Home > Caught Inside(16)

Caught Inside(16)
Author: Kristie Leigh

He nodded, urging me to continue.

“Well, since you brought up Tanner…” I took a deep breath. “I really like him.”

Joe’s jaw dropped. “Wow.” He didn’t say anything else.

“Yeah, I’m as shocked as you are. I keep telling myself that it’s because he’s leaving. But every time I think about his leaving, I feel empty inside. Fuck.” I dropped my head into my hands. “What have I gotten myself into?”

Joe chuckled but came to stand in front of me. “I’m not sure what to tell you on this one. It’s a hard call. But if I were in your shoes, I’d enjoy every minute I could. The hurt you’ll feel when he leaves won’t outweigh the memories down the road.”

“I keep telling myself that. I’m trying; it’s just hard when I think about his not being around after this week.” My gut churned at the thought, but I pushed it away.

“You’re so young, East; just have fun and see what happens.” He was right.

I’d been telling myself the same thing. Shit, Tanner had been telling me that, too. “Thanks, Joe.”

“Any time, kiddo. Now get your ass back to work; we have customers, and I don’t pay you to stand around, talking about boys.”



Every time the door to Barangas opened, I looked up. I was jumpy, wondering if Tanner was actually going to show. Why did I even care? I knew the answer to that, but I wouldn’t be speaking that out loud again. Talking to Joe was enough girl talk for a year.

Rhian and Sadie had been surprisingly good and hadn’t asked me anything. I’d wondered more than a few times if maybe Tanner had told them something and they hadn’t broached the subject because they didn’t want to hurt my feelings.

Ugh, why was I being such a girl?

I looked up again when the door opened. My face fell when my girls walked in.

“Wow, what the fuck was that?” Rhian hugged me. “Are you all right?”

I glanced at the door opening again and wanted to slap myself.

“He’s coming, chill.” Fucking Sadie always cutting to the chase.

I shook my head. “I need to get a fucking grip. This is bullshit.”

“Now you know how Sade and I feel when we’re all high on a new guy. It kind of sucks for you since this is your first and you’re nearly nineteen. We both dealt with our first crushes in middle school.” Their war stories didn’t make me feel any better; I wanted to wring their necks.

Instead of strangling them, or continuing the conversation, I went back to my tables, even though I had just topped them all off less than sixty seconds ago. I needed the distraction.

It was already six, and he hadn’t come yet. I had probably checked my phone a million times, and I was surprised I hadn’t pulled a muscle in my neck from whipping it around every time the door opened. I sighed as I plopped down onto a seat at the table with my friends.

The door opened behind me, and I didn’t bother to look up this time. Tanner wasn’t coming, and I needed to come to terms with that.

“I’m so ready for my bed. This has been the longest day ever.” Working both jobs and wanting to see Tanner had me emotionally and physically exhausted.

“It’s still early. You’re not bailing on us, are you?” Tanner’s voice at my ear had my inner teeny bopper jumping up and down.

I knew the smile on my face was super big, and I looked like a complete dork, but I didn’t care. I craned my neck to look up at him. He gripped my face and kissed me hard and long. I melted. Everything was right in the world, even if it was just for now.

“I think Easton was about to go on a rampage, waiting for you to come.”

I turned back to glare daggers at Sadie.

“Ouch,” Sadie said as she turned to Rhian, who must have kicked her under the table.

“Do you have no filter at all, Sadie? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Rhian was squeezing her arm.

I could feel my face was five hundred shades of red; I didn’t want to look at him.

“Did you miss me, Easton?” he whispered in my ear.

I didn’t say anything. I was completely embarrassed, thanks to Sadie.

“Because I missed you.” His breath fanned across my neck, causing goose bumps down my spine.

That big smile returned to my face, and I slowly turned to look at him. “I did, and it sucked. It’s those damn Canadian magical powers.”

His face lit up, and a smile tugged at his lips until he pressed them against mine and kissed me again.

“Ugh, you guys are sickening,” Tanner’s friend piped in, and I wanted to punch him, but his other friend beat me to it.

“Shut the fuck up, Sean,” Tanner said with his mouth still hovering over mine. “Are you already off?”

I got out of my chair to give them a seat, and Tanner pulled me into him. “Nah, I was just taking a break. I still have a half-hour or so.”

“I really did miss you.”

I lifted up onto my tiptoes to whisper, “Me too. I think I might be losing my mind.”

He smiled down at me. “I’m glad I’m not the only one. Now get back to work.”

I kissed his cheek, and he slapped my ass as I turned to walk away. Although I wish I was off so I could spend time with them, I needed a minute, too. Tanner had my mind spinning like a Tilt-O-Whirl, and I felt like I was going crazy.

I waited on my tables, including my friends, going back to them as often as possible. Tanner couldn’t keep his hands off of me. Every time I came by, he ran his hand up my thigh. By the time my shift was over, I was beyond turned on.

I dropped my apron and name tag behind the bar and grabbed a drink before finally getting to hang out with the group. I set down my glass and turned around to grab a chair from another table, but Tanner had other plans as he pulled me into his lap.

I yelped but wasn’t about to complain. I wanted to be close to him. He nuzzled into my neck, kissing me softly. Someone cleared their throat, and I looked over to see the girls all dreamy-eyed.

“So, what’s the move tonight?” I wasn’t sure what everyone wanted to do, and I hadn’t thought much about it.

“A few drinks and then we could go back to our place?” Sadie said.

Everyone agreed, and Jessi came over to see about those drinks for us.

“Hey, I want to show you something,” I murmured in Tanner's ear before getting up, pulling him with me. I looked at the girls and met their questioning stares. “We’ll be right back.” I tugged him along behind me as we went up the back steps.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” I opened the door at the top of the stairs and let him lead the way.

“Wow,” he said as he slowly approached the railing to check out the view.

“We missed the sunset, unfortunately, but the view is stunning any time up here.”

He pulled me into his arms. “Why isn’t this open to customers?”

“It’s winter.”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh, right, it’s freezing.” He chuckled.

I smacked his arm. “Don’t hate; it’s cold for us.”

He leaned down and kissed me, and I instinctively draped my arms around his neck. His hands slowly trailed down my body before gripping my hips and lifting me. Instinctively, my legs wrapped around his waist, my body shamelessly grinding into him. A growl erupted from his throat, and I smiled against his lips.

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