Home > Rule:The Finale (Black Hearts Still Beat #3)(15)

Rule:The Finale (Black Hearts Still Beat #3)(15)
Author: L A Cotton

“You’re right,” I said as we climbed the stage ready to get into position.

“Of course I am. I’m the intelligent one of the group.”

“Heard that, fucker,” Hudson called out from behind his drum kit.

“Heard what?” Levi sauntered onto the stage as if he owned it. From his swagger and confidence, it was hard to believe that just two days ago we’d been fighting it out, trading insults and slinging fists.

“Damon fancies himself the intelligent one. I’m obviously the charming one.”

“Oh yeah,” my brother chuckled. “And Rafe’s obviously the traitor, so what does that make me?”

I bit the inside of my cheek to avoid any of the insults spilling off my tongue.

“Why, you’re our very own charismatic frontman.” Hudson offered.

“Damn right I am.” Levi locked eyes on mine. Things weren’t okay between us, maybe they never would be. But right now, on stage, the music ruled.

It always had.

He gave me a swift nod and grabbed the mic. “Time to rock.”





* * *


“Nervous?” Letty asked me as I watched Black Hearts from the wings. If it wasn’t for all the media speculation, you would never have guessed there was a rift between Levi and Rafe. They performed flawlessly, Rafe’s riffs and backing vocals blending with Levi’s gravelly voice in a way that bewitched you.

I was completely and utterly enamored, right along with the twenty-thousand strong audience.

“A little,” I sighed.

“You have that look.” Letty nudged my shoulder.

“What look?” My gaze slid to hers.

“The look of love.”

“I just keep pinching myself.” Rafe was mine. He’d sat next to me in an interview that had aired across the nation and declared me his.

“I’m glad you came back, Eva. It was the right decision.”

“Now you have that look.”

“What look?” She pressed her lips into a thin smile.

“Like there’s a 'but' coming...”

“I just hope you made the decision for you and not for Rafe.” Letty faced the stage again and my eyes followed.

I could watch the band perform every day for the rest of my life and never grow tired of it. Their sound check had been immense. All their frustration and aggression and pain poured into every lyric, every note. It was palpable, and you couldn’t help but be affected by it.

“They brought it tonight. The label will be pleased. The interview was a roaring success too. Now all we need is for Rafe and Levi to keep the peace.”

“You really think they’ll be able to do it?”

“If anyone can get the infamous Hunter brothers to kiss and make up, it’s you, Eva.”

“No pressure then.” I frowned.

Letty chuckled. “I’m just saying, you’re good for them. And I’m not just talking about Rafe and Levi. The whole band is better with you around. Hudson is less man whore. Damon smiles more. Even Alistair was less stressed with you around… until Vegas.”

I flinched. I wanted to move past what had happened, not be reminded of it every two minutes.

“Look, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, but you know you broke their trust when you left them, and I get why you did it. I do. But you’ve got to work to prove yourself again. I know you’ll do it though, because you have to know how good you are for them. They’re better with you around. You just need to show them you’re not leaving again.”

“You’re right.” I gave her a weak smile, “I’m just glad I have you in my corner.” I stared out at the band once more. We’d already decided I wouldn’t go on stage with them tonight. So when Levi looked over at us, a mischievous glint in his eye, and crooked his finger, I gasped.

“What is he doing?”

“Pulling a Levi Hunter, apparently.” Letty grumbled something else, but I couldn’t hear her over the roar of the crowd.

“Let me hear it, Denver. Who wants Miss Eva Walker to join us out on stage?”

The noise reverberated through me. Levi was grinning ear to ear, but Rafe looked murderous. Damon too. I couldn’t see Hudson from behind his kit, but I knew he’d probably be pissed.

“What do I do?” I clutched Letty’s arm. I’d performed with Levi before, but this felt different. It felt like he was putting me smack bang in the middle of his war with Rafe.

“You can’t not go now. It’ll look...” She trailed off as Levi called for me again.

“I think she needs a little encouragement. Eva, Eva, Eva.”

“I’m goin’ to kill him,” I murmured as I ran my hands down my thighs before stepping out on stage. The crowd went wild, cheering and clapping, setting off a band of wild horses in my chest.

“Here she is, Denver. The girl who stole my brother’s heart and did what no girl has ever managed to do before...”

My eyes widened with fear. Surely, he wasn’t about to out me to twenty thousand avid fans. Not after today’s interview.

He locked eyes on me, a flash of something there. He was going to do it; Levi was going to ruin everything... all because he was hurting and didn’t know how to handle his emotions.

Before I could stop, Levi grabbed my hand and pulled me beside him, slipping his arm around my shoulder like we were old friends. “Let me tell you all something about Evangeline Star Walker,” he said into the mic. “She isn’t only a great musician, she’s also a great person. She’s everything I could wish for...” he paused, and the whole arena seemed to take a collective gasp, waiting for whatever he was about to say next.

Levi’s tortured gaze dropped to mine. “I couldn’t think of a better girl for my little brother, and I’m real happy you found each other.” He squeezed my shoulder a little too tight. “Welcome to the family, Angel. Let’s make some magic, shall we?”

Levi left me standing there while he jogged up to Hudson’s kit. Someone rushed on stage with my guitar and a mic stand. I moved on autopilot, slipping the strap over my shoulder and positioning the mic right. Rafe was watching me, his intense gaze burning into the side of my face, demanding I look at him.

Slowly, I lifted my eyes to the storm in his. He was pissed, but pride was etched into his expression. I knew he didn’t like that Levi had done this, but I also knew he wanted this for me. The stage. The spotlight. Rafe wanted all my dreams to come true. I smiled, mouthing, “I love you.”

The faintest of smiles tugged at his lips. But then Hudson played the opening beat of Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. I only knew it because Levi often wove it into their set.

“Do you think you can pick up the riff?” he asked me off-mic, and I nodded.

The arena fell into eerie silence as Levi hit the opening lyrics. I waited, letting the band play the first verse. We hadn’t rehearsed it, but the second we hit the chorus, it was as if we became a well-oiled machine. Damon and Rafe let me take the lead, the acoustic notes of my Gibson carrying over Levi’s low growl. It was haunting. Full of pain and torment. The lyrics shouldn’t have held any deep meaning, but I knew Levi well enough to know he hadn’t picked the song at random.

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