Home > The Teaching Hours (How to Date a Douchebag #5.5)(16)

The Teaching Hours (How to Date a Douchebag #5.5)(16)
Author: Sara Ney

No doubt she heard us having sex.

Really amazing sex.

He didn’t miss a thing. Didn’t stop until I’d come, then coming hard, himself.

Rex Gunderson is a giver.

“You can’t just go out with someone because the sex is good,” I muse to the wall. “That would be shitty.” Especially since I’ve come to realize he’s a decent guy.

It’s more than good sex.

He’s a good guy.

“Maybe it’s time to give the nice guy a shot,” I tell my pillow. “But maybe he’s just using you.”

As I begin doubting myself, the phone on my desk buzzes, vibrating on the wooden surface and scaring the absolute shit out of me.

I rise, crossing the room to grab it.

Rex: Hey pretty girl.



I preen. I’ve been called pretty before, but not from someone I…

Me: Hey.



Rex: Oh hey. You’re still up? I thought you’d be sleeping and would reply in the morning.



Me: Nope, I’m still up. Counting sheep.



Counting sheep? I cringe, face palming myself. Who even says they’re counting sheep anymore? My grandma, that’s who.

Rex: Doing anything later?



Me: Not really. You?



Rex: I was thinking we could see a movie or something? No big deal if you can’t. Whatever.



Aww, he’s afraid I’ll reject him, so he’s making light of it. Well, he doesn’t have to worry about that.

Me: Yeah, I could do a movie. I don’t know if I told you this, but I’ll do anything for a movie theater hot dog and snacks.



Rex: Wow. Cheap date.



Me: Not really? That shit is expensive.



Rex: That’s true. I don’t know why I said that.



Because you’re nervous, too.

My stomach rolls and I try to quell it by placing my hand there, pressing down. Ugh.

Me: You’re cute.



Rex: Are you drunk?



Me: Lol why would you ask if I’m drunk? You were just here.



Rex: Because you’re complimenting me.



Me: Wow. I really…have to work on being sweeter, don’t I?



Rex: You don’t have to do anything but be yourself.



Oh my god, this guy. He’s too much. Too sweet and too nice and I’m a jackass for having been such a brat to him.

Me: I appreciate you saying that but…I want…



Me: I want to be sweet for you.



Rex: Has an alien taken over your body? Hannah is that you?



Me: Shut up!



Rex: That’s my girl!



Oh lord. I’m in trouble with this one.

Me: Just a movie?



Rex: Well. I don’t know. Would you rather…



He sends the unfinished sentence and makes me wait an entire five minutes before sending a new one.

Rex: …Go on an actual real, first date?



My heart rate speeds up and I slide my hand from my belly to my chest, pressing my palm to my breast.

A real first date.

I’m grinning like a fool now, taking my hand off my boob, so I can roll to my stomach, holding my phone and texting him like a teenage girl, feet kicking behind me. I’m practically chewing bubblegum and twirling my hair.

Me: I would love that.



Rex: Yeah?



Me: Yeah.



Rex: Okay. Uh. Great!



I can almost see and hear him running a nervous hand through his hair as I wait for him to continue.

Rex: Dinner? I can pick you up. How is six?



Me: I can do six. When?



Rex: Tonight? Technically since it’s after midnight, it’s a new day already.



Me: Tonight is perfect.



Rex: Cool. I’ll see you tonight then.



Me: I mean—you can text me today, too. We don’t have to wait until later to talk.



Rex: Oh yeah. Right. Yeah. I’ll text you today.



Me: I’m…



Me: I’m excited.



Rex: Yeah?



Me: Real excited. I might even wear a dress.



Rex: That’s it. I’m calling the cops. Someone has kidnapped Hannah Peterson and has commandeered her cell.



Me: Ha! You won’t be making fun of me when you’re staring at me in a dress.



Rex: You’re right about that—I’ll be too busy picking my jaw up off the floor.



Me: If you keep talking to me that way…



Rex: You’ll what?



Me: Keep talking to me that way and you’ll see.



Rex: Good.



Me: And Rex?



I yawn, stretching out on the bed, begin removing my clothes and hunkering down for some sleep.

Rex: Hmm?



Me: If you ever want to teach me anything, I promise I’ll be your best student.



Rex: I’m going to screenshot that because somehow, I highly doubt it.



Me: Ye of little faith.



Rex: Ye has met you and ye knows you’re a brat who hates being told what to do.



Me: Maybe. But I like you and…



Rex: And…??



Me: I think you’d be worth behaving for.



Rex: Hannah Peterson I think we both have plenty to teach each other.



Me: Like that thing you do with your tongue?



Rex: The thing where I swirl and suck?



Me: Omg. Yes, THAT thing. Will you come do it again?



Rex: When?



Me: How far away are you?



Rex: I just pulled into my driveway.



Me: I just took my clothes off, but if you’re already home…



Rex: See you in eight minutes.

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