Home > Smut University (The Complete Series)(65)

Smut University (The Complete Series)(65)
Author: Kahlen Aymes

I buttered the toast and smeared strawberry jam on the top, taking a big bite that composed of half of it on my way to the bedroom. It had to be the best damn tasting toast I’d had in years. I glanced at the rumpled bed, left as it had been since yesterday morning. The bright blue sky was visible through the lead paned windows. The cabin was old, rustic and sort of small, but I loved it. The weather looked crisp and I decided after my shower I’d get in a walk to clear my head before I got back to the book. Addison would have class all day so I wouldn’t be able to call her until that evening anyway, so I’d get in another good day.

I was happy. I was looking forward to the holidays spend cooped up right here with Addison, pleased with my progress on my book and in general, in a good place. Being without her these past weeks had only made it clear that I wanted her around. Every day. Forever.

It was a startling realization for a guy who was completely satisfied being alone, playing the field, screwing around. Only now…. I wasn’t. I wanted nothing more than to smell her skin, kiss her mouth, wake up with her… it all seemed so easy. Jefferson would no doubt call me pussy whipped, and if this was how that felt, I could think of worse things.

I chuckled happily, shoving the remainder of the toast into my mouth and chewing with gusto; at the same time pulling off the T-shirt and boxer briefs and dropping them carelessly on the ceramic tile of the bathroom floor. I opened iTunes library on my phone, found my favorite rock playlist and cranked it up. Steam filled the small room a few minutes later when I stepped under the hot water. I loved this place much more than the bustle of Manhattan. I didn’t need all of the glitter and chrome, a thousand cabs per block seemed ostentatious and unnecessary. I wanted a simpler, slower existence. I pictured lazy mornings with pancakes and coffee, maybe I’d get a dog, and Addison and I could write from the Smokey’s. I’d keep my apartment and we could commute to the city once or twice a year. Perhaps I could even teach my class online. Maybe we’d travel the world and later get hitched and have a couple of kids. It sounded completely amazing to me. I grinned again, shocked at the direction of my own thoughts as I quickly soaped my body and hair. Who knew I could feel like this?

Whatever, I shrugged. It would work out. I was in no hurry. Addison was so young and even though I was ten years older than her, we had the rest of our lives.

Out of the shower, I quickly dressed in fresh jeans and a long-sleeved gray Henley, brushed my teeth and combed my hair, adding just a little gel to keep it from falling onto my forehead throughout the day. I pulled on some thermal socks and went to find my hiking boots, glancing at the phone screen on the way to where I’d left them by the front door to the cabin.

Nothing from Addison yet. I sighed. I knew she was in class, but selfishly, I’d hoped she’d snuck a response in, even during class.

I shoved it in my back pocket and proceeded to grab the boots, then move to sit on the sofa where I shoved in my feet and laced them up.


I smiled, as I finished tying up the last boot, anxious to read the message that had just been signaled.

I pulled out the phone, but stopped when I saw it was from Luke, not Addison.

I know you’re my boss and you can fire me if you want; you can even ruin my future career, but I just have to say this.

What you did to Addy was seriously fucked up.



I frowned and opened the message, hitting video chat immediately. The seconds that ticked by as I waited for Luke to answer felt like fucking years.

What in the hell was he talking about?

“Come on. Pick up!” I held the phone in front of me as I waited for his face to appear. “Come on you little mother fucker. You don’t drop a bomb like that and then pussy out,” I muttered.

Luke finally picked up and I could see the anger written all over him. He was sitting at my desk in my office, scowling into the phone.

“What’s this all about?” I asked impatiently, glowering back at him through the phone.

His expression filled with disgust. “Her book, you asshole,” Luke spat.

I was taken aback. “Woah. Explain yourself.” My voice was deadly calm, but stern. “Right God damn now!”

He shook his head and huffed. “You stole her fucking book! Don’t act like you don’t know!” His tone took on a higher pitch for his rebuke.

I paused as the implication hit me. How did Luke even know she was writing a book?

“What book?” I tried to play it cool until I knew what she’d told him.

“Uncontrollable Love! Ring a bell?” he asked, sarcasm dripping from every syllable. “Oh, maybe you’d recognize it better as just ‘Uncontrollable’, huh?”

I sat back on the couch and shook my head. “I have no clue what you’re talking about, Luke, but I do know you’re on thin ass ice! What exactly are you accusing me of?”

“I saw it, okay? More importantly, Addy saw it! How could you do that to her? She’s so amazing.” He shook his head, seemingly pained. “She worships you and you fucked her over.”

Jealousy and anger flared. He seemed awfully familiar with Addison, for my liking. “Saw what?”

“The first round of edits from your editor at Simon & Schuster!”

I blinked; confused. If the first-round edits came back that meant that Gloria submitted it after all, though I was curious how Luke knew about any of it. I shook my head. “That’s impossible. I didn’t give them any pages yet.”

“Not yours, maybe,” he spat.

Maybe he was upset that I was helping her and not him, but it was none of his goddamned business. “Just what are you accusing me of?” I growled, losing my temper.

“Her manuscript,” he began.

“So, what about it? I saw something amazing in her writing. It’s Addison’s dream to get published and I asked Gloria to pitch her book. You know how talented she is.”

I was indignant that I had to explain myself to this boy who worked for me but tried to brush it off.

“No shit. How could you take credit for her work? How could you do that?”

Wait. What?

“I haven’t,” I shook my head, disbelieving. “I didn’t.”

“Yeah, then why did Marcia what’s her name send a copy here. We saw the cover page. You were listed as author, not Addy.”

I inhaled, frowning. “It’s got to be an error, nothing more,” I dismissed.

“The copyright page had your name on it, as well. Was that a mistake, too?” he accused.

Now I was pissed. “First of all, it’s not your goddamned business. Second of all, you are supposed to forward my mail, not fucking go through it!” I yelled. Heat was starting to infuse underneath the skin on my face and I knew I was flushed. “Did you convince Addison this was intentional?” I jumped up and grabbed my keys and coat. Obviously, I had to get back to the city.

“I didn’t convince her of anything. I didn’t have to! She saw it for herself.”

Panic seized my heart. So, this was why she hadn’t returned my message. “Well, it’s a mistake and not your business so I’d suggest you do your job as my T.A. and stay out of this. It’s between Addison and me.” I slammed the door to the cabin shut behind me and turned to lock it.

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