Home > Heiress for Hire (Duke's Heiress #1)(51)

Heiress for Hire (Duke's Heiress #1)(51)
Author: Madeline Hunter

“He admitted his guilt to me, then asked me to. Begged me to. I refused. I gave him my pistol, however, and stood aside, outside the cell while he used it. Then I took the pistol, so he would not in fact be a suicide.” He only got it out by speaking without pause, by forcing down the emotions of that dank donjon of a gaol and the friendship that led him to such a choice. “No one could prove a thing, but they guessed. Few thought the less of me for it. ‘I would have done the same,’ one senior officer confided, even though I had admitted nothing. When asked if I killed him, I said I had not.”

“You hadn’t.”

“Not officially. But in a way I had.”

“Is that why you left the army?”

He smiled into the dark, ruefully. “You are good at inquiries, aren’t you? It was recommended that I sell out my commission. It was the kind of story that follows a man throughout his career. As for now, and the rumors even in my own family—there is no good way to explain it, is there?”

She kissed his chest, gently. “There is no blame for you in this sad story. I hope you don’t tell yourself there is.”

“If I were not so trusting of my knowledge of him, I would have known sooner. I might have had better choices then.”

“Such as telling him to run?”

He stroked her crown. She stretched up and kissed him. “So now you only trust evidence and proof that you can list on paper, because when it mattered your deeper knowledge of a man got it all wrong. Yet, I think you did know back then. Your heart and your loyalty and your youth would not accept it, but deep inside you, even before the evidence and proof, I think you knew.”

The argument that rose in his head died on his lips. She sighed deeply, and began to doze off. He held her, glad she had not reached for her garments instead of falling asleep in his arms.

Sleep crept up on him as well. Thoughts and fragments of memories floated in what remained of his consciousness. Bits of Dolores’s story, and of conversations with Kevin and Minerva, and of events from that old inquiry. Oblivion pulled at him, making him drift down. With his last awareness he felt her body against his, and his hand and arm around her nakedness.

Yes, damn it. I knew.



Chapter Nineteen

“I have been thinking. You said in passing that you could use someone like Jeremy at times. If you meant that, you have my permission to offer him a situation, as long as I don’t lose his services.”

They were in a carriage, riding to her home in the gray light of dawn. Not that anyone at her house would be unaware she had been gone all night. Still, she thought it best to maintain the normal standards of deception.

“In other words, if you have no use for him, I can make use of him.”

“If he agrees. He might like earning some coin. I think he grows restless when I don’t keep him busy.”

“I will see what his thoughts are on it, and if his view of his value is as high as yours. I hope not. Will you loan me Miss Turner too?”

“She is still a little green, but holds much potential. In a few months, perhaps.”

He went back to kissing her, which her comment about Jeremy had interrupted. He didn’t stop when they arrived at her house until she gave him a gentle push.

“He will be awake by now, if you want to speak to him,” she said. “He has lived in the little carriage house in back the last two years.”

“At his age I expect he was getting underfoot here with you two ladies.”

“It was all his idea to move out there. Beth was too aware of his movements when he lived in the house.” There had been some rows about that, with Jeremy letting his mother know that it was time for her to mind her own affairs. At first the house seemed empty without him, and less safe, but he was close by in that carriage house, and by nature watchful.

“What will you do today?” he asked, dallying at the door, his hand resting on her arm as if he did not want to stop touching her.

“First, I will sleep.”

He smiled wickedly at the meaningful look she gave him. Among the other things she had learned in that bed to her amazement was that people on occasion did that more than once in a night. The pleasure had been quieter the second time, even languid, but no less moving. After his revelations, their closeness seemed even deeper, as if they had absorbed parts of each other.

“Then I will start on my new inquiry.”

“An interesting one?”

“I am to find a relative who has gone missing. There was an estrangement, and now one party wants a reconciliation, but has no idea where to find the relative in question. I think I will start with advertisements.”

She worked the latch and opened the door. “I would love to stand out here with you and kiss and embrace and shock the neighbors, but I do have to send you home.”

A charming smile. An elaborate bow. He turned away and she shut the door. She went up to her chamber, hoping Beth would pepper her with questions and force her into confidences. If she did not tell someone about last night, she would burst.

* * *

Chase untethered his horse and sent the carriage on its way. He definitely would have to purchase one, and arrange for the services of a coachman and groom.

He tied the horse to a post, then strolled to the side garden portal. If Jeremy was awake and about, he might as well see if Jeremy had the same view of being shared as Minerva had of it.

The narrow house had a narrow garden with old walls separating it from the neighbors’ property. The carriage house way in back looked to have a new roof, but Chase doubted a carriage had lived there in many years.

He walked around to the front and rapped on the door.

“In here,” Jeremy called.

Chase entered. It was a small place, but had been made comfortable. A wooden floor made it into a house if anything did. The gates for the carriage were firmly locked and bolted, becoming a wall. Simple furniture, probably borrowed from the main house, created a little sitting room.

Another door gave off from this one, and he walked to it. On its threshold he saw that it was the bedchamber. Inside Jeremy washed, stripped to the waist, his youthful body bent over the basin while he rinsed his face. He heard Chase, and glanced over. Smiling, he stood and faced the door while he pulled on a shirt. Then he opened the door fully and came out. “I thought it was my mum. I didn’t expect callers. I don’t have any.”

Chase looked around the chamber. “You have made a pleasant home for yourself here.”

“I like it. Mum doesn’t.” He smiled again. “‘We’ll be killed by intruders and you’ll be none the wiser out here,’ she said. As if any intruder would stand a chance with those two, as you learned to your pain. Also, they can shoot better than I can.”

“Is that who taught Miss Hepplewhite? Your mother?”

“It was. Mum was a farmer’s daughter. Tenant on some estate somewhere. But she married an army fellow. Not like you. Just a soldier. He got killed in the war early on, and she went into service to be able to keep me.” He pulled on his coat. “Come and sit down. If you are here, there is a reason I expect.”

Chase and he returned to the sitting room. Jeremy built up the fire a bit and soon the flames broke through the night chill still hanging in the house.

“I would offer you something, but I take meals at the house and there’s not even coffee here.”

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