Home > Obsessed (The Protectors #13)(24)

Obsessed (The Protectors #13)(24)
Author: Sloane Kennedy

When my body finally began to come back to itself, it took every ounce of energy I had to lift my weight off of Sam enough that I could pull my softening dick from his body. The sight of my own juices on my shaft was like a whole new orgasm. I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

Until Sam let out a little breath of air. He was still lying on his back, completely exposed to me. It was his flexing hole that caught my attention. Specifically, the thick white fluid that was seeping from it.

I didn't know what possessed me to do it. Never in a million years was it something I had ever wanted to do or even considered. But the sight of my essence leaving his body drove me to heights of possessiveness that I didn't even know I had. I shut down the part of my brain that said what I was doing was wrong, that it was too much, and leaned in to swipe my tongue along Sam's crease. He gasped and then let out a moan as I licked his opening, collecting the semen that was there. I then moved up Sam's body and closed my mouth over his before he could protest.

But he didn't protest.

In fact, he kissed me eagerly, drinking down every drop of myself that I fed him. Only after the bitterness on my tongue had dissipated and was replaced with the sweetness of Sam's kisses did I finally release his mouth. But when I pulled back just a little, Sam's fingers closed around my biceps, holding me in place. His eyes pinned mine. All the softness that had been there was gone, and in its place was a level of defiance that threatened to get me hard all over again.

"If you leave like you did last time, Matias, don't bother coming back."



Chapter 14






Despite steeling myself for Matias's reaction to my ultimatum, it still hurt like a son of a bitch when he stood and turned his back on me. Part of me wanted to call back my words and just beg him to stay, but the other part refused to break. I was already dealing with a cacophony of emotions about the decision I’d made to invite Matias back into my bed, but there was no way I was going to go through the same hell I'd experienced after Matias had walked out of that shed without a word.

I supposed I should've expected him to leave, but a little bit of me had held out hope that maybe he would stay. I held my tongue as he pulled on his pants. I could still taste him in my mouth. Heat crawled into my cheeks as I considered what he’d done. It should've appalled me, but I’d loved every second of it. I loved that in addition to feeling his essence still deep inside me, I could now taste it on my tongue as well. I only hoped that I'd be able to remember everything about it after he was gone.

Since I couldn't stand to watch him go again, I climbed off the bed and stepped past him to go to the bathroom so I could clean myself up. I bypassed the bathtub and went to the shower to get it started, then stepped back and closed the shower door so the water could warm up. I let out a startled gasp when I turned around and ran right into Matias’s naked chest.

"Are you that eager to get rid of the proof of what we did?" he asked angrily. Before I could even respond, he reached past me, opened the shower door and turned the water off.

"I'm not the one who started getting dressed five seconds after we finished…"

"Fucking?" Matias asked. The word should've sounded ugly, but when he said it, all it did was remind me of how amazing what we’d just done had been.

I began to turn around so I could get the shower started again, but Matias grabbed my arm to stop me and then pressed my back against the glass door. It felt cold against my hot skin. Matias pressed his entire body along the length of mine. The sensation of his jeans against my naked skin had my dick trying desperately to stand to attention again.

"This is why I'm dressed," he said as he looked down between our bodies. I followed his gaze and saw that he was already hard again… or maybe still, I wasn't sure. Either way, the sight had my mouth watering and my mind wondering if it was time to start thinking about little blue pills in my near future. "I assumed you wanted to have ‘the talk,’" Matias said. "These jeans are the only thing that might make that a possibility." He nipped at my lips and added, "Unless you want to take care of round two right now?"

To say I was tempted was an understatement. I ended up stealing a heated kiss before I could stop myself. I hated the vulnerability that went through me. "So you weren’t going to leave?"

Matias kept shifting his gaze from my mouth to my eyes. He finally shook his head. But he didn't say anything else.

I figured it was the best I was going to get.

"Matias," I began, but then I caught his reflection in the mirror behind him. "Oh my God!" I gasped as I took in the scratches running down his back and over his…

Shame spiraled throughout my entire body as I took in the damage I'd done to Matias’s beautiful skin. "Matias, God, I'm so sorry," I stammered as I shook my head in disbelief.

Matias glanced over his shoulder at the reflection. When he looked back at me, he seemed genuinely confused. "For what?"

"The scratches. I didn't realize—"

That was as much as I got out because he chose that moment to kiss me. Hard and deep. By the time we came up for air, I was panting and I knew the little blue pills wouldn't be necessary because even now, my cock was rapidly thickening.

Matias’s hand settled on my backside. His finger pressed against my entrance. "Can you still feel me inside you?" he asked gruffly.

I wasn't sure if he was talking about if I could figuratively still feel his cock buried deep in my ass or his question was more literal and he wanted to know if any of his semen remained inside me, but either way it didn't matter. My answer was the same for both questions. "Not enough."

Matias’s eyes were bright with fire. He pulled me aside and reached into the shower to turn the water back on. Then his mouth was on mine. "My pants," he demanded. I quickly got them loose and then he was stepping out of them. I forgot all about the things I needed to say to him, the questions I had, as he pulled me into the shower with him and kissed me as the hot water sluiced over our bodies. His hands caressed every inch of me as his mouth made love to mine. Within a matter of minutes, I was on the verge of begging for relief.

That was when Matias turned me around and pressed me up against the glass wall of the shower. His big body stepped in behind mine. His lips sought out my neck, then my shoulder. I could feel his hand at my ass, but he wasn't touching me. I had a feeling he was stroking himself. It wasn't until something hit the floor that I realized what he was doing. I looked down to see my shampoo bottle rolling across the wet tile. A moment later, Matias’s cock was pushing into my body. It registered that he'd used the shampoo as makeshift lube. If I hadn't been so desperate for him, I probably would have joked with him about using my very expensive shampoo in such a way. In any case, it provided enough slickness to get him inside of me. When he was fully seated, I let out a cry of relief.

"Open your eyes," Matias growled in my ear. I hadn't really even realized they were closed. "Look at yourself!" he demanded, his voice gruff.

I thought he meant for me to look down at my own hard length, but he repeated the command and added, "See what I see." It was then that I realized he was talking about the mirror across from the shower. It offered the perfect view of the two of us. Me pressed up against the glass and Matias’s big body behind me. I didn't even recognize myself. I'd never been fully comfortable with my body or my looks but seeing myself now was different somehow. I was different. I looked well-loved. I looked…

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