Home > All I Wanna Do Is You(24)

All I Wanna Do Is You(24)
Author: Dylann Crush

As if he knew what she’d been thinking about, his lips quirked in a half grin. “You sure you don’t want to change into a short-sleeve shirt? Looks like you might be getting a little warm.”

“It’s the car. Why do all of these muscle hot rods have black leather interiors?”

Zach shook his head. “Hot rod, huh? What kind of car are you driving nowadays?”

She opened her mouth to respond but he continued.

“Don’t say. Let me guess.” His hand rubbed at the stubble on his chin.

She wanted to reach over and run her hand along his cheek. Instead, she shifted in her seat again. “Fine. Give it your best shot.”

“Can I have three questions?”

Reagan shrugged. “Sure.”

“Foreign or domestic?”


He smiled, keeping his eyes focused on the road ahead. “I should have known that one. Gotta look good for the lobbyists, right?”

“Whatever. What’s question number two?” she asked.

“Two door or four?”


Zach nodded. “Safe and practical. Probably could have called that one, too.”

She shifted in her seat to face him. “What’s wrong with safe and practical?”

“Sheesh, don’t get your polka dot panties in a wad over there.”

Heat flushed her cheeks. Crossing her arms over her chest, she huffed out a breath and turned her face toward the window. How dare he make judgments about her based on her car? Her trusty four-door might not be the raciest choice, but at least it got her where she needed to go. And it had a lovely, taupe interior. A much better choice on a warm, sunny day.

“Last question. Does your dad make your payments for you?”

Her head whipped toward him. “Hey. What kind of question is that?”

“Just asking. I know you’re tight with your family, and he probably wants to make sure you’re safe on the road.”

“For your information, I support myself, thank you very much.” Her dad hadn’t made her car payment since she left for college. He’d offered, but she wanted to make it on her own. The fact that Zach thought she would take handouts from her dad shouldn’t bother her that much. But it did.

“Sorry. I figured as his baby girl, he’d like to take care of you.”

“I don’t need anyone to take care of me. I’m perfectly capable of doing that myself.”

He snorted. “Yep. You’re doing a great job. Lost your license, almost got arrested in Louisville. I can see why your dad doesn’t feel the need to get involved.”

What did he have against her dad anyway? As far as she knew, they’d never even met. She certainly hadn’t introduced him during the time she’d secretly dated Zach in high school. Although, most people had strong feelings about her father one way or another, even if they’d never been officially introduced.

Politics was a polarizing field, and she’d given up defending herself as a mere relation years ago. Now she’d let people say their piece, smile and nod, and go on about her business. But lately, her dad had been pressuring her to take a step back from her career and join his staff. With a probable VP bid, he’d be adding to his inner circle of trusted campaign warriors. Knowing how stressed she’d been with plans for Teddy and Cal, he’d given her until after the wedding to let him know if she wanted to take him up on his offer. As far as he was concerned, it was a done deal. She wasn’t so sure.

“Can we enjoy the scenery and forget about making conversation?” she asked.

“You got it, cupcake.” He cranked up the volume and tapped his fingers on the wheel.

“Stop calling me that,” she muttered under her breath. He couldn’t hear her, but it didn’t matter. If he knew it bothered her, it would only make him do it more. This whole trip was turning out to be a bad mistake.

She should have taken her Ativan and let her dad have Simon charter the tiny plane. The mere thought of being bounced around, high in the sky with no sense of control, made her break out in a cold sweat. Her arms wrapped around her middle, and she squeezed tight.

Zach reached out and turned the volume down, then rested his hand on her knee. A tingle radiated out from his touch. She resisted the urge to pull away and stared at his fingers, splaying over her jeans instead.

“Hey, sorry if I made you mad.” He shot a glance her way. “What I said, it was uncalled for.”


His hand squeezed her knee, sending the tingles marching right up her thigh toward her girly parts.

“I accept your apology, but it’s not okay.”

He put his hand back on the wheel. “That sounds well-rehearsed.”

“Old habits die hard. That’s what my parents always made Teddy and me say to each other when we were kids.” She glanced out the window. They were climbing now. Flat land had given way to a gradual incline, and the road twisted and turned ahead of them.

“Do you mind if we stop so I can stretch my legs for a minute?” Zach asked.

Reagan sighed. At this rate they’d never get to Miami. “Sure. I could use a bathroom break.”

He pulled off the highway at the next exit and took the turn toward Lookout Mountain. A mom-and-pop gas station sat on the corner, and Zach parked next to one of the ancient pumps. Reagan slid her feet back into her shoes and grabbed her purse from the floor.

“I’m going to run to the ladies’ room,” she said, exiting the car.

“Take your time. This pump looks like it’s going to be slower than molasses in January.” Zach fiddled with the gas pump, trying to figure out how to get it to turn on.

An attendant came out of the small metal building. Well-worn denim overalls covered his lanky frame and he held a toothpick in between his teeth. “Y’all need some help?”

Reagan passed him on her way into the store. “I don’t think he knows how to turn the pump on.”

“I’ll git it goin’. Oh, and if yer lookin’ for the bathroom, it’s ‘round back. Key’s on the hook inside, darlin’.”

“Um, thanks,” Reagan muttered and made her way into the building. It wasn’t much bigger than a shed. Three large coolers lined the back wall and a few racks of snacks took up the rest of the floor space. The key was just where he said…hanging on a hook by the counter. A long, rectangular piece of wood dangled from the end with Bathroom spelled out in black block letters. She snagged the key and walked out the front door.

A modern-looking outhouse sat behind the station. Reagan fit the key into the lock and turned it, opening the door into a tiny, single-stall bathroom. The stench of sewage hit her nose and she recoiled. Although she tried to take a step forward, her feet refused. Pinching her nose with her fingers, she backed out of the space, eager to return the key and find another restroom.

As she approached the car, Zach nodded and leaned against the bumper. The gas station attendant stood a few feet away, and they appeared to be deep in conversation.

Zach could schmooze with anyone. Male or female, it didn’t matter. Young or old. She’d seen him practically charm the pants off the waitress at the diner and manage to get the hulky guy on the plane to do what he wanted. Her dad should be trying to get Zach to join his staff, not her.

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