Home > Meet Cute Club (Sweet Rose #1)(38)

Meet Cute Club (Sweet Rose #1)(38)
Author: Jack Harbon

When they’d finally parted and rejoined the rest of the group, Jordan took a moment to introduce Rex and Patricia. She seemed delighted to have a chance to meet with the man responsible for this trip in person, and Rex was more than happy to take Jordan’s phone to snap a few pictures. The room filled with music, and before long, the attendees began doing tiny little shuffles, dancing as they chatted.

Lana appeared by Jordan’s side and stole him from Rex. “I wanted to talk to you for a second,” she said.

“What’s up?”

“Well, my mom and I tried pottery,” she said, giving him a look that immediately clicked for him.

“That bad?”

“Turns out I’m not talented with my hands. Maybe that’s why I’m single… Anyway, Mom says she still wants to do something with me every week, so I pitched the club. She told me we should’ve just gone to the Meet Cute Club meetings in the first place.”

“So…you’re coming back?” As great as the club was, without Lana, it had always felt like they were missing something. Adding her mother into the mix would only make things that much better.

“I’m coming back, and I’m bringing my mom with me!”

Jordan could only smile like a kid in a candy store. All of the members he’d had before Rex were all back together again, and now there would be even more new faces and new perspectives on the genre. The idea of branching out, exploring different stories with his new friends, and spending hours talking about their favorite books was the cherry on top of the day.

He'd finally done it. All he’d wanted was to make a club as important as Sherleen’s. He wanted to reach as many people as she had, and with Rex’s help and the help of every other member of the club, he’d done it. They’d done it.

Jordan stood back and watched as the attendees and his friends mingled and ate snack food, all of them there because of the books he loved. To most people, it might’ve been silly to feel proud of it. After all, they were just books.

But for Jordan, it was more than that. It was about more than the books. It was about the community surrounding them, and the interpersonal relationships that were built all because of a mutual love of stories. The friendships he’d made, and the love he’d almost lost. These books brought people together, people he never wanted to be away from. If it meant tolerating some snarky cashier at a bookstore smarting off about his taste in reading material for him to have all this, then so be it. It was worth it in the end.

Besides, who didn’t love an opposites-attract romance?





Keep reading for a chapter of Jack’s previous series, Endearments…



Daddy (Endearments #1)


Mateo put his entire life on hold when he found out that his father's Alzheimer's had gotten worse. He dropped all of his textbooks and returned home despite his dreams of graduation, never once complaining about the turn of events. It was his duty as a Rosales to provide for his family. So, back to East L.A., back to another job in retail, and back to basics.


But when Mateo's best friend signs him up for SweetDates.com, a website for older men and younger singles to exchange money for companionship, his life takes a sudden turn. Soon he finds himself talking with the charming, gorgeous millionaire Arthur Danby, and forced to face the uncomfortable moral soul-searching of this new relationship.


Could he really put a monetary value on his time? Is the stubborn pride instilled in him since childhood worth more than feeding his family? And despite the alluring look in his eye, is Arthur hiding something dark?






There were no words to describe the level of disinterest Mateo felt listening to the customer in front of him yammer on. For a moment he’d nearly zoned out, wondering what he’d make for dinner, or better yet, what he’d do for dessert. It wasn’t until she raised her voice that his attention was drawn back to the woman at the counter.

Her issue was that the pastry she’d purchased wasn’t organic and gluten-free like the label claimed. In her eyes, it was irresponsible for them to sell the snack. The real issue was that Mateo knew for a fact that they didn’t sell it. He’d never seen the packaging in his entire three years working at the lotion store. Also, they were in a lotion store.

She placed her hands on her hips and shook her head, a few strands of blonde hair falling from the messy bun that sat lopsided atop her head. She reached into her satchel and pulled out her phone. A moment later, she held it up as if she had the camera app open.

“I can’t believe this, you guys,” she said, her voice wavering. “This man refuses to refund me for a product that claims to be healthy but isn’t! What if I had celiac disease? I don’t, but…I could’ve died right here in his store. I want to speak to your manager!”

“My manager is sick at the moment,” Mateo said, staring back with dead eyes. He’d only gotten three hours of sleep last night, having spent all night calming his father down after another episode. On top of that, his manager had called him in earlier than usual. If he had any energy left, he damn sure wouldn’t have expended it on this woman and her shenanigans.

She scowled and puckered her pastel pink lips. “Convenient! I demand you give me my money back. Now.”

“Do you have a receipt?”

Her face contorted as if Mateo had insulted her entire lineage. “Wha—I don’t need a receipt. I’m a customer! I have the right to a refund.”

Mateo looked into the circular lens on the back of her phone, almost impressed with how delusional the woman was. He bit his tongue and was careful of his tone when he said, “Without a receipt, there’s no proof you were a customer at Lotion Potion. When you provide a receipt for the cherry pastry you claim you bought here, maybe then we can work something out.”

Her face grew redder, and she started to speak when he cut her off.

“Do you see that man over there?” In the corner of the store stood a man in an ill-fitting security uniform. “I don’t want to ruin his day by calling him over here, and I don’t want to ruin your day by having to call security on you. Please leave.”

“Wow,” was all the woman could say.

“What’s wow is you holding up the line, bitch,” Valerie said from behind her.

It took everything Mateo had not to crack a smile at his friend’s comment. The customer looked between the two of them, threw the pastry down and stormed out, knocking over one of the stands on her way out.

Valerie rolled her eyes. “That was fun.”

“It’ll probably be on Facebook by tonight,” he said.

“You should like and comment on the video,” Valerie laughed. She followed him to the mess of lotions and sprays and helped reorganize everything. As she stood up, she grabbed one of the bottles and examined it. “Peach mango. I might have to buy this one.”

Mateo led her back to the counter to ring her up. “What’re you doing here? I thought you said you had to work today.” Valerie also worked at the mall, more specifically as the receptionist at the hot new nail salon on the first floor, and she never got days off. Her boss was a hardass, practically keeping her hostage even when her shifts were over.

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