Home > Parker(6)

Author: Linzi Basset

Her giggle trilled through the quiet room as she watched him slowly drag the offending piece of leather and chains off his face. She swallowed her mirth as he narrowed his eyes on her.

“Oops, my apologies, Master Tiger. I didn’t realize it would fly through the air like that. Just like … whoosh and bang!” A fit of giggles rippled from her again as she recalled the look on his face. His lips flattened but Ava could swear there was a twinge of amusement in his gaze. Her hands fluttered in the air. “I’m sorry, Sir but … hahaha.” She couldn’t contain her laughter, which was a strange phenomenon, seeing as Ava wasn’t the kind of person to laugh at such silly nonsense.

Her eyes widened as he whipped the shirt over his head and blessed her with the rippling gorgeousness of his broad chest and a washboard six pack that made her breath catch. By the time his big hands came to rest low on his hips, her laughter had died completely, especially as she noticed how the muscles in his biceps rippled as he tapped his fingers against his jeans.

Suddenly the reality of what was about to happen hit home. Those huge paws and bulging muscles were going to be used to punish her. She felt her buttocks clench in protest as he walked forward. Ava retreated step by step.


The order came from low in his throat and she instinctively responded. Her feet were rooted to the spot. She belatedly realized that she forgot to remove the thigh high stiletto boots. On the other hand, his instructions hadn’t included her boots … right?

While she debated in her mind, he deftly cuffed her one ankle to a welded O-ring into the floor.

“Spread them wide.”

She instinctively obeyed and cursed as he cuffed the other ankle as well before he straightened. All amusement was gone from his face as he gruffed shortly, “Hands.”

“Oh lord,” she moaned as he cuffed her wrists to the chain above her head. Because she was so short, her body was stretched to capacity even with her going onto her toes.

Parker slowly walked around her; a negligent finger trailed a line of scorching heat on her skin as he went.

“Have you ever heard the Russian Proverb, ‘Even pain has its joy?’”

“Can’t say that I have,” she mumbled as she yanked on the cuffs. The chains rattled overhead but other than that, she couldn’t move much, except to orbit her hips left and right.

“I’m sure you’re familiar with the chemical formula that’s often used to describe endorphins, which to a sub is rather different than to a Dom. Personally, there are times that I find pure fun in striking a submissive for no other reason than personal gratification.”

“Like now?”

“Hmm, I’d be lying if I denied I’m looking forward to watching your flesh ripple under my whip, but first and foremost, don’t for one minute believe that it’ll make your punishment any easier … to the contrary …”

“Oh, believe me, Master Tiger, nothing you’ve said so far gave me the impression of that.” She grunted as she tried to move her hips out of his reach as his large palm cupped one soft cheek. She shrieked as he closed his fist and squeezed hard in response.

“Don’t pull away from my touch, sub. You don’t want to anger me.”

Ava thought it was safer to keep her mouth shut. She seemed to be exacerbating her punishment with every word she said and every move she made.

Her body trembled as he pressed against her back. His hard chest was warm and unmovable but caused her nipples to tighten even before his hands circled around her to cup her breasts.

“Gorgeous tits you have, Shadow. I’m looking forward to sucking those succulent nipples into my mouth.” He jiggled the mounds and smiled as she moaned in response. He pressed his hips hard against her buttocks, reveling in the breathless gasp as she felt the hardness of his cock dig into her softness. His breath whispered against her temple. “Ever heard of the term Dom Rod, sub?”

“No, I haven't.” She snorted. “Although it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what it means.”

His chuckle was dark as he moved his hips left and right against her. To her amazement, she felt him swelling larger and harder. A factoid that caused her ovaries to quirk in excitement.

“Dom Rod is the term lovingly used to describe the arousal and subsequent stiffness of a male Dom’s cock during acts of Dominance.”

“It doesn’t seem to take too much to get you in a Dom Rod state, Master Tiger,” she scoffed and puffed an aroused groan as he responded by pinching her nipples as he rammed his hard length between the crack of her ass. It stumped her that the only thing she could think of was how wonderful it would’ve felt if he’d been completely naked.

“Soon, little one,” he cooed amusingly against her ear, annoying her with his adeptness to read her body’s reactions, not to mention her mind. “But first … your punishment.”

She followed his large body with trepidation as he walked to snap open a large leather toy bag that sat on a wooden bench against the wall. He returned with a black and red flogger in his hand. Her eyes were glued on it.

“This is a Katana One signature leather flogger whip, specifically designed to my specifications. I only use it for punishment because it’s a heavy whip crafted with slightly longer round cowhide leather tails … fifty of them in total.”

She cringed at the swish of the tails before it cracked loudly against his jeans. She might like an element of pain and enjoyed impact play; the lick of pain followed by a delicious rush of pleasure, but that didn’t mean she was in any shape or form, a pain slut. It was what she needed to vanquish the never-ending thoughts from her mind, to sweep away all her worries and as a result, she could lock away the stress that constantly hounded her for days thereafter. For the first time since she’d joined the BDSM lifestyle, Ava was tempted to shout out RED before the punishment even started.

At the first teasing touch of the leather tails against her skin, Ava’s breath hissed from her lips. It felt warm and erotic as he walked around her, the whip following his path as he circled her naked body.

“I’m going to ask you this once and I expect an honest answer.”

“I’m all ears.” She held her breath as the words echoed back at her, expecting a harsh retaliation. It didn’t come. Instead, he surprised her with a deep chuckle.

“Are you?”

Her eyes flicked to his. He watched her with a twitch of those devilishly suggestive eyebrows.

“Am I what?” She moaned as the tips of the whip trailed over her breasts to tickle the hardening buds of her nipples.

“A submissive.”

Ava resented the question as much as she did the reaction she had to this dangerous man. She struggled against her traitorous heart that rapped out a dangerous sexual melody while searching for an appropriate response.

“Not a question that bears answering,” she snapped, not bothering to hide her resentment.

“I disagree.”

“Look, Master Tiger, we’re here because Master Quinlan appointed you as my punisher. Can we just get on with it? I’d still like to have a proper scene before I leave.”

“So, you came here to indulge in impact play, but from what I saw, you’re the one, who by way of Dom mind games, are in control of the whip. Am I correct?”

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