Home > The Tourist Attraction (Moose Springs, Alaska #1)(63)

The Tourist Attraction (Moose Springs, Alaska #1)(63)
Author: Sarah Morgenthaler

   “There wasn’t a single couple in that ballroom tonight with anything less than an ironclad prenup.”

   “Sucks to be them.” Graham stuffed a hunk of bread in his mouth, mumbling as he chewed. “If she can’t rip your heart, guts, and bank account away from you, then she wasn’t the right one in the first place.”

   “You really mean that, don’t you?”

   “Yep.” He handed her the cheesiest piece of the bread dripping with garlic butter. “Anything else is a waste of time.”

   “You’re a closet romantic, aren’t you?”

   “If I was, I’d never tell you.”

   Even as he said it, Graham draped his arm over the back of their booth, giving Zoey the perfect place to cuddle into his warmth.

   On a whim, she tore off the end of her bread and offered it to him. That dangerously sexy smile reached his eyes, and it was only sexier when he nipped it from her fingertips. Zoey’s breath caught, and even as the server brought the check, her heart continued racing.

   They drove back to the resort, Zoey figuring they owed Lana an apology for disrupting her important night. Graham parked in the employee lot, getting out and walking to Zoey’s passenger door. Sticking as always, he wrestled with it while she watched him with amusement. Finally, it popped open, but only when she unlocked the door.

   “Ooh, good one,” he murmured.

   “Remember, never be afraid to use your gifts.” Zoey slipped out of the truck, accepting Graham’s helping arm as she wobbled on her heels.

   “I’d walk you to your door, but Hannah would kill me.”

   “Are you scared of her?”


   They snuck in a small side entrance rarely used by other guests, back into the building they had darted away from only hours before. This time, they were alone in the elevator, and as it started to climb toward her floor, Graham drew her closer, pressing the softest kiss to her earlobe.

   “I had a great time tonight, gorgeous.”

   “Graham Barnett, are you serious?”

   The doors had opened, revealing the woman in question. He squeaked. “Umm, hey, Hannah. About earlier…”

   “It was me,” Zoey spoke up. “I hit his hand. And aimed the spoon. I hit his hand after aiming the spoon, which happened to be in Haleigh’s direction. It was a magnificent display of accidental food aggression in which he’s utterly innocent. I’m pretty sure it was a ghost.”

   “A ghost,” Hannah repeated flatly.

   “Yes. Two ghosts. I really think so. Do you have haunter’s insurance? Because that would be terrible for business.”

   “Terrible,” Graham agreed, edging around the manager. “Super awful. Let’s look that up. Call me; we’ll talk about it.”

   Then they bolted for Zoey’s door, leaving a disgusted Hannah muttering to herself in the hallway about there being two of them.

   Zoey opened the door and pulled Graham to safety inside her room. She opened her mouth to tell him something but immediately lost all thought as his lips found hers.

   The kiss was soft, undemanding, giving her a chance to pull away. When she didn’t, choosing instead to lean into his hard, strong body, a noise of masculine pleasure rumbled from his throat.

   “Did I tell you I like your dress?”

   “You told me you like my Mickey Mouse sweatshirt.”


   Then he kissed her again, and Zoey’s hands were in his hair, pulling him to her as she went up on her toes. Graham was tall, tall enough that he had to lean down to kiss her, an action that lasted only for a second. Strong hands slid down her rib cage, wrapping beneath her hips, then dug in. He picked her up, bringing her to his height.

   Her dress hiked up as her legs wrapped around his waist, heart racing as Graham took a step. Where he was headed, Zoey didn’t know, because the door swung open again, whacking them both.

   “Oops.” With an impish look, Lana swished past them. “Ignore me. Carry on.”

   “Is it just me, or did she deliberately show up right now?” Graham murmured into Zoey’s ear as he set her back down to her feet.

   “Trust me, it’s all you. I can’t turn around without accidentally running into the two of you getting all tryst-y with each other. Speaking of which…” Lana winked at Zoey. “Congratulations, love. I knew he would be the perfect thing to clean out the rafters.”

   Groaning, Zoey looked at Graham. “Please tell me she didn’t just say that.”

   “Which part is your rafters?” Graham asked curiously, earning himself a swat of Zoey’s hand.

   “Are you mad we wrecked your gala?” Zoey cringed. “I’m really sorry. Haleigh just really gets under my skin.”

   “Oh, that? That was nothing. A party isn’t a party unless someone calls a lawyer.” Lana didn’t seem bothered at all. With a dismissive flap of her hand, she moved to the wet bar in the corner of the suite and poured herself a drink. “Graham, I’m glad you’re here. You two left tonight before I could start the program.”

   Graham’s sharp eyes missed nothing. “I’ve never seen you drink brandy,” he noted.

   “It’s an easy swallow when I have some difficult news to share.” Taking a sip, she hummed in appreciation, then turned her eyes to Graham and Zoey. “Graham, you might want to sit down for this.”

   Folding his arms across his chest, his brow furrowed. “You’re not giving me warm fuzzies here, L.”

   The ring of his cell phone interrupted whatever Lana was about to say. Graham glanced at it, then frowned deeper, holding up a finger. “Sorry, ladies, I need to take this. What’s up, Jonah?”

   Standing at his side, Zoey could hear the officer’s voice on the other end. “I’ve got some bad news, Graham. I’m real sorry to be the one making this call.”

   Zoey watched the blood drain from Graham’s face, his fist balling at his side.

   “Who is it?” he asked quietly.

   “That moose that’s always hanging around your place charged some tourists tonight. Someone got hurt.”

   The tension in him didn’t ease, but he did inhale a tight breath. “Start with that next time, man. I thought it was Mom or Dad. Did he kill anyone?”

   “No, but they’re airlifting the husband to Anchorage. He hurt the guy pretty bad. Easton’s tracking the moose, and you know that only takes so long. We need to relocate him, but we thought…well…you might want to say goodbye.”

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