Home > IN WALKED SIN (The Touch Series #5)(39)

IN WALKED SIN (The Touch Series #5)(39)
Author: Stoni Alexander

“Like what you see?”

“Meh,” she replied with a gleam in her eyes. “Do you think you’re concussed?”


“We should have you checked.”

“I’m fine.” He stepped into the doorless shower.

As the hot water blasted him, he inhaled slow, deep breaths. Crashing into the water had shaken him. To steady himself, he placed his palm on the cold marble, lowered his head, and let the water tumble down his neck and back. And he tried letting the anger spiral down the drain, but it clung to him like a second skin.

The fury he carried around with him had been reenergized, ignited by his strong desire for revenge. Anger was a powerful weapon. For most of his life, it had been his first line of defense.

How can I hunt down Uncle Charlie if I don’t know even who the fuck he is?

After a few quiet minutes, she asked, “Feel any better?”

He opened his eyes and raked his fingers through his hair. So much beauty and strength stared back. She had risked her own life to save his. And she had been fearless. Absolutely fearless.

“Yeah.” When he stepped out, she wrapped a soft cotton towel around his waist. With a second towel, she patted his face dry, then his chest and back. Her tender touch soothed his tormented soul.

In the middle of this shit storm, she’d become his beacon, guiding him toward calmer waters. Unable to resist, he pulled her close, dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I love your touch, the way you take care of me.”

“Don’t read anything into this.” But the concern in her eyes defied her words. Per usual, her walls were up. “I did what anyone would have done in an emergency.”

“I’m grateful you were there.”

“Me, too.” The energy between them was palpable. Despite the danger he’d just faced, he wanted to love her in his bed and hold her close all night long.

He needed to push past her walls—maybe even drop his own—and show her how much he cared about her.

“I should go, so you can rest.”

Her raw words were as biting as the icy waters he’d been thrown into. “I’m making us hot toddies and you’re going to have one with me.”


“Evan, was that an accident or did someone try to kill me? You are the perfect person to help me figure that out.”

“Well, when you put it like that…” Her beautiful smile was like the sun bursting through the clouds on a dreary day. “I’ll take that drink.”

She glanced around his bedroom while he threw on cotton pants and a T-shirt. Having her in his home, and especially in his bedroom, felt damn good. Sinclair didn’t date. He bedded women who threw themselves at him. And not a single one ever got invited into his home. Bringing them there would send mixed messages. He wasn’t about to get pinned down. He didn’t want a commitment. He wouldn’t allow himself to care.

But with Evan, he wanted her by his side, in his home, and in his bed.

They returned to his spacious kitchen, the one he rarely used. While waiting for water to boil, he got out the honey and lemon, then called a towing company to haul his bike to his mechanic.

He made their drinks, handed her one of the mugs. Her fingers trailed his before she took it.

Peering into his eyes, she asked, “How are you feeling?”

His head was pounding, his body sore, but he needed to push past it. “I’m okay.”

“I think we should get you checked out.”

He shook his head. “No.”

“You’re stubborn is what you are.” She sipped the drink. “Mmm, this is incredible.”

Heat streaked through him. He studied her for a few seconds, then cupped her cheek with his hand. “No, this is good booze. You’re incredible.” Unwilling to resist, he kissed her. Soft and tender at first, but when his tongue swept inside her mouth, she whimpered. Instead of deepening the kiss, he ended with several soft pecks. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

Her sweet smile slayed him.

He didn’t want to think about what had just happened, but he had to keep things real. After popping four ibuprofens, he said, “Let’s discuss the accident. C’mon, I’ll make a fire.” He had to touch her, so he placed his hand on the small of her back and ushered her into the family room.

“Wow, that’s…well, that’s incredible.” She was staring at his waterfall wall, custom built into the wall of stone.

He turned on the ambient lights behind the water, flipped off the recessed lighting and said, “Fireplace on.” The gas flames roared to life.

Rather than sit on the sofa, she sat on the floor.

As he eased down beside her, exhaustion set in. Keeping her in his sights, he sipped his hot toddy. She, too, had been through a tense situation. All he cared about was making her feel better.

“Are you okay?” he asked, caressing her back.

She regarded him, her gaze unwavering. “I wasn’t the one who got thrown fifty feet into the water.”

“But you had to haul me out.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “I had wanted you to ride with me to the Applegates’. Since I don’t have a second inflatable jacket, I didn’t ask you, but I’m confident you would have refused me even if I did.” That made her smile and his heart picked up speed. She’s so beautiful.

“You know me pretty well.”

“Not well enough,” he said, cupping her chin.

The air around them turned electric as their mouths met in an explosive kiss. She dug her fingers into his hair, her tongue crashing against his. He tightened his hold around her as she climbed on his lap, straddling him. The desire to sink inside her turned him rock hard.

When the kiss ended, she didn’t move off him. “This is becoming a habit with us. Why is it that I cannot control myself around you?”

They were nose to nose, their breathing synchronized, their gazes locked on each other. “We’re clothed. I’m not inside you. I’d say you’re exhibiting plenty of control.”

The light shining from her eyes dimmed. “My reputation is already in the toilet. I’m your client and…this is business.”

“I don’t give a fuck about that. But I don’t have any condoms.”


“I don’t invite women here.”

Her eyes widened. Then she shot him a sly smile. “So, my devious plan worked. A bike accident got me inside the castle.” Then, her smile waned. “That inflatable jacket came in handy.”

“Sure did. I’ve never wrecked my bike before.”

“Your record remains intact.” She sat beside him. “That was no accident.”

“Why do you say that?”

“We were being followed.”

He furrowed his brow, but said nothing.

“I noticed the truck as we were leaving the Applegates’. He was following me too closely and had his high beams on. I’m positive he swerved into you. Do you think it could be the same person who torched your club? What about Uncle Charlie?”

“If it is Uncle Charlie, he holds one helluva grudge.”

“We may have caught a break,” she continued. “The guy was driving an Easy Does It rental truck with Virginia plates. I wish I’d gotten the number, but everything happened so fast.”

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