Home > Payback(37)

Author: Joseph Badal

Bruno nodded. “I already came to that conclusion.”

“You called the cops out there. You let them handle it.”

Bruno stared at Massarino and noticed his expression suddenly change. He looked worried.

“What is it?”

Massarino shook his head. “Something else is wrong.”


“I gotta figure it out.”








Bruno’s adrenaline poured into his nervous system as time seemed to move in slow motion. He had trouble concentrating on building the property files as worries about Janet clouded his brain. Afraid that he would miss Louis Massarino’s deadline, he called Jesse Falco and asked him to come to the apartment to help. He was amazed at how quickly the kid picked up on what needed to be done and completed property files while Bruno paced the floor.

Bruno watched the LED clock on the microwave as he moved through the kitchen on his pacing circuit and willed it to speed up. When the clock finally reached 10:55 a.m., he broke out in a cold sweat. He’d learned something during the night: he cared about Janet in a way he’d never cared about anyone. Not even his former wife, Paolina. Janet was much more than a friend. The thought of something happening to her, or worse, losing her, made him feel as though he was lost in a wilderness, alone and hopeless.

He watched the last five minutes tick off and then called Janet’s cell number.

“I want to know where the fuck you are, Pedace. Right now. No more games.”

“I’ll give you that information after I talk with Janet.”

“No way, asshole. I told you—”

Bruno steeled himself and took a deep breath. “Put her on the phone or I hang up and never call back.”


“Yes, Janet, it’s me.” He knew what he was about to ask was stupid, but he needed to keep the line open. “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay, Bruno. How are you?”

Bruno choked up. He cleared his throat and answered, “I’ll be fine when I see you again.” He breathed and added, “Say hello to Hugo for me.”

Janet seemed to hesitate a second and then said, “Oh.”

Then the man was back on the line. “Your location. I know you’re in Brooklyn. I want the address.”

Bruno glanced at the microwave clock and felt fear flood through him. The clock still read 11. Even if it clicked to 11:01, and even if Rosales’s people tracked the signal, it would take a long time for them to find Janet. She could be dead by the time they arrived.

“I give you my location and what happens to Janet?”

“I told you before that we’ll release her.”

“I want her released first.”

The guy laughed. “Not gonna happen.”

Bruno knew he was gambling with Janet’s life, but he also knew if he disclosed his location, there would be no gamble. Her death would be a sure thing.

“Then go screw yourself.” He disconnected the call and tried to settle his breathing. His heart raced and his hands trembled. A quick glance at the clock told him he’d been on the line for ninety seconds. He’d wait until the clock turned to 11:05.


About one mile southeast of the junction of Highway 405 and the 710, Detectives Rosales and Andrews had been parked for three hours just around the corner from a seedy strip mall, near where the car in which Janet Jenkins had been carried away had been spotted by an alert patrolman. It was now 8:03 a.m.

“You know, just because Pham’s car was spotted here, doesn’t mean he’s in the area,” Andrews said. “He could have abandoned it.”

“I know,” Rosales said. “But what choice do we have?” Rosales looked across the intersection at the El Segundo unmarked sedan. The two ESPD detectives there were spearheading the op.

“I gotta pee,” Andrews said.

Rosales nodded, but then grabbed Andrews’s arm when Rosales’s cell chirped.

“Go,” Rosales shouted into the phone.

“We got the trace. 1967 Bixby Street. Thuoc’s Cleanery.”

Andrews pushed open his door and ran around to join Rosales as he raced around the corner to Bixby. The big yellow sign, with red letters in English and Vietnamese, identifying Thuoc’s Cleanery, was halfway down the block.

Rosales watched a large, black SWAT vehicle shatter the early morning quiet as it roared up the street. The noise from another large horsepower vehicle sounded from behind him, down the alley behind the row of storefronts.


Bruno waited until the clock turned to 11:05. Then he called Janet’s cell. The man picked up after one ring.

“You pull another stunt like that and I’ll slit her throat.”

The angry timbre of the man’s voice told Bruno that the guy would not accept any more delays.

“I’m in Brooklyn.”

“I already know that!” The guy screamed, “Give me your location.”

“I’m at—”

The sounds of shouting and gunfire stopped Bruno cold. “Oh, my God,” he groaned. “Janet.” The noise through the phone seemed to get louder and louder. The only distinct words that Bruno heard were, “Put down the knife.” Pain erupted in the side of his head as he pressed the burner phone harder against his ear.

Bruno chanted, “Janet, Janet, Janet,” as the seconds went by. Then a familiar voice came on the phone and asked, “Pedace? It’s Hugo Rosales.”

“Yes. Is she okay?”

“She’s fine,” Rosales answered. “I’ll put her on.”


He realized he was holding his breath. He released the air in his lungs. “Ja…Janet.”

In a shaky voice, Janet said, “Bruno, I’m okay.”

“I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I—”

“Now’s not the time to talk about blame. I want to know what’s going on, what you’re doing. And I want to see you. I’m coming to New York.”

“Janet, you can’t. I don’t want you involved.”

She scoffed. “Bruno, I’m already involved. The men who kidnapped me said they know you’re in the New York City area. I’m catching a flight to LaGuardia tomorrow morning. I expect you to pick me up.”

“Wait, Janet, that’s not a—”

“Bruno, if you think I’m staying around here and waiting for the next shoe to drop, you’re nuts. Call me tonight on my cell. I’ll give you my flight arrangements.”

Before Bruno could object, Janet cut off the call.





Louis Massarino had had a relaxing lunch with his wife, Rosa. At the front door of his home, he kissed her hand and said, “Grazie, mi amor,” as he always did before leaving the house. Now in the back seat of his Lincoln Town Car, he called Bruno.

“Any news about your friend in California?”

“She’s fine. The police found her in time.”

“Grazie Dio.” After inhaling loudly, Massarino said, “And how are things with your plan?”

“Ahead of schedule. Your nephew Jesse’s been working on the files for me. We’re getting twice as many files done as before. The kid’s a wizard.”

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