Home > BTW:By The Way (After Oscar #3)(48)

BTW:By The Way (After Oscar #3)(48)
Author: Lucy Lennox

Half of negotiating was bluster, and bluster was entirely dependent on perception. Dick Sr. was known as a hard-assed negotiator. If word got around that his reputation wasn’t entirely deserved, it would give his competitors an edge in future dealings.

“I mean, it was totally your call to set the price you’d pay so high,” I continued. “Which is understandable. When there’s a property you really want, you’re going to pay what it takes, right?”

Dick Sr.’s mouth started opening and closing, his cheeks turning a violent purple. He looked for all the world like a fish flapping around on deck, desperate for air.

I grinned coldly, pressing my attack. “The Gilleys may not have been all that sophisticated, but they still took you for a ride. Got you to double your offer in two days. If you’d been willing to wait a day or two, you’d have actually gotten the property for a real steal. As it stands, you paid market value. Maybe a little more, honestly.”

Dick Sr. turned to Richard, who still stood with his arm looped through mine. “Get this man away from me.”

Richard started tugging at my arm, but I yanked free of him. Then I shot my cuffs and rolled my shoulders, standing tall and keeping my jaw firm. “No need to drag me away, I’ll happily leave on my own. And in case it wasn’t clear, Mr. Dunning, I’m firing you as my client.”

I glanced around at the other men, who all stood with various expressions of shock and glee. I’d chummed the waters pretty good, and they knew it. I nodded at them, turned on my heel, and started across the rotunda in search of Sawyer.

Richard caught up to me, grabbing my elbow and spinning me to face him. “What the fuck was that all about?”

My hands were shaking with adrenaline, and I blew out a breath, trying to calm my racing heart. “Your father’s an asshole.”

He rolled his eyes. “I know that, but still…” He glanced over his shoulder at where his father stood, his face purple and hands gesticulating wildly as he talked, likely trying to salvage his reputation at my expense. I was either going to wake up in the morning to a dozen calls asking for my representation or to the news that I’d been let go from my firm and would never work in this town again.

Frankly, I wasn’t sure which outcome I preferred. So long as I woke up in Sawyer’s arms, it didn’t matter.

When Richard’s eyes met mine again, there was a trace of amusement in them. “I’ve never heard anyone speak to my father that way,” he said in a lowered voice.

I couldn’t believe I’d talked to him that way either. “Perhaps that’s why he’s such a pompous jerk.”

“Was it fun?”

I couldn’t stop a hint of a smile from appearing. I had been pretty awesome. “Yeah, it actually kind of was.”

He shook his head. “Man, I’ve always dreamed of standing up to him like that.”

“You should,” I told him, being completely serious.

He brushed the comment aside, though there was a hint of regret in his expression. “You know he’s going to do his best to ruin you, right?” He seemed genuinely concerned.

“He can try,” I told him. “But honestly, at the end of the day it’s just a job and I can find another one. There are some things more important than work and money.”

He tilted his head to the side, considering me. “You talking about your new boyfriend?”

I nodded absently, glancing around the room and scanning the galleries above, searching for the familiar head of dirty-blond hair. Maybe he’d gone to the bathroom? An anxious feeling began to take root in my stomach. I shouldn’t have left him on his own for so long. This wasn’t his scene, wasn’t even his town, and I’d just thrown him into the deep end hoping he could manage. What if he’d gotten overwhelmed? What if it was too much?

“You really care about him, don’t you?”

I blinked, dragging my attention fully back to Richard. “I do,” I told him honestly. “I really do.”

“I saw him earlier. Right before you told my father off. He was coming toward us across the room and then just stopped. He watched us for a second and then seemed to reconsider before turning and walking away.”

I didn’t understand. “He just… walked away?”

“I assumed he was giving you space since he knew you and I had to put on the act for Dad. But now…” He paused, a concerned expression crossing his face. “I think he might have been headed for the exit.”

My pulse kicked up a notch. “He left?”

Richard cringed. “He might have just needed fresh air. He looked a little upset.”

Sawyer was upset? Just the thought caused anxiety to shoot through me. “Why didn’t you say anything before?”

I didn’t bother to wait for an answer. Instead I turned and started shoving my way through the crowd. I reached the exit, bolting outside into the warm spring air and scanning the sidewalk frantically. There were a few partygoers scattered about, but no sign of Sawyer.

“Fuck,” I hissed under my breath. I yanked my phone from my pocket and hit speed dial for Sawyer’s number. It rang once, then went straight to voicemail.

I quickly typed up a text. Where are you? You okay?

Three dots immediately appeared, and I paced, waiting for his text to come through. The dots disappeared, reappeared, and disappeared again several times before his reply finally appeared.

Sawyer: I left.



It had taken him a long time to type up such a simple response which meant there was more he’d wanted to say but for some reason hadn’t.

James: Why?



There was another long, agonizing wait.

Sawyer: I don’t think I can do this.



I froze and stared at the text. I didn’t know what he meant by this, but I was terrified he might be referring to us and not just the party. My fingers were trembling so badly that it took me several tries to type out my response.

James: Don’t think you can do what?



Sawyer: This. Us. New York. Galas. It’s just not who I am.



My legs felt weak, and my head swam. Everything had seemed so perfect earlier—how had it all fallen apart so quickly?

James: Did something happen? Was it Richard? I promise there’s nothing between us anymore.



Sawyer: I know. Nothing happened. It just became obvious that this life isn’t right for me.



James: Can we talk about it? Please?



Sawyer: I’m sorry James.



James: Sawyer, whatever this is, we can fix it.



Sawyer: You’re an incredible man, James, truly. I hope you find love and happiness. I’m sad that it won’t be with me. Goodbye.



This couldn’t be happening. It didn’t make sense. I pressed the button to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. I tried again with the same result.

James: Please can we just talk? I need to hear your voice. I need to know you’re okay.



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