Home > Crash and Burn (Savage Menaces MC #5)(8)

Crash and Burn (Savage Menaces MC #5)(8)
Author: Kay Marie

“It would mean more to her if you gave it to her yourself,” she suggests. Saint comes back before I can respond. I’m consumed with my thoughts, ignoring anything Saint says until we leave.









I’ve locked myself in my room for the past couple of days. It used to be to keep from running into Rascal. Now, it’s to stay away from Ruger. I’m not sure what his deal is. I’ve tried to tell him I’m not interested in him, but it hasn’t stopped him from coming up to me and flirting with me. Rascal’s weird behavior hasn’t helped any either. The few times I’ve seen him since Sunday, he hasn’t used any of his cheesy, lame pick up lines on me. He’s barely even made eye contact with me.

This past year has been a struggle, but October is the most challenging month for me. I have new friends to keep my mind occupied, but it doesn’t stop the darkness from creeping in. Today is one of those days. When the darkness rears its ugly head, I retreat to my safe place and smoke myself stupid. The high from the weed plays as a shield from the darkness. Working at Higher Zen was a blessing. Blaze took excellent care of me while I was living out there. He still does, in a way.

The Savage Menaces still go out there to buy product from him, and Blaze always sends them with a care package for me. More often than not, it has way more stuff that I need in a month. He’s the only family I have anymore, and I will forever be grateful for him.

I’m sitting on my bed with my back against the headboard, watching TV. I took a few hits of my pen and am finally relaxing when there’s a knock on my door. Slowly, I climb out of bed to answer it, hoping like hell it isn’t Ruger. Opening the door, I’m surprised at who’s standing in front of me, but I don’t let him see that.

“Hey, Princess,” Rascal says.

I groan. “What do you want?”

He throws his hands up in defense. “I wanted to be the one to tell you that I’m leaving to go on a run tomorrow.”

“How did I manage to get so lucky?” I smirk at him.

“The gods must favor you.” He grins, and it makes my stomach flutter. I push the feeling way down deep. Letting him in, even the slightest bit, will end in me getting hurt. I won’t give him that satisfaction.

I shrug a shoulder. “I am pretty awesome.”

He chuckles. “Anyway, Chains will be around if you need him. I wanted to leave my phone number with you, too. In case, for whatever reason, you need to reach me.”

I glare at him. “Is this some slick way for you to get my phone number?”

He laughs this time. “That does sound like something I would do, but no. That wasn’t my intention. You never have to use it if you don’t want to.”

I study his face. Trying to find any sign of him lying, but there’s nothing there. “You can give it to me, but I doubt I’ll have any reason to use it.”

“I won’t be back until Monday.”

“Thanks for the warning.” I roll my eyes.

He smiles like a cat who caught the canary. It’s as if he knows something I don’t. He hands me a folded piece of paper, then turns to walk away. “Don’t get into trouble while I’m gone,” he calls over his shoulder.

I shake my head, close the door and head back to my bed, tossing the paper on my side table without opening it. I glance at it, contemplating opening it and maybe saving it in my phone. I choose not to and text Tink instead.

To Tink: Rascal just came by my room.

I don’t have to wait long for her to respond.

From Tink: What? Why?

To Tink: To tell me he was leaving for five days and he gave me his number.

From Tink: Oh shit!

To Tink: *eye roll emoji* I’m sure Bull told him to make sure I had it.

From Tink: I wouldn’t be too sure about that. ;)

I glance at the table. I can save it to my phone, so I have it if I need it. Not like I will need it. I shake my head, setting my phone on the table. I start getting the munchies. I climb back out of bed and scavenge my snack stash, realizing I have no more chips. Of course, that would be what I’m craving the most. I slide some shoes on and head toward the kitchen. Walking into the main room, I have a one-track mind and don’t pay attention to who’s sitting out here.

“Miss me already?” Rascal says.

His voice makes me jump. “Not even close.”

He laughs as I walk into the kitchen. I spot an unopened bag of BBQ Lays and grab it, heading back to my room.

“You got the munchies there, Princess,” Rascal asks as I walk back out of the kitchen.

“Fuck you,” I mumble.

“Name a time and place.” He gives me a sly smirk.

I flip him off over my shoulder as I walk back to my room. I lock the door behind me and turn off the lights. I grab a water bottle out of my mini-fridge and slide into bed, setting the unopened bag of chips and bottle of water on the bed next to me. Rascal scaring the hell out of me made me not want the chips as much. The Ugly Truth is playing on TV. I lay down to watch it and pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow.









I stayed up a lot later than I meant to. I couldn’t get that ornery ass chick out of my fucking head. I couldn’t help thinking that giving her my number was a bad idea. I want her to be able to get a hold of me if she needs anything, but why would she need anything from me? I’ve been the biggest jackass when it comes to her. Luckily I don’t have to drive first. I’m riding with Shade in his car while Saint is riding with Diesel. I plan on sleeping as much as possible.

I walk out to the main room with my duffel bag. Saint and Diesel are already out here, eating breakfast.

“Did you make enough for the rest of us,” I ask.

“Yeah, it’s in a box on the kitchen counter. Milk is in the fridge,” Saint deadpans.

“Well, fuck me. That’s a gourmet meal.”

Diesel chuckles to himself.

“Don’t encourage him,” Saint says to him.

“Aren’t you a ray of fucking sunshine this morning,” I tell Saint.

“Would you two knock it the fuck off?” Shade walks into the clubhouse. “Are you assholes ready to go?”

I sigh. “Let’s get this drive over with.”

The fifteen-hour drive is the worst part of this run. Breaking it into two days drags it out so much more. If I could be more inconspicuous with my bike, I would ride it to Denver. I would rather have two days on my bike than two trapped in a cage, but it’s not an option. I fall asleep in the first thirty minutes of the drive.

My phone vibrates in my pocket.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Rascal, I got some bad news,” Sketch tells me.

“What’s up?”

“Marley took off. We can’t find her anywhere,” he says.

My heart sinks. “What do you mean she took off? Why the hell wasn’t anyone watching her?”

“Chains thought she was in her room sleeping. She gave us all the slip,” he explains.

“Find her and bring her back!” I hang up and dial Marley’s number.

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