Home > IN WALKED SIN (The Touch Series #5)(85)

IN WALKED SIN (The Touch Series #5)(85)
Author: Stoni Alexander

“We heard there’s a birthday girl here,” Carly said.

Evangeline hugged them both, then turned to Sin. “Looks like someone has been busy planning a little get together.”

“Not me,” he said with a straight face. “I fix things. I don’t plan them.”

“You are totally lying,” she said with a grin.

Later that morning, Colton and Brigit, Crockett and Alexandra, and Jagger and Taylor arrived. “We heard you had room in your new digs,” Alexandra said, hugging her.

“Happy birthday!” Brigit said before hugging her, too.

While Evangeline continued greeting her guests, Warren Hott arrived with Sin’s sister, Desiree, and their brother, Hudson. When Tucker showed up with Dakota and Sammy, Sammy hurried over.

“E-Leen, Uncle Lalla!” The little one grinned up at them.

Sin lifted up the small child with one arm and hugged his brother with the other. “Thanks for making the trip.”

“Are you kidding?” Dakota said. “Sammy and I wouldn’t miss this. I’m happy for you, bro.”

Moments later, Jacoby and his wife, Beverly, arrived, along with Sanchez and her girlfriend. Next came Erica and her boyfriend, and Anton and his husband. After Hannah, Trevon and baby Robert arrived, Evangeline pulled Sin aside. “Thank you, so much. No one has ever done anything like this for me before.”

An hour later, Evangeline’s mom and her boyfriend got there, followed by her dad. Big D arrived next and Jessica showed up twenty minutes after that.

“You collected everyone I love to celebrate a birthday I wouldn’t have even thought twice about.” Evangeline’s eyes misted and she kissed his cheek. “You are too good to me.”

He took her hand, drew her fingers to his mouth and dotted them with kisses. “Come outside with me for a minute,” he murmured. “We’ll be right back,” he called over his shoulder.

Once outside, they walked down to the water’s edge. “I have one more surprise for you.”

She laughed. “I’m not sure I can take any more.”

“Everyone we love is here. I know your actual birthday is the thirty-first, but I thought it would be pretty amazing if we got married today. I love you so damn much and I can’t wait to make you my wife.”

Her mouth opened, but no words came out.

“Too much? We’ve talked about a fall wedding, which we can do—”

“What about my wedding dress?”

“Carly brought it.”

“Okay. And who will marry us?”

“Maverick got a one-time license, so if you’re okay with it—”

After kissing him again, she stared into his eyes. And then, she smiled. “Yes. Today. On the beach.”

He couldn’t contain his joy. Capturing her face in his hands, he kissed her with all the love he had to give. “Love you,” he murmured.

“So much,” she whispered back.


THAT AFTERNOON, Sin stood on the beach beneath a large, white party canopy. As far as weddings go, it was a simple one—a tent, several rows of white, folding chairs and fifty guests. His band of brothers stood by his side, with Maverick officiating. Everyone wore formal attire, but they were all barefoot.

The sun shone down as passersby paused to snap pictures. The videographer he’d hired to capture their special moment was in position and recording.

Evangeline stepped out of the house with her dad by her side. Sin couldn’t take his eyes off his breathtaking bride. His heart rejoiced; his soul soared. This was, without question, the woman of his dreams in every way imaginable. Her beauty radiated from the inside out and he considered himself a lucky man, indeed, to have found his soul mate.

Their eyes met and her smile was filled with confidence and unconditional love. Her white satin gown flowed behind her and her sister lifted its train and followed as they made their way toward him.

Sammy jumped off Carly’s lap and clapped, her excitement uncontainable. Light-hearted laughter rippled through the guests. As Sin took in his family and the friends he loved the most, he counted his many blessings.

Henry escorted Evangeline down the aisle and up to Sin. After handing over his most beloved daughter, Henry shook Sin’s hand. “She’s my precious angel. Remember what I told you.” Then, Henry winked and sat down beside Evangeline’s mom.

“Okay, you two ready to rock this?” Maverick boomed, creating additional laughter.

“We are,” Sin and Evangeline replied in unison.

“Do the honors, brother,” Sin added.

As Maverick began the ceremony by welcoming everyone, Sin scooped Evangeline’s hands into his. The sea breeze whispered through their hair while the salty waves brushed against the shoreline. Though the setting was perfect, it paled in comparison to the joy in Evangeline’s eyes.

“I’d like to start with a short Bible reading,” Maverick said. “But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” Pausing, he acknowledged the bride and bridegroom. “This is it.” He grinned. “Partners forever, no matter what.”

“Sounds perfect to me,” Sin replied.

“I can’t think of anything better,” Evangeline added.

“Would you like to say a few words to each other?” Maverick asked.

“I would,” Evangeline said. “Sin, you were an important part of my past. You are the most important part of my present, and you will always be the best part of my future. I love waking up beside you and falling asleep in your arms every night. I love laughing with you and riding your motorcycle with you. I treasure working with you and confiding my greatest secrets to you. You are smart and brave, loving and loyal. You’re handsome and kind. You love me so much and you show me in so many ways. I am your person, your life partner, your friend, and your wife for the rest of our lives. I love you with everything I am and I will treasure and protect you, always.”

“Yay!” Sammy blurted from the front row, causing more laughter.

“How’d I do, Sammy?” Evangeline asked.

“Soooo good.”

“Sin, you’re up, my brother,” Maverick said. “Would you like to say a few words to your lovely bride?”

He gazed upon his breathtaking bride, pausing to appreciate the way her updo framed her eyes and how stunning she looked in her wedding gown.

“My gorgeous, brilliant Evangeline. I promise to honor and treasure you, respect and listen to you. I am and will always be your friend, your lover, and your confidante. I promise to love you, be faithful to you, and spoil you with surprises like today. You are my world, Evan.”

“Yaaaaayyy, Uncle Lalla!” Sammy beamed up at him, clapping.

“Thank you, squirt.”

“Who has the rings?” Maverick asked.

“I do.” Dakota fished them from his pocket.

“Evangeline,” Maverick said, “I have vows you can repeat after me, or you’re welcome to say your own.”

She smiled at their guests. “I can do this, right?”

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