Home > Caught Inside(7)

Caught Inside(7)
Author: Kristie Leigh

“Of course, it’s that door right there. And yeah, you’re right; it is getting pretty late. It’s nearly three in the morning back home.”

When she came out from the washroom, I said the dumbest words ever, “You’re welcome to stay the night.”

Her eyes went wide, but she recovered quickly. “Sorry, Tanner, I don’t do sleepovers. It’s a rule of mine.”

“I meant I would take the sofa. But it’s fine, just thought I’d offer.” I shrugged. “Let me grab you an Uber, at least.”

“Uber? This is Pahokee. I doubt we even have that shit. I can walk to one end of town to the other in an hour. I only live a few blocks from here.”

I didn’t think she was going to give in, but I had to try one last time. “Since you’re just a few blocks away, would you mind if I walked with you?

“Tanner, I’m a big girl.” She patted me on the chest to placate me. “I’ll be fine.” She gave me a look that told me it was a lost cause. God, she was stubborn, but she probably didn’t want me to know where she lived.

“I would feel more comfortable if you let me get you home safely. My mom would also beat my ass if she knew I let a girl walk home alone at night.”

“Listen, I get it, but you’re tired, and I’ve lived in this town my whole life—I’m good. If it makes you feel better, we can exchange numbers. And I’ll call you when I arrive home safely.” She seemed exasperated.

“Are you sure? I’m really not that tired.” I tried to sound more awake.

“Yes, I’m positive. Give me your phone.”

I handed over my cell so she could program in her number, and then she gave it back.

“There, I’m programmed in, and I texted my phone so I have yours, too. I promise I’ll be fine; it’ll literally take five minutes to get there.”

I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in close. “You’re pretty stubborn, aren’t you?”

“I prefer the word independent.” She put her hands on her hips in defiance.

“Let’s agree to disagree. So, you’ll call me as soon as you get home.” I left no room for discussion in my tone.

“Yes, holy shit. I’ll call you when I get home. I don’t know why you’re so obsessed. I walk home every night. We don’t drive much around here. I also work at a bar and leave work late—alone.”

I’m sure the look on my face portrayed my fear, but I reined it in. “That’s just how I was brought up. I’m not going to apologize for being concerned for your wellbeing.”

“Thank you. It’s sweet.” She smirked. “I guess.”

I took her face in my hands. “God, you’re a pain in the ass. Just shut up and let me kiss you already.”

She chuckled, but I stifled it with my mouth. Easton gave in and wrapped her arms around my neck. She opened for me and softly moaned when I slipped my tongue inside. Before I knew it, my hands roamed of their own free will, exploring her curves. I gripped her ass, and on cue, she jumped up to wrap her legs around me.

“Fuck, Easton, you taste so good.” I nipped at her collarbone, and she tilted her head to allow me better access as I continued my way up her neck. “Easton, we really need to quit.” I didn’t stop but instead went on exploring her soft skin with my tongue and teeth.

She ground down on my painfully hard cock. “Doesn’t feel like you want to stop.” Her playful tone told me she didn’t want to, and it took everything I had to keep from taking her up on continuing.

“We really should, though.” I groaned but pulled back and placed her on her feet.

She scowled. “You’re no fun.”

“Are you pouting, Easton?”

“Fuck off. I’m a little worked up is all. I’ll be fine.” She was totally sulking, and it was super cute, but I decided to keep that to myself.

I did sympathize, though; I felt the same right now. I was so worked up and would love nothing more than to throw Easton onto the bed and have my way with her, but I wanted to take my time, too. I knew I only had a week, so I should’ve been jumping all over the opportunity, but I had a feeling that’s what she was used to. I wanted to be different, stand out, even if it was only for a short time.

“I know what you mean.” I adjusted myself in my pants.

She looked down and cracked up. “Serves you right. It’s your fault we’re both in this state.” She tried to grab my cock, but I gripped her wrist.

I looked her in the eyes. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

“I work until five. I’ll text you after and let you know what’s going on.”

“Sounds good. You’ll call me when you get home?”

That earned me an eye roll. “Yes, Daddy, I will call you as soon as I get home. Oh, give me your phone for one sec.”

I handed it over. “Don’t be a smart ass. I’m just looking out for you.”

She handed back my phone. “I know, I’m just giving you a hard time.” She winked and kissed me on the cheek before wrapping her arms around my neck. “I had a great night, Tanner. Thank you.”

I gripped her waist. “I did, too. Best night I’ve had with a chick in a long time, and we didn’t even make it to the bedroom.” I picked up on her disappointment when she narrowed her eyes playfully. “Goodnight, Easton.” I needed one more taste, so I leaned down and took her lips.

She ended the kiss and stepped back. “Night, Tanner.”

I stared after her as she walked down the hall toward the elevator and didn’t look away until the doors closed with her inside. I debated discreetly following her home but decided that would be a bit stalkerish, and if I got caught, it would likely be the last time I saw her at all.

I sat out on the balcony, gripping my phone in my hand. I wasn’t sure what had come over me. The only women I’d ever felt this protective over, were my mom and my sister. I needed to get a grip; she said it was only five minutes away.

Calm the fuck down, Tanner.

I looked down at my phone and saw it had only been one minute, so to take my mind off of Easton, I opened the games folder and pulled up Candy Crush. It was addictive and a great distraction.

It worked, and what felt like seconds later, my phone rang. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the name that popped up on my phone. I hit accept to answer her call.

“Beaver dammed, eh?”

“You like that, eh?” She accentuated the word eh.

“Oh, now you’re making fun of me?”

“I can’t help it; you make it so easy with your Canadianisms.”

“What does beaver dammed even mean?”

“The female version of cockblocked, and seeing as you’re Canadian, I thought beaver was doubly appropriate.”

I couldn’t help but find her amusing. “Fuck, Easton.”

“What? You totally cockblocked us tonight.”

I ignored that and focused on the reason for her call. “So, you arrived home safely, I assume?”

“Yes, Daddy, I was a good girl and came straight here.”

“Are you into the whole Daddy thing?” I chuckled.

“Ew. Oh my God, definitely not. That’s fucking nasty.” She sounded utterly horrified.

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