Home > IN WALKED SIN (The Touch Series #5)(21)

IN WALKED SIN (The Touch Series #5)(21)
Author: Stoni Alexander

Talking with her dad was easy. He never asked a lot of questions, never pushed for answers. They were comfortable watching football or going to see the Washington Capitals play. Most of the time, they just hung out. Occasionally, she’d discuss work because he was a good judge of people and situations.

“You know who Sinclair Develin is?” she asked once she’d loaded the dishwasher.

“Sure, everyone in D.C. does. Why?”

“He’s helping me clear my name.”

“So, you’ll need that grand, plus about a hundred and forty-nine thousand more if you hired him to help you.”

Evangeline whipped around. “I had no idea.”

“Oh, sure. He’s The Fixer—the one everyone goes to when they have a problem that’ll tank their career. You need me to loan you some money?”

She closed the dishwasher door and hopped up on the counter. “He’s not charging me.”

Her dad rubbed his whiskered chin. “Why not?”

Evangeline couldn’t help but crack a smile. She and her dad were so alike. “He got in the way of one of my cases and wants to make it up to me.”

“I like Sinclair. He’s a straight shooter. You know, some say he’s got quite a reputation with the ladies.”

Thinking about him with someone else made her chest tighten. “What does that have to do with me?”

“I’m just looking out for you. You are my baby.”

She kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Dad, but I’ve got this. Anyway, I’m headed out of town to track down the woman in the video.”

“With The Fixer?”

Her pulse quickened. “Yeah, with The Fixer.”

“I’d tell you to behave, but you’re a little too old for one of my dad lectures.”

“There’s nothing you could say that you haven’t already told me a zillion times. ‘Don’t get into a stranger’s car, don’t have sex with a stranger, especially at his place, always use a condom, make sure a man asks first’.” She smiled at her dad. “You want me to keep going?”

“How ‘bout this?” He pushed out of his chair. “When you turn fifty, I’ll stop worrying about you.”

She barked out a laugh. “I don’t think you’ll ever stop worrying about me.”

“Probably not.”

“I’ve got this, I promise.” After hugging him goodbye, she shrugged into her coat and headed outside.

No way do I have this. How could I? I’m headed to a kink club with my former kink partner. I’m so far from having this, I wouldn’t know where to begin.



Sin dropped the Ping-Pong paddle on the table and high-fived his younger sister. “Desiree and I retain our long-standing title as Christmas champs.”

Desiree threw her arms up in victory. “We are still the team to beat.” She eyed Hudson across the table. “Wanna play a singles game with me?”

“Sure,” Hudson said before turning to Maverick. “We always say we’ll practice, but we never find time. This is like the fifth year in a row they’ve beaten us.”

“Don’t tell Sin, but I let them win,” Maverick replied. “His delicate ego bruises too easily if I don’t.”

Sin laughed as he and Maverick headed back upstairs. “You’re an idiot, you know that?”

Their Ping-Pong battles had been a Christmas tradition ever since middle school, when Sin was adopted by the Hott family. The day Warren Hott brought him into his home had been life changing, and Sin adored this family with everything he had.

They found Carly sitting at the kitchen table talking with her father-in-law, Warren Hott. Maverick kissed his wife’s cheek. “What did we miss?”

“Shop talk.”

Maverick and Carly’s puppy lifted his head from the kitchen floor, then flopped back down.

“Either we’ve completely exhausted him or he’s guarding the leftovers, hoping we’ll continue feeding him,” Maverick said.

Warren started cleaning up while Carly stacked dishes. “Why don’t you three head into the sunroom? I’ll call you if I need help.”

“Are you sure?” Carly asked.

Warren smiled. “Go on. I’m fine.”

Carly topped off their wine glasses, and the three of them moseyed into the sunroom. Though darkness surrounded them, the lit Christmas tree brightened the room.

Maverick and Carly sat beside each other on the sofa while Sin stood at the wall of windows staring into the night.

“I’m working with Evangeline Worthington,” Sin said.

“I can’t believe she got thrown into the middle of that scandal,” Carly said. “I’m glad you’re helping her out.”

“We used to play together at The Dungeon,” Sin confessed.

“So, you two have history,” Maverick said. “You’ve never mixed business with kink.”

“No, I haven’t.” Sin faced them. “We’re flying to Miami tomorrow to check out a club for clues.”

“Now, we’re talking,” Maverick said. “Staying at the condo?”


Maverick furrowed his brow. “Wait a minute. If you know her, why did you ask about her at the wedding?”

“Back then, she told me her name was Evan and that she was single. Nothing beyond that.” For reasons he couldn’t explain, he’d thought about her all day. Was she having a good holiday? Was she dividing her day between her parents? Had she thought of him? The questions kept coming, but he had no answers. “Excuse me a second.” Lifting his phone from his pocket, he texted her.

“Merry Christmas.”

A few seconds passed. Dots appeared and he waited in anticipation. “Bah humbug,” she replied with a wink emoji. “Was Santa good to you?”

“Meet me for a drink and I’ll tell you in person.”

“It’s Christmas, dummy. Nothing’s open.”

“You’re smiling,” Carly said, popping him out of his thoughts. “Invite her over. We’re a motley group of misfits.”

Maverick kissed his wife as Whiskey trotted into the room, his tail wagging. “Ah, his majesty is awake and ready for some attention.” Maverick sat on the floor to rub the pup’s tummy.

Sin studied them. “Things the same or different since you got hitched?”

“Different,” Carly said.

“Better,” Maverick added. “Much better. The perks are a-mazing.”

Carly laughed. “Goes both ways.”

“I love being married,” Maverick said. “Smartest thing I ever did, but that’s because Carly’s my person. It’s all about finding the person you can’t live without.”

Sin turned back to his phone. “Meet me at Uninhibited. Drinks are on me.”

No dots appeared and Sin’s heart dipped.

Then, dots. “I’m not sure that’s such a smart idea…being your client and all,” Evangeline replied.

“We’ll strategize next steps and make travel plans.”

She texted him a thumbs up emoji and his lips curved. He couldn’t wait to see her.

Maverick pushed off the floor. “Who wants to go for a walk?”

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