But most nights, Sunny found her way into my room, and we spent the time talking and exploring each other.

I was addicted to her. The taste of her mouth. The feel of her skin. I couldn’t get enough of her.

Like now.

She moaned as I slid my hands under her shirt, cupping her tits. They fascinated me. I ran my thumb over her nipple, feeling the bud harden under my touch.

“Please,” I begged, tugging on her shirt. Every time we were alone, we went a little further. Pushed our boundaries. Tonight, I wanted to see her.

She sat up, gathered her bravado, and pulled her T-shirt over her head. She looked down, her plain cotton bra white against the golden color of her skin from the sun. For a moment, she looked sad, and I cupped her cheek.


“I wish this was prettier,” she whispered, touching the strap on her shoulder.

I shook my head. “I don’t need that prettier. You’re the prettiest thing in the world. Nothing can compete.”

She gazed up at me. “You’re so perfect.”

I snorted. “I’m hardly perfect. Ask my father.”

“No,” she insisted, rising up on her knees. “You are to me. You’re my world, Linc. I trust you more than anyone.”

“Show me.”

She reached behind herself, unclasping her bra. It slipped from her shoulders, fully exposing her to me. I stared in awe at her tits. Full, round, with tempting pink nipples that taunted me. My hand was shaking as I reached out, tracing one finger around her areola, then stroked her nipple with my thumb. When she moaned and arched her back, I bent forward and took her nipple in my mouth. She gasped, burying her fingers in my hair as I sucked and kissed, groaning at the taste and feel of her. Sunshine, summer heat, and my girl.

In seconds, she was under me on my narrow bed. I licked and sucked, held her full tits in my hands, squeezed and stroked. Even having starred in every disgusting, teenage hormonal fantasy I ever had, they were better than I imagined. Sunny moaned softly, arched, and breathed my name. She tugged on my T-shirt, and without asking, I sat up and tore it off, flinging it somewhere behind me.

She traced my torso, her fingers lingering on my abs. “You’re so cut,” she murmured. “So sexy.”

I looked down, liking how her hand looked against the darker skin on my body. All the manual labor I was doing was making me strong. Fit. In better shape than the gym ever did for me. I wondered at times when I saw myself if I would be able to fight back now. If my father would realize his fists no longer had the power they once did.

If I could break the cycle.

If he didn’t have the ability to physically hurt, I could claim my life as my own. I could live with his nasty words, since I didn’t care about his opinion.

Buoyed by the thoughts, I kissed Sunny. “I have other hard things, too.”

She hummed, running her hand over the bulge in my shorts. “Can I see too?”

I swallowed. “God, yes.”

I lay down, lifting my hips and yanking down my shorts. My cock sprang free, hard and already leaking precome. She traced one finger down my length, making me shiver.

“I’ve never seen one before yours,” she admitted.

A flash of possessiveness went through me. “Mine is the only one you’ll ever see.”

She grinned, a tiny dimple showing beside her eye. “Is that so? I guess I had better get acquainted with him.”

Then she took me in her mouth.



I was on a high the next day, my smile never leaving my face. I’d had my first blow job. I thought it was amazing—the feel of Sunny’s mouth and hands on me. The way her lips wrapped around my dick was a sight I would never forget. I came far too fast, but she assured me it meant she did a good job. I planned on making it last longer next time. It felt too good to let go that quick, but she’d shocked me, and the sensations were overwhelming. She let me use my fingers to make her come afterward, but I was determined to reciprocate as soon as I could. The horn announcing all counselors had to be in their bunks for bed check had put a stop to our experimenting.

I lifted some bales of hay around the fire pit, shifting and arranging them for tonight’s cookout and songfest. The kids loved it, and I had to admit that although I was too old to be part of a sing-along, I did hum a little under my breath.

“Hey, kid.”

I turned to see Gerry approaching. “Hey,” I replied.

“I need to send you to Dalewood.”

I brushed off my hands. Dalewood was a large town about ten miles away from the camp in the other direction. “Okay.”

“The delivery truck broke down, so the missus needs her orders picked up.” He clapped me on the shoulder. “You can take the camp van and someone to help you.”

“I’m good.”

He grinned. “I thought a pretty strawberry-blond girl in the kitchen might enjoy a drive and lunch out.”

Just like that, my day got even better.

“Yeah, maybe I could do with some help.”

He smirked. “Thought so. Sam will finish this. You shower and head to the kitchen. Cindy will give you all the instructions.”


I hurried back to the office and jumped in the shower, then headed to the kitchen, my hair still wet. It was bustling as always, but Sunny was with Cindy, who was handing her a list. Cindy’s eyes crinkled as she looked at me.

“There’s my boy.” She smiled, handing me the keys. “Sunny has a list. There are four stops. The most important one is the butcher. Save it until last. He’ll pack it in the coolers Gerry put in the back since our van isn’t refrigerated. Everything else is ordered and waiting for you.”


“Drive safe, and I need you back by four.”

I glanced at the clock. It was close to ten. “We’ll be back in plenty of time.”

“Walton’s Grill has great burgers. Have lunch before you come back. Look around. It’s a pretty little town.” She paused with a wink. “Great place to get lost in.”

I couldn’t help stepping forward and pressing a kiss to her plump cheek. She treated me the way Sunny’s mom did—with affection and love. She did the same to everyone at the camp, but for me, it meant more.

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