Home > Parker(19)

Author: Linzi Basset

There was an energetic vibe in the dining hall as they walked through the wide arch. The subs had christened it the Hogwarts Hall, considering it looked similar to the one in the Harry Potter movies. Except here, there was a relaxation area on one side with plush leather sofas, chairs, and side tables sporting small lamps. It was where the cousins usually relaxed after dinner … those who were present. Since Hawk, Kane, and Ace had found their other halves, they hardly ever stayed over at the Castle and preferred to go to their respective homes. Stone and Peyton were the only couple who lived in the Castle, except they’d moved to the top floor where Stone had created a beautiful home for them. Even they enjoyed intimate dinners in their home most nights.

The chittering of female voices mingled with deep bass interjections from the men seated at various of the long tables.

“It seems you might have a battle on your hands,” Hawk said as his eyes came to rest on the table closest to them where the Castle Masters usually sat. “I’ve never seen Zeke this enamored with a woman.”

“I’m afraid he’s about to luck out. I’ve already laid claim to her.” Parker didn’t bother to hide the annoyance from his voice although the possessive flush of anger that exploded inside him surprised him. It wasn’t in his DNA to be the jealous or proprietorial type.

He’d been dead wrong.

Parker couldn’t deny the rush of warmth that flooded his body as their eyes met upon his approach. He felt the effect of Ava’s lips that separated in an uncontrolled gasp followed by a blooming blush over her cheeks in the stirring of his cock. More than that, the increasing rhythm of his heartbeat reaffirmed his desire to care for and protect her. He didn’t stop but continued around the table, his eyes holding hers captive as he prowled closer until he stood behind her. He smiled as he noticed how tense her shoulders were, how straight she held her neck, and how she refused to look up at him.

He soaked in the harsh intake of her breath as he brushed her hair to the side and leaned over to place a hard kiss at the base of her throat. Satisfaction gleamed in his eyes as he lifted his head to watch how her skin darkened from the love bite.

“It took you long enough to find me, Cherub.”

“Hold on! Do you know her?” Zeke said in a clear affront. He glanced between them and then to where he was still clasping her hand.

“I do, cuz, and I’d be mighty pleased if you’d let go of my sub’s hand.”

“Your what?” The exclamation echoed from everyone around the table, including Peyton who glared at Parker with narrowed eyes.

“You just hold on there, Parker. There is no way in hell she is your submissive.” She glanced at the woman whose cheeks were now burning bright red. “She would’ve told me … right, Cece?”

Parker leaned down to brush his lips on the soft spot below her ear. His breath was hot against her skin as he murmured in a deep voice for only her to hear, “I’m disappointed, little one. I had hoped you’d be open and honest about who you are when you arrived here.”

Ava shot a sharp look at him, a warning, but he detected a softening flash of a plea in its depth. His one eyebrow crawled upward. He banked her reaction to the gesture for further investigation later. He pinched her lower lip and pulled it from her pearly whites that assaulted its succulent beauty.

“These pouty lips are mine to abuse and please, Cherub. Remember that.”

“Stop calling me that ridiculous name,” She finally found her voice.

“Start talking, Parker. Since when is Cece your sub?”

Parker stepped over the bunk which forced Zeke to move over as he settled between him and Ava. He picked up a steaming bread roll and popped a piece in his mouth before he responded.

“You might be my brother’s future wife, little snip, but I suggest you rein in your bossy attitude. I know a couple of remarkably effective punishments a little pregnant faerie can be subjected to.”

“No one but I will have the pleasure of any punishments my fiancée deserves, little brother,” Stone gruffed as he speared a piece of fish into his mouth. He regarded Parker as he chewed. “Come on, we’re all curious. This is the first time we’ve met Cece, so how the hell is it that you call her sub?”

“I’m not his sub,” Ava snapped as she ineffectively tried to move her leg away from Parker. The dratted man just followed his hard-muscled thigh along with hers. If she moved any further, she’d fall on her ass on the floor.

Parker tapped on the blue folder he’d placed on the table.

“But you will be as soon as we sign this agreement.”

Ava gaped at him. It was obvious that she hadn’t believed him to be serious when he’d issued the warning.

“How did you even know I’m here?” she whispered furiously under her breath.

Parker caught her chin between his fingers and leaned in for a quick but passionately hard kiss. He smiled as her cheeks spotted red again. It was the most endearing reaction. One he hadn’t expected from a woman who had been in the BDSM lifestyle for years.

“Because I’ve been waiting for you, Cherub, and now that you’re here … I’m going to make sure you never want to leave.”

He turned to face the others watching them with animated expressions. Hawk was the only one with a knowing smile on his lips. One look at him confirmed that he accepted Parker’s decision to make Ava Harper his. The man was as smitten with the beautiful petite woman by his side as she was with him.

“I assume she introduced herself to you as Cece Roux?” Parker ignored her surprised gasp. He smiled at the server who handed him his plate of food. “Thanks, Neil.” He inhaled deeply and groaned. “Damn, it smells good. I didn’t realize I was this hungry,” he mumbled around a bite of buttered potato.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Parker. Stop being so melodramatic and say what you started to.” Zeke thumped a fist against Parker’s shoulder. He was visibly miffed that his interest in the beautiful black-haired beauty had been usurped by his cousin.

“As I was about to say,” he glanced briefly at Ava, “Cece is the very elusive Dancer.”

Ava didn’t miss the emphasis he placed on the assumed name and her cheeks warmed once more with a telltale blush. Her annoyance about the ease with which it happened was visible to everyone around the table.

Parker delighted in it. As much of a brat as she was at Club Alpha Cove, she was as out of her depth in his domain as a fish out of water. It was something he intended to utilize to his advantage. Keep her unsettled—at least long enough to get her in his grasp—hook, line, and sinker.

Stone stopped eating and stared intently at Ava. She fidgeted under his direct stare but returned his gaze with a proud tilt of her chin. He glanced at Peyton. “Is this true, love? This is the hacker, Dancer?”

Peyton looked at Ava who nodded with a tight smile.

“Yes, it’s her.” She placed a hand on his arm and smiled pleadingly at him. “I’ll explain later, honey.”

“And she’s your friend? Or was that a lie?” Stone prodded with a grim look at her.

Peyton smiled at Ava, who offered a tremulous one of her own.

“Peyton is the closest thing I have to a friend,” Ava admitted in a husky voice.

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