Home > Down the Hatch (Witches Be Crazy #1)(21)

Down the Hatch (Witches Be Crazy #1)(21)
Author: Constance Barker

“That led to Arthur Rogers.”

I told them all about the effort to find Arthur Rogers through Evelyn Dubois and Lance DeChambeau. The tale that led to St. Louis Cemetery. The story ended with me holding onto the half-carved arrow, that I pulled from my pocket and handed over.

“I have no idea who the carver is,” I said. “But since I spoke to him, maybe the carver knows me.”

“Oops,” Penelope said. “That wasn’t your finest move”

“I’m sure the carver has no idea who it was,” Gwen said. “It was dark, right? And your voice is hardly distinctive.”

“Gee, thanks,” I said.

“That’s a benefit,” Gwen added.

“Well, in case it’s not, I have to go.”

“What do you mean you have to go?” Penelope asked.

“I can’t stay here,” I said. “I’m radioactive. The carver might show up any second. You are my sister, Gwen, although sometimes, I wonder if babies were switched at birth.”

“Now, you’re the one trying to be funny. Penelope, talk to my sister while I get us some tea.”

I watched Gwen leave, even as Penelope squeezed my hand.

“You know you’re better off here, with those who love you,” Penelope said. “We’re all accomplished witches, so I don’t think some mad wood carver with a knife is going to walk into the room.”

“Not unless the carver is a magical too. We don’t know what we’re looking at, Penne. It could be anyone. This city is filled with witches and warlocks and fairies and well, every sort of magical person. We’re good, but are we that good?”

“We’re more than that good. Besides, together we’re much stronger than apart. We can protect each other.”

I was about to tell her that if I wasn’t in the house, there would be no reason to protect anything, but before I could, Gwen walked in with a cup of tea.

“Here you go,” Gwen said. “Just what you need. Coffee wakes you up. Tea soothes you to sleep.”

The tea smelled so good, I couldn’t resist. I downed half the cup, as Gwen watched, that knowing smile on her face. That was when I figured it out. Gwen had put a sleep spell on the tea.

I didn’t stand a chance.

“Sleepy time baby,” Penelope said as she lifted my feet to the couch.

“Don’t worry, Helga,” Gwen said. “You’re in the best of hands.”

That was when I went to sleep.



I WOKE ON THE COUCH, and I had sat up for maybe five seconds before Gwen put a cup of coffee in my hand.

“You’re welcome,” Gwen said.

“I won’t forget this,” I said.

“You better not,” she said as she walked away.

“And I don’t owe you anything!”

She laughed.

Twenty seconds later, Penelope called. Before I could say hello, she started.

“I know you are probably pissed as hell, but remember that what we did, we did for your own good. I think you know that, so I won’t apologize too much. Now, since you slept like a baby, it’s time to get to work. Ta-ta.”

The line went dead, and I shook my head. That was classic Penelope. And I did need to get to work.

I arrived at the store earlier than normal, and it was a good thing I did.

The front door stood ajar. As I walked through, I gaped. On both sides, several of what I thought were tasteful displays, had been smashed. For a moment, all I could do was stare.

Then, I whispered a little spell and touched the smashed vase. The shards told the story. The person who had broken in and ruined my displays was not trying to rob me. It wasn’t for money. The person had meant to send a message. I was to stop what I was doing, or I would go the way of the vase.

I spun from the damage. “GET DOWN HERE!” I called out.

Within seconds, the ghosts appeared. I could tell that Orchid and Zephyr were sheepish, afraid to face me. Roxanne stayed some distance away, as if she didn’t want to get involved. I didn’t blame her.

“All right,” I told the ghosts. “Who broke in and smashed things?”

“We don’t know,” Orchid said.

“It was very dark,” Zephyr added.

“And the person wore a hood, so their face was covered.”

“And they were quite violent,” Zephyr said

“So, you two hid, right?” I asked.

“There was no reason to confront the person.”

“We had no idea just how aware they might be.”

“You’re ghosts,” I said. “Not much can hurt you.”

“You’re not going to turn us out, are you?” Zephyr asked.

“I should,” I said. “But no, I’m not going to throw you out.”

I could tell the ghosts were relieved.

“In that case,” Orchid said. “You might want to talk to Roxanne.”

“What about?”

“She’s coming apart, I’m afraid,” Orchid said. “Very unstable.”

“If we don’t find the necklace soon, she might turn nasty and attach herself to the store.”

“Or me,” I said. “That wouldn’t do, would it.”

“It would make things difficult,” Zephyr said.

“Well, I’ll see to her, right after I clean up this mess.”

Before I started cleaning, I took photos of the damage. I didn’t know if my insurance would cover the loss, but I would need them for the police report. As I swept and gathered and tried to determine just how much the break-in had cost me, anger bubbled up inside. I knew that if I stopped investigating, I would always be afraid. And I did not like feeling afraid. No, the only way to overcome the damage was to solve the murder. If that meant visiting graveyards and dodging knives, then that’s what I would do. No one was going to intimidate me.

I called Jacob and told him about the burglary. He said he would be right over, and I sensed more than the usual concern in his voice. As soon as I ended the call, Roxanne approached, and she wasn’t weeping for once. I thought that was a good thing. I thought.

“When are you going to find my necklace?” Roxanne demanded.

“I’m working on it,” I said.

“I don’t see you working on it,” she said. “It seems you’re doing everything but working on it. In fact, you’re not even here half the time.”

“Roxanne, you know these things take time. Right now, I have a murderer on the loose, and I think that’s the person who caused the damage last night. Surely, you don’t believe that the necklace is more important than my store.”

“I have been patient,” she said. “But even my patience is wearing thin. I demand that you stop whatever silly thing you’re doing and find my necklace.”

Before I could argue with her, she disappeared, and I knew I had another problem on my hands. I was of a mind to do something drastic—like an anti-ghost spell—when Orchid and Zephyr reappeared.

“We tried to tell you,” Orchid said.

“Roxanne has become rather irrational,” Zephyr added.

“I can’t deal with her at the moment,” I told them. “I have to solve the murder before my entire store is devastated.”

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