Home > Can't Fight This Feeling (Indigo Royal Resort #1)(50)

Can't Fight This Feeling (Indigo Royal Resort #1)(50)
Author: Claire Hastings

“Where did you find those?” she asked, sitting down next to Kyle. He handed her his and she took a sip. It had started to warm from being in his hand, but still tasted okay.

“Down in the backup fridge on the lower deck. I’ll go grab you one if you want,” Dalton answered.

“No, I’m good,” she said, taking one more sip of Kyle’s before handing it back to him. She lay down and rested her head in his lap, before curling up like she was going to take a nap.

“Tired there, sweetness?”

“Exhausted. I could go to sleep right here.”

“Nope, not allowed,” Dalton said, popping up and heading toward the bar. “It’s bonfire night!”

“What has you all excited about the bonfire?” Kyle asked.

“For your information, there was a fiery little redhead from this morning’s tour I’d like to track down,” he called out.

Kyle rolled his eyes, looking down at Drea, and she just giggled in return. Some things never changed. They heard the opening and closing of drawers, and Dalton suddenly appeared from around the bar.

“You two got something you want to tell me?”

Drea sat up quickly and looked at Kyle with wide eyes. It hadn’t occurred to her that they would need to replenish the stash. Panic must have been written all over her face, because Kyle just smiled at her, raising one finger to his lips vertically, telling her not to say anything, before leaning in and kissing her. His lips felt so good against hers, and if she hadn’t known any better she would have thought it’d been days since they kissed rather than just this morning.

“Sorry, dude, I owe you,” Kyle said, pulling away from Drea. “I do need to know one thing, though.”

“No, I’ve never actually screwed anyone on the boat. Which is apparently more than you two can say,” he called out jokingly as he walked closer to them, adding a wink in. “The boathouse, however...”

“Not where I was going with this, but that’s good to know. What I do want to know is, just how do you know my girlfriend’s size?”

Drea blushed hearing Kyle use the term girlfriend. She liked the way it sounded on his lips and really liked knowing it was referring to her. It felt good to be open about it, even if it was just Dalton they were talking to.

“Oh, that’s easy. Leona.”


They walked through the woods toward the lobby to meet her family about as close as they could without touching. Every couple of steps or so, the backs of their hands would brush against each other and the slight contact sent a zing of excitement through Drea. She was already more excited than she figured she should be for Kyle to join in on the bets tonight, but attempting to keep a secret from her family had her buzzing.

Miller was leaning against the same pillar as always waiting for everyone else to arrive. He was always the first one there, no matter what. It was one of the things Drea had come to count on—didn’t matter how early she was, he’d be standing there waiting on her on Tuesday nights. The smile that spread across his face when he saw the two of them approaching warmed her heart. That wasn’t just any smile, that was his ‘everything is right in this moment’ smile.

“You ready for this, Kyle?” Miller asked, turning toward them.

“I think so.”

“Drea prepped you on how it works?”

“Yup, and I think I know what I’m going with.”

“Man comes prepared,” Miller remarked, turning toward Drea. “Think he has what it takes to avoid the shirt?”

“He won’t tell me his guess, so I guess we’ll see,” she said, shrugging.

“Who won’t tell?” Grayson asked, coming up behind them.

“Well, look who showed up on time!” Miller roared.

“Shut it,” Grayson responded, flipping his brother the bird.

Just as Miller was blowing Grayson a kiss in response, Vaughn and Simone came rushing up to the group. Simone was straightening out her skirt, and her lipstick was slightly smeared. Drea managed to catch her eye and motion to her to wipe her lip. Simone quickly did so, mouthing “thanks” to Drea in response.

“Too busy snogging in your office?” Grayson snarked.

“Please, our niece is present,” Vaughn said.

“Vaughn, she knows what snogging is. She doesn't live under a rock,” Miller interjected.

“And she was the one just now to let Simone know her lipstick was smudged,” Grayson added. “You’re still wearing some of that lovely color yourself.” He reached over to jokingly try and rub it off his brother’s face.

“Still, no need to be uncouth,” he replied, swatting his brother’s arm away.

Drea turned to Kyle and rolled her eyes. This is exactly what she had been talking about on the boat. It didn’t matter how old she got, she was to remain under the impression that her uncles were monks. Maybe someday she’d let Vaughn know that most of what she’d learned about sex as a teenager had come from his bride-to-be.

“Anyway,” Vaughn said, desperately trying to change the subject. “Everyone ready?”

The group nodded, but no one spoke up with their contribution.

“Age before beauty, so Vaughn, you’re up!” Grayson said.

“Fine. The old guy in room 531, you’ll know him by his ill-fitting toupee and blindingly bright tropical-themed shirt, will manage to hit on everyone here under the age of thirty by nine pm. So Drea, watch out.”

“Should I see him coming, I’ll just start making out with Kyle,” Drea said, trying to make it sound like a joke.

“No!” Vaughn shouted right as Grayson turned to high-five Kyle. “Don’t encourage that,” he threw in, glaring at Grayson.

“Give it a rest, Vaughn, she was making a joke,” Simone said, before turning to Drea. “Although at this point I’ll give you fifty bucks to do it if you see your uncle coming, just to give him a heart attack.” She reached out and high-fived Drea.

“Continuing on, Grayson?” Vaughn said, trying to change the subject again.

“I’m sticking with a staff hookup. May have failed me last week, but not two weeks in a row.”

“How very original!” Simone said sarcastically. “My money's on the elderly lady with the knitting needles following Dalton around all night trying to see if she can stick him with one of those needles.”

“The little redhead that is here celebrating her twenty-first with her parents? She can’t hold her booze as well as she thinks she can, so I say we’re gonna have a puker on our hands,” Drea added.

“Well, before she pukes, her dad is going to try to give a really embarrassing birthday speech, not that anyone around will pay him any attention,” Miller threw out there. “Kyle, you’re up, son.”

“Well, for my first submission, I contend that at least one of the women here for the divorce party will strip down to nothing and run for the water. But I’m pretty sure once one does it, they’ll all follow suit.”

“Good one,” Grayson said, high-fiving Kyle again. “You’re a natural already!”

“Great, then we’ll see everyone for breakfast!” Simone called out, pulling Vaughn away, back toward his office.

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