Home > Charlie (Rydeville Elite #4)(39)

Charlie (Rydeville Elite #4)(39)
Author: Siobhan Davis

Demi mentioned a redhead, and it didn’t take much to connect the dots. I asked Margaret point-blank if there was gossip about me and Corrinna and she spewed without hesitation.

That gold-digging bitch spread the word around the office that she was my date tonight, knowing it would get back to Demi and sabotage any chances of us reuniting.

It’s my fault because when she suggested I bring her as my official date, earlier in the week, I told her the only woman I would consider bringing anywhere as my date was Demi because she was the love of my life and I was going to try to patch things up with her.

I thought she would take the hint and take a hike, but I should’ve known she would turn nasty.

Now, everything I planned is ruined because Demi won’t even give me the time of day let alone allow me to whisk her away for the weekend.

I know I fucked up big-time.

That I needed to make a grand gesture to try to make up for it.

And I instantly knew what I wanted to do. Because Demi is the one. There is zero hesitation in my mind, and I need her to see I’m serious about our future and that I won’t ever push her away again.

I’ve spent all week putting plans in place. Groveling to her dad and her best friend. Laying my heart on the line as I begged them to help me, finally winning their support when I showed them the pretty gold-colored diamond engagement ring I’ve bought her and told them of my plans to whisk her away to Cape Neddick by private jet and propose to her on Nubble Light, Maine’s most famous lighthouse, which also happens to be the very place where her parents got engaged.

Henry mentioned that during one of our talks, and I filed it away for future reference. I’ve booked a gorgeous property, close to the lighthouse, for the entire weekend because I want to make our engagement a memory to cherish forever.

But that’s shot to hell now, thanks to that spiteful bitch.

My phone pings in my pocket, and I pull it out, ignoring the fake hurt looks Corrinna is throwing my way from across the table. I’ve no doubt she’ll be over here as soon as she can extricate herself from her current conversation, but I’m not planning on sticking around.

These management events bore the shit out of me, and I’ve more urgent places I need to be. If I could’ve gotten out of it, I would’ve been groveling at Demi’s door hours ago, but I couldn’t, so I swore I would stay until dinner was over and then make my excuses.

I frown as I spot the numerous missed calls from Abby, Drew, and Kai. I’d turned my phone off while we were having dinner, and now, I’m sorry I did, because something is clearly wrong.

Fear causes goose bumps to sprout on my arms as I accept Abby’s call now, jumping up, narrowly avoiding bumping into the waitress distributing dessert to the table. “What’s wrong?” I ask before she can speak.

“I’m at the hospital. It’s Demi’s dad. He’s had a heart attack, and it’s not looking good.”

“I’m on my way.” I hang up, hustling toward where Arthur sits. “I’ve got to go.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Henry Alexander is in the hospital. Demi needs me.”

“Go. And keep me updated.”

I feel Corinna’s eyes on me as I race out of the restaurant.

I pace the sidewalk as I wait for my driver to emerge from the underground parking lot.

I sit with my face in my hands in the back seat of my car, praying I get there in time.

I bump into people as I run through the hospital doors, pushing my way into the elevator, ignoring the filthy looks, because all I care about is being there for Demi.

Kai is in the corridor when I emerge from the elevator. “Any news?” I ask.

“All we know is he’s had a coronary and he’s in surgery now.”

“How is she?”

“Barely holding it together.”

“Take me to her.”

“This way,” Kai says, lifting one shoulder. “I don’t know how she’ll react to your presence, but it’s good you’re here.”

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” We stop outside the door to the waiting room. I clamp my hand on his shoulder. “I just want to say thanks. I think I’d still have my head stuck up my ass if it wasn’t for our conversation.”

“I know you would have.” He smirks, punching me in the upper arm. “Like I said, I totally understand. I tried to shield Abby from it too until I realized she was safest with me. You know how the elite work. It doesn’t matter that you pushed Demi away to protect her. They could find out about her in a heartbeat and still use her against you. The safest way of ensuring she’s safe is keeping her close.”

“The thought of anything happening to her kills me, Kai. I would burn the world down if anyone hurt her. Mom and Lil too.”

I’m so glad my family is back home where they belong. Where I can keep an eye on them and keep them safe. Mom and I still have some way to go, but when she told me she’s forgiven me, I broke down and sobbed like a baby. I know it’s going to be all right, and now, I just need to win back the girl I love.

Demi is the only girl who matters.

She’s the only girl I want for now and always.

“We won’t let anything happen to them,” he reassures me, and I’m glad I let my stubborn pride go and mended shit with my friends, because with the stuff coming down the line, we need to stick together as a united team.

The elite ball was a real eye-opener. The new president said all the right things, but everything we suspected is coming to fruition. The reorganizing committee is just a PR exercise to make it look like he’s committed to change when he’s most definitely not.

We’ve all been summoned to the newly constructed Parkhurst—now housed in some sprawling private facility in Virginia—for some final initiation tasks in two months. Abby and Vanessa have been summoned too, which is cause for concern, along with Harley and Joaquin. The mothers haven’t been included, but we’ve no doubt plans are afoot there too.

So, yeah, shit is getting real. And I need to ensure my loved ones are safe before it all kicks off.

“You ready, man?” Kai asks, curling his hand around the door handle.

“As I ever will be.”

We step into the small waiting room, mostly occupied with people here for Henry. Xena is here with her boyfriends. Drew is chatting quietly with Shandra while Olivia and Sylvia are talking with Margaret Ann.

Abby jumps up when she sees me. “I’m glad you’re here,” she whispers. “She’s distraught.”

“I can see that,” I say, my eyes glued to Demi’s trembling shoulders. She’s seated in the far corner with Mrs. Griffin. Demi is hunched over with her head in her hands, her dark hair falling around her face like a curtain. Mrs. Griffin has her arm wrapped tight around her shoulders, whispering words of comfort, no doubt.

“I know you had big plans this weekend, Charlie, but she doesn’t need to hear any of that right now.”

I gawk at her. “I am not a complete imbecile.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” Xavier says, entering the room from behind, carrying a tray with coffees. Hunt slips in behind him with another tray, and they start distributing them.

“Rick is in the air,” Kai says, hauling Abby into his arms. “Hopefully, he can talk to some of the doctors and find out what’s going on.”

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