Home > Charlie (Rydeville Elite #4)(23)

Charlie (Rydeville Elite #4)(23)
Author: Siobhan Davis

“You’re really selling it to me here,” I joke.

The waiter brings our plates then, and it’s the perfect moment to break up the conversation.

I miss the warmth of his touch as we separate our fingers. We eat in silence, but it’s not awkward like it was at the start. We’re both deep in thought. I’m beginning to see there is a lot more to Charlie than the exterior he presents.

“I know it’s probably too late,” he says, out of the blue, “but I’m sorry.”

“For what exactly?” I ask, spearing another ravioli.

“For everything cruel I’ve said and done, and I promise things will be different from now on.”

“Why the change of heart? And why now?”

He shrugs, chewing slowly on his pasta. After he’s swallowed, he sets his fork down and scrubs a hand over his jaw. “I’ve been fighting everyone, pushing them all away, believing it’s better like that, and punishing myself because I believed I deserved it.” His chest heaves as he pauses for a couple beats. His eyes dive into mine, and he’s hiding nothing from me now. “I’m tired of fighting,” he admits, tucking my hair behind my ear. “I don’t want to fight with you anymore.”

“What do you want?” My voice comes out all breathy.

He brushes his thumb across my cheek. “I want to feel something real. To stop feeling like I’m the one who died.”

“Oh, Charlie.” I cup his face, and my heart aches for him. The sheer vulnerability on his face tells me he’s being one hundred percent honest right now, and I’d challenge anyone to remain cold-hearted when confronted with this truth.

Charlie is lonely. He has no one in his corner, and he desperately needs that to start believing in himself.

He presses his forehead to mine, and I close my eyes, breathing him in.

“I don’t know how to do this, Demi, and I can’t offer you much, but all I know is I need you in my life.”

I open my eyes, cupping his face. “Maybe, we need each other,” I say, thinking of the tough road ahead. “And we can figure it out as we go along.”







I arrive at the office, after college, the following lunchtime, feeling more nervous than the time I lost my virginity, at thirteen, to an older woman, in a room full of pervert elite looking to get their rocks off by proxy.

“Ms. Alexander,” I say, pausing briefly at Demi’s desk.

She looks up and smiles. “Mr. Barron.”

“Could I see you in my office, please. Bring the regulatory report with you.”

“Of course.”

I stalk into my office, blatantly ignoring the hushed whispers and finger-pointing, because nothing is taking away my good mood. I slept better last night than I have in the past six months.

Unburdening some of the shit in my head to Demi felt good.

Being in her company felt good.

Not kissing her goodnight didn’t.

And not prying into whatever upset her yesterday didn’t feel good either. I tried getting her to open up, but she clammed up tight, and I didn’t push.

I know I have a lot to do to earn her trust, and this peace is new between us, but I’m determined to win her over.

She steps into my office like a ray of sunlight. I almost gag at my thought, and I cough to disguise the burst of laughter that escapes my mouth. She eyes me like I’m cray-cray, and I don’t blame her. She must think I’m a freaking schizo.

“Hey.” She smiles, and it takes colossal willpower not to cross the room and grab her in my arms. I want to kiss her so badly. Do all kinds of naughty shit to her. But I rein my hormones in. Pouncing on her got me into a world of trouble the first time. I’m determined to do right by her now.

“Hey. How are you feeling today?”

“I’m good,” she says, smiling, but I still see pain hiding behind her eyes.

“I know this ceasefire is new between us, but you can talk to me about anything.”

She sits down in front of my desk, placing the file on the empty chair beside her. “About that. Some of the girls are talking.”

“I heard.” I tap my fingers off my chin as I lean back in my chair. “Let them gossip.”

“See, I have an issue with that.”

“Go on.”

“Some of them already feel like I only have this job because of who my dad is. The last thing I want is people thinking I’m only holding on to it because I’m banging the boss.”

I lean forward, hitting her with my most seductive look. The one that usually renders woman into a pile of goo. But, so far, Demi has surprised me with her unpredictability, so who knows what reaction I’ll get from her. “Speaking as your boss, I have zero issue with that.”

She swats my arm. “That kind of talk will get us both into trouble. And quit with the sleazy look. It’s creepy.”

I burst out laughing. She is so refreshing. So down to earth. So sweet. Way too good for me. But I’m a selfish prick, so I disregard all negative thoughts. “Just to be clear, are you opposed to the act altogether or just opposed to the notion of others thinking that?”

“Now, you’re propositioning me?” She folds her arms and glares at me.

Shit. I’m already failing at this. “Fuck. I’m fucking this up already. I told you I wasn’t good at this and… Why are you grinning?”

“Because this new you is far too easy to wind up. Man, this is gonna be so much fun.”

I purse my lips and drill her with a sharp look. “I’m still the same man. Continue talking like that and I’ll take you over my knee and spank you.” A red flush creeps over her cheeks, and she squeezes her thighs together. “Ah, I see.” I lean even closer. “I’ll add spanking to the list.”

“List?” she croaks.

I stand and round the desk, perching my butt on the edge, and I lean down, right into her face. “The list of things I’m going to do to you.”

She squirms in her seat, and her cheeks inflame. “You can’t say stuff like that to me in the workplace!”

I get all up in her face, and my eyes drift to her succulent mouth. “But it’s okay outside the office?”

“I, ah.” She shoves at my chest, pushing me back, looking completely flustered. “We need another list. Rules for professional conduct in the workplace!”

I smirk, crossing my feet at the ankles, as I run the tip of one finger up her arm. “We already have one of those. I’ll request a copy for you from the HR department.”

“I already have a copy of it, along with the no-fraternization policy.”

“Pfft.” I wave my hand in the air. “I’ll get rid of it.”

Her mouth drops open. “You can’t get rid of a company policy because you want to sleep with one of the employees!” she splutters. “You wouldn’t!”

“I can and I would.” I remove my finger from her tempting flesh and sit back in my chair, adjusting the semi in my pants before she notices. “But you’re right. We should make some rules. I don’t want this impacting you negatively. When you’re promoted, I want people to know it’s because you are skilled and you’ve earned it. Not because you’re banging the boss.” I flash her my pearly whites, and a surge of warmth spreads across my chest. The workplace is already infinitely more enjoyable now we’ve stopped being mortal enemies.

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