Home > RoadKill (Savage Hell MC Book 1)(26)

RoadKill (Savage Hell MC Book 1)(26)
Author: K.L. Ramsey

Cillian shrugged, “I figured my money is as good as anyone’s,” he said. “That and I’d like a little retribution.” Dante looked over as if trying to decide if he wanted to believe him.

“How do I know I can trust you?” Dante asked.

“You don’t,” Cillian admitted.

“I’ll make you a deal, Irish,” Dante said. “You take Havoc’s place and fight my two guys—you win, and I’ll accept your bid.”

Cillian knew he wasn’t going to get a better offer than the one Dante was offering but taking on Dante’s two enforcers and walking out of that fucking cage was going to be damn near impossible.

“And, if I lose?” Cillian asked.

“Then the original rules apply and I kill the three of you and we auction Savage’s kid off to the next highest bidder.” Cillian looked over to where little Chloe was coward in fear, sobbing quietly to herself. He saw no other way around it. Cillian was going to have to take Dante’s offer.

“You in or out?” Dante asked.

“In,” Cillian agreed.

“Well, let’s do this then,” Dante said. He nodded to the two big guys who had thrown them into the cage earlier and they opened the door to climb in. Pulling it shut behind them.

“He gets no help. Either of you interferes and the fight will be over and you forfeit your lives. Understood?” Dante asked. Hart and Havoc nodded and looked at Cillian.

“I’ve got this guys,” he said. Cillian just hoped he was right because now he had not only the guys depending on him but Chloe too and he couldn’t let any of them down.

“Shirts off,” Dante ordered. This wasn’t Cillian’s first fight. Hell, he spent most of his time in prison in brawls and that gave him a leg up. Kill had taken down guys bigger than the two standing in front of him. He just never had so much riding on a fight before. Kill watched as the two guys stripped out of their shirts and tossed them into the corner of the cage. He looked them both over, searching for any old wounds that would be a weakness for either man. He noticed what looked like a fresh knife wound in the one guy's side and knew if he landed a few strategic punches, he might be able to bring the big guy down.

The roar of the crowd was deafening in the dungeon-like basement and Cillian knew that chancing a look over to little Chloe was a bad idea. He needed to focus but hearing her cries and sobs made his heartbreak.

“You got this man,” Havoc promised.

“And, if I don’t?” Cillian countered.

“Then it was a good run,” Havoc said.

“Well, lucky for us, I have too much to look forward to. I have no choice but to win,” Cillian said. “My woman will have my balls if I lose.”

The crowd around them grew louder and Cillian ducked when the guy to his left came out swinging for him. “I guess there are no rules, then?” he shouted at his massive opponent.

“Prison rules,” the enforcer shouted back.

“Well then, it’s fecking great that I just got out,” Cillian said. The guy didn’t flinch at the mention of him doing time. Instead, he held up his hands, wiggling his fingers at Kill to “bring it”. He knew enough from his boxing days that charging in wouldn’t end well with two opponents. If he did, they could sandwich him between their bodies and quickly end the fight. Instead, he knew that dividing and conquering the two would work best. He decided to take care of the big guy first since he seemed eager to get this fight going. Kill punched him in the side, landing his first blow where he had noticed the guy’s old knife wound. He could hear a crack as his fist made contact with the enforcer’s flesh. The big guy doubled over, holding his side and Kill took that as his cue to finish him off. He grabbed a handful of the guy’s hair and kneed him in the face, once making contact with the guy's nose and a second time, nailing him in the jaw, knocking him out cold. His opponent dropped to the concrete floor with a thud and Cillian turned to find the second guy who had been circling him, waiting for his chance to strike.

Kill wasted no time with formalities, he charged the smaller enforcer and started landing blows. He ducked the guys attempt to punch him in the jaw, instead taking the blow to the side of his head. Kill’s ear rang and he shook his head, trying to get himself together. This guy was fighting dirty but Kill knew how to fight dirtier. He punched the guy in the stomach and when he doubled over in pain, Kill made contact with the asshole’s groin, kneeing him in the crotch as hard as possible. The guy cried out in agony and Kill knew he had him. He punched him over and over in the face, wincing with every blow that ended with a crack. If he was correct, he had broken the guy's nose and his jaw. Kill’s knuckles were on fire but he couldn’t stop now, he had to finish this or he’d never see his woman again. He made a promise to both Viv and Savage and he planned on keeping them both.

The second guy dropped to his knees, still refusing to yield and Kill had no choice. He snaked his arm around the guy's neck, choking him until he stopped struggling against Kill’s body. Kill didn’t stop until the guy’s arms dropped to his side and his whole body went limp. He wondered if the guy had passed out or if he had killed him. Either way, he couldn’t show any weakness, he dropped the guy to the hard concrete floor and said a little prayer that he hadn’t just killed a man in cold blood. Kill turned to face Dante, noting the shock he saw in his eyes. If he wasn’t mistaken, it was mixed with a little fear and that was just where Kill wanted the guy.

Kill held his arms wide and smiled through the chain-link cage at Dante. “We done here, or do I need to prove my loyalty further?” Kill taunted. He felt as though his whole body was on fire. The two enforcers had landed a few good hits to his face and Kill could feel his right eye swelling shut. All things considered; he was walking away from the fight in pretty good shape.

Dante looked torn as to what to do about the three of them. He looked past Kill to Hart and Havoc and then back to Kill and nodded. “Let them out,” he shouted.

“What about my bid—do I get to claim my prize?” Kill challenged. Dante sighed and reluctantly nodded his agreement.

“Fine,” he said. “But you don’t have her back here by sunrise and I’ll find the three of you and finish what my enforcers couldn’t”

“You’re just going to let us walk out of here?” Havoc asked. He and Hart flanked Kill’s sides and stared down Dante.

The Dragon’s Prez shrugged and nodded, “Sure. I’ll just be sending my guys to keep an eye on what you each hold precious,” Dante spat. “I’ve had a little research done on each of you since you arrived at my bar. Let’s just call it insurance that you’ll all make the right choices.” He pointed at Havoc, “You have a thriving business—a gym you love. You,” he said, pointing to Hart, “Fuzz, was it? Well, you are a bit of a mystery to me, but I dug a little deeper and found that you have a little cabin on the outskirts of town and a German Shepherd you have some hottie watching.” Hart growled and took a step towards Dante. Kill stopped him, placing an arm across Hart’s chest.

“Not worth it, man,” Kill whispered.

Dante chuckled, “Yeah, I’m betting the sexy blond watching your dog is more than just a dog sitter to you, Fuzz,” he spat Hart’s supposed name. “And you,” Dante said, pointing to Kill. “You’ve been quite busy since you got out, haven’t you? You have done well, finding a pretty little woman, Kill.”

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