Home > Caught Inside(25)

Caught Inside(25)
Author: Kristie Leigh

“Check out those mackin’ sets. What are you Bettys waiting for?” The guys ran past us into the water, wasting no time at all. Sadie followed behind, but I liked to take everything in for a bit before I set out on my board. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Today was going to be an awesome day.



"Easton, get your ass out here." The sound of Joe’s voice shouting from the front of the store caused me to jump; he was always so loud.

Ugh, he could be such a pain. "Coming, Joey." I smirked.

Walking out of the stock room of Boathouse, I spotted Joe standing there with his tatted arms crossed over his chest and his foot tapping rapidly. He tried to look all tough and mad, but I wasn’t sure why he bothered. He’d always had a soft spot for me, and I knew it. I walked over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Girl, stop batting those lashes at me and don’t stare at me with those big, green eyes. You're lucky I love you. No one gets away with calling me Joey except you. It's Joe for fuck’s sake. You'd think after seven damn years, you’d get it right."

I hopped up onto the counter and swung my legs back and forth. "I just like Joey better." I shrugged and tried not to smile as I tied my pink hair up in a messy bun.

He huffed and glared at me. “You’re never going to learn, are ya?”

I shook my head as I tried to hide a smirk. “Why did you call me out here? I was working in the back, you know. You interrupted me in the middle of inventory.”

He moved aside, revealing a face I never thought I’d see again.

I blinked a couple of times before I was able to gather any words. “Tanner Fields, to what do I owe the pleasure?” My voice cracked, betraying my false confidence.

He looked down at his shuffling feet. Apparently, he’d suddenly fallen shy. My stomach did a twist, then flopped, and finally rolled over into a somersault. This boy was a fuckton of trouble for me, and I wasn’t having it—not again. He’d always made me feel shit I hadn’t before, and I didn’t like it one bit.

He cleared his throat and looked up before squaring his shoulders. “I actually just moved here. Got a job offer from Chem Central through my college professor—it was too good to pass up.” He shrugged like his words hadn’t just caused my world to flip on its axis. “I thought maybe since I didn’t know anyone here, I would come to see how you’ve been doing,” his voice shook as his words trailed off.

What in the actual fuck?






Welcoming Committee






I hadn’t expected Easton to jump into my arms after all this time. I knew a surprise wasn’t the best idea, but I hadn’t been able to get her on the phone. I thought I would just pop in and say hi like it was no big deal, but I guess I was wrong.

The look of pure shock on her face when she saw me should’ve had me running for the door, but I couldn’t do it. The connection I’d felt with her two years ago couldn’t have been all just my imagination, could it?

"I'm sorry to bother you at work. I have a few days to settle in before I start my new job, and I was in the area. I see you were busy in the back, so I’ll let you get back to it." I turned to leave, but the sound of her footsteps halted me before I got too far.

"Give me two minutes, Joe; I'll be right back."

I turned and waved at Joe, and he nodded. Easton and I walked outside and took a seat on the bench out front.

She sighed loudly and then looked up at me. "Listen, I'm sorry I was such a bitch in there. But seriously, what the fuck? I haven’t seen you in over two years, and I'm a little shocked that you’re here. I never expected to see you again, let alone you show up out of the blue and announce you've moved here."

I took a moment to collect myself. I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect coming out here. I took this job because it was a great opportunity, but I couldn’t lie; in the back of my mind, I’d hoped that something could come of it with Easton now that I would be here. I didn’t know what to say, she didn’t seem upset, but she was agitated and withdrawn.

"I am sorry, Easton. I thought it would be nice to say hey and see if you wanted to catch up. I didn't think much of it. I would have called first, but every time I called your number, it goes to voicemail.”

Her face turned pink, and she opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off.

“I could’ve called you at work, but I wasn’t sure you’d be here. I took a chance and stopped by. I can see how this was a bad idea. I have a lunch meeting in twenty minutes anyway, so I wasn’t planning to stay long." I stood up and straightened my dress shirt. "Maybe I'll see you around, Easton." I took a deep breath and ignored everything my body wanted to do and just walked away.



I’d had a few days to settle into my new place and a lot of time to do nothing. Tonight, I was going out for the first time since I had moved.

We walked into NRG, a night club a few towns over. I wasn’t at all in the mood for this, but I didn’t know anyone at work, so when they had insisted I come out, what choice did I have?

After being completely shut down by Easton the other day, I could use a few drinks to unwind and let loose.

There were three other guys with me tonight and two girls, and although both of them were attractive, I wasn’t at all interested in mixing business with pleasure, at least not so soon. But we all got up on the dance floor after downing a couple of drinks.

Jane was getting a little too close for comfort, but before I could say anything, I was distracted by the sight of Easton out of the corner of my eye. I stared at her like a complete stalker. When I finally snapped out of it and decided to turn around to walk away before she could see me, Rhian spotted me. She leaned into Easton to say something in her ear. Easton’s eyes snapped up and locked with mine. I couldn’t decipher the look in them. But when she saw Jane grinding on me, I could almost read a hint of jealousy, but she quickly covered it up.

I debated on leaving, but instead, turned away and continued dancing with my new friends. I’d made my decision and moved here. There wasn’t much I could do about it now. Just because she didn’t want to see me didn’t mean I couldn’t have a good life in California.

It took everything in me to keep my head down and not look in her direction. Maybe she just needed some time, or perhaps I was just an idiot.

When we were all hot and sweaty, we made our way over to the bar to grab some more drinks. I opted for water since my buzz had died the second I’d laid eyes on Easton.

I leaned over the bar, waiting patiently to order, but my patience was wearing thin. A tap on my shoulder furthered my irritation. I whirled around. “Wait your tu—” I stopped mid-tirade when I found Easton standing in front of me.

She almost looked shy, which was a look I’d never seen on her before.

I swallowed hard around the lump in my throat. “Hey,” I shouted, hoping she could hear me over the music. I wasn’t sure what to say.

She seemed to hesitate before reaching out and hugging me. I froze. I hadn’t expected her to say hi, never mind want any contact. She started to pull back when I hadn’t reciprocated, but I snapped out of it quickly enough to wrap my arms around her. It felt good to have her in my arms, but I wasn’t going to jump to conclusions. When I finally pulled back, I didn’t let go, resting my hands low on her hips.

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