Home > Parker(24)

Author: Linzi Basset

The sound of Parker humming a lively tune in the shower yanked her from the frozen state where he’d left her standing. It shattered her composure how badly she wanted him to completely devour her.

Body, heart, and soul.

“You better start using your brain, woman. You saw how the subs flirted with him at lunch and dinner. He’s obviously a favorite and used to variety. You’re delusional if you think for one second he’ll give that up for you.”

It rattled her even more as she felt the same anger that had boiled inside her with every woman that touched him, bubbling to the surface again just thinking of him with someone else.

“Fuck me! I’m doomed. I don’t know the man but I already want him for myself.”



Chapter Eight


“This is your apartment,” Ava accused with a sharp glance at Parker as he walked into the open plan kitchen where she was waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. It was difficult to drag her eyes from his musculature dressed in casual black shorts, a blue t-shirt, and running shoes.

“You didn’t know?”

“How was I supposed to? Peyton didn’t say anything and I only realized it when I walked into the closet for my clothes.”

He shrugged as he skirted the kitchen island to wrap his arms around her from behind. Her breath wheezed from her throat as he nuzzled her ear.

“Where else did you expect to stay, love? You came here to be with me and it’s exactly where you are.”

“I didn’t give it much thought but I expected to have my own room. It’s a huge castle after all.”

“Indeed, it is, and filled with subs and trainees.” His lips trailed over her nape that was enticingly available, courtesy of her hair that she’d pulled up into a messy bun. “And I have no intention of tiptoeing through the hallways to your room when I can just roll over and bury my cock inside your hot little pussy.”

“S-stop,” she puffed. She twisted in a desperate attempt to escape his all too seductive lips but was caught between the island at the front and his hard body behind her.


“Because,” she snapped.

“Hmm … nope. Not reason enough, I’m afraid.” He didn’t bother to hide the amusement that colored his voice. She gasped as his arms snaked around her waist to cup her breasts. “Gorgeous and so soft and perky. I have to say it again, Ava. I love your tits.”

“Oh, good lord,” she moaned as her nipples turned to hard little stones as he tweaked them between his fingers.

“And so responsive to my touch.”

“It’s not necessary to point out the obvious, you know,” she snipped through clenched teeth. She could feel her denim shorts grow wet between her legs.

His chuckle timbered its way through her mind to wrap around her heart.

“Hmm,” he groaned as he caught the tender spot on her neck and sucked hard. He lifted his head and stared at the dark mark on her skin. “Perfect. I love to see my mark on you.”

Ava rubbed the spot indignantly. “I wish you’d stop doing that. We’re not school kids anymore to give out hickeys.” It was hard to keep her voice chilled when inside she was turning to mush at the knowledge that he wanted everyone to see his stamp of ownership on her.

“Get used to it, my pet.” He stepped away and smiled at her as he ambled toward the door. “In case you missed it when you showered this morning, there are many covering your body.” His eyes dropped to her breasts. “Especially your delightful tits.” He opened the door, and his gaze seared hers over the distance. “I’ll give you a couple of days to get used to me with the comfort of people around us, but then we’ll move to my house in the Bahamas. I’m going for a jog. Meet me in the Dining Hall in thirty minutes for breakfast.”

The door was almost closed when he opened it again. “Before I forget.” He pointed to the blue folder on the table in the entrance hall. “Go through that contract. We have a meeting with Hawk after breakfast to sign it.”

“Hawk? Why?”

“He’s our resident attorney and handles all our legal matters.” He held up his hand when she opened her mouth to protest. “Don’t bother. I’m not going to drag it out, Ava. Either we sign that agreement today or you leave.”

Ava waited until the door clicked behind him before she grunted, “Like hell, I will.”

Her hands lifted to cover her tingling and still sensitive nipples after the hours of attention he’d paid to them the previous night. She peeked at the door but it remained shut. Her fingers curled around the cami-top and she yanked it down.

“Holy shit! He did give me hickeys all over my breasts. Good gracious! It looks like I’ve got some disease.” She gaped at the purple marks covering large parts of her breasts … right around her areola. “How did I miss it this morning?” she wailed as she pulled up the top and filled a mug with coffee. Taking a tentative sip, she trotted to the window and stared out over the magnificent view of landscape and ocean.

She knew how it was possible to miss it. Her mind had been filled with visions of Parker in the shower, fantasizing about joining him there for a repeat of what had happened there the previous night.

A movement on the gravel road below leading up the hill caught her attention. She quickly became riveted by the easy swing of Parker’s arms and legs as he ran. His movements were smooth and seemed effortless. Her breathing increased just thinking of the effort it would take for her to keep up with him. Running in any shape or form wasn’t in her DNA and she had every intention of never changing that.

She watched him until he disappeared from view while pondering the effect he had on her. She was honest enough to acknowledge that it was more than purely physical and sexual. It felt like there was an invisible thread that was entangled around them. Bonded them to each other on a level she had never experienced and sure as hell didn’t understand.

“Well, might as well get it over with,” she muttered and walked to the entrance hall to collect the blue folder. She sat down on the sofa and carefully read the agreement. It was the one thing she’d learned very early in life … to ensure she didn’t miss any fine print or loopholes in a contract. This was a straightforward Dom/sub agreement detailing Parker’s expectations, his rules, and his commitment to care for and protect her. It was clearly stipulated that he would sexually be in charge at all times within her boundaries. She already knew Master Tiger was the kind of Dom who loved to push those boundaries. He had a very keen understanding of how a sub’s mind worked, that much she’d learned firsthand and knew she’d never be able to manipulate him.

“He insists on … oh, my … who would’ve thought?” Ava stared at the words in the final paragraph as gleams as pure and warm as sunshine on a sky of storm flowed through her veins. “Exclusivity. He wants our relationship to be exclusive?”

Her eyes blazed like deep forests, filled with a rush of disbelief and surprise. It was the last thing she’d expected, especially as he seemed to be very popular with the employed subs of Castle Sin. She wasn’t ignorant of how sub training worked either and many of those lessons ended in sex. How the devil was he going to perform his duty and remain exclusive to her?

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