Home > Take the Fall , A Cowboy's Promise Book 1(31)

Take the Fall , A Cowboy's Promise Book 1(31)
Author: Megan Squires

She was worked up about Grady. He didn’t know what to do with that.

But he couldn’t place any hope in those three words she’d said back to him the night before. He’d longed to hear them for what felt like forever. But when it came down to it, Maren would get on a train and head back to the city. That was the way things always played out. She would leave Riverburn, once again.

“You sure look worse for wear, Cutter.” Riggs Montgomery gave Grady a sidelong glance as he closed the trailer gate and lowered the latch to lock it. “Rough night?”

“Just didn’t sleep all that well.”

“Well, I suggest you stop for a strong cup of coffee before you saddle up. Gotta be on your A-game this afternoon.”

“Will be,” Grady said. “Always am.”

“I know, but this is Toby McGrath’s stock we’re dealing with. He’s got some notoriously rank bulls. Mac Hudson nearly got gored last weekend by Nitro. That bull’s a one-ton keg of gun powder ready to blow.”

“Absolutely is. And I’m sorry to hear about Mac. Hope he’ll be okay.”

“Sounds like he will, but we need to make sure we’re on it in that arena today. I’m not about to have anyone—rider or rough stock—injured on our watch.”

“I hear you loud and clear, Riggs.” Grady clamped a palm down on his friend’s shoulder. Over the last year, they’d teamed up at several local rodeos and had developed an easy camaraderie both in and outside of the arena. Riggs was the type of honest cowboy Grady liked to work with. “I’ll be fine once I’m sufficiently caffeinated. Promise.”

“Deal.” Riggs twirled his key ring on his finger. “I’ll plan to meet you at the fairgrounds in a couple hours. Text if you get held up, but we’re setting out early enough that I don’t think we’ll run into much traffic.”

“Sounds like a plan, buddy. Drive safe. You’ve got precious cargo in that trailer.”

“Dusty’s turned out to be one mighty fine pickup horse, hasn’t he?”

“The best I’ve owned by far.”

Riggs paused a moment. “You know, watching the two of you out in that arena—it’s almost like I’m watching Walt and Remy. You and that horse sure are in sync.”

Grady knew it was intended as a compliment, but the statement jolted him. There was a time when he would’ve appreciated the comparison, but that died the moment Walt was lowered into the ground.

“Dusty knows what I need of him before I even ask it. Can’t really hope for more from a horse than that.”

“You got yourself a good one,” Riggs said. “Alrighty. I’m gonna swing back by the ranch and pick up Becca and then head on out on the road. She wasn’t quite done primping when I left this morning. Women. They sure do take their sweet time getting ready.”

“You still loving married life?”

“Nothing better. What about you, old man? When are you finally gonna settle down and find yourself a good woman to make yours?”

Grady chuckled. “I pretty sure I’ve already found her.”

“Then I suggest you put a ring on her finger before someone else does.”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that.”

Riggs tipped his black hat and hoisted himself up and into his truck. “Love always is.”



“You sure you want to come all the way out to Reno with me? Wouldn’t you rather stay back and get a few extra hours of sleep?”

“That’s what the pillow’s for.” Maren toed off her boots and propped her feet up on Grady’s dash. With both hands, she fluffed the pillow and then wedged it between her head and the passenger window. “I didn’t sleep great, so I’m hoping to catch a few extra Z’s before we get there.”

“I couldn’t sleep either,” Grady admitted. He wanted to tell her what that kiss had done to him. He figured she’d lost sleep over those same warring emotions. But it wouldn’t benefit either of them to rehash it yet. Grady need a little more distance and headspace before he’d be able to articulate his feelings about it all.

Adjusting the strap of her seatbelt, Maren snuggled lower in her seat. Before she closed her eyes she asked, “Are we good, Grady?”

“Of course, we are,” he assured. He put the truck in drive. “Always.”

The ride was quiet, minus the light snoring coming from the side of the cab. It was something Grady would’ve teased her about if they were still kids, but now he found it endearing. Maren looked so peaceful as she slept. The morning sun that crested through the hills cast streams of brilliant yellow that highlighted her hair, making it look like auburn flames tumbling down her fair neck and shoulders. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever had the privilege of laying eyes on, even with the snoring and the damp ring of drool on her pillow. Grady always had been and always would be a goner when it came to Maren.

He’d just finished up a quick call with Riggs to confirm his ETA when he heard Maren stirring at his side. She stretched her arms to the ceiling of the truck and let out a loud yawn.

“How long have I been asleep?” She smacked her lips.

“Just shy of three hours. We’re about fifteen minutes from the fairgrounds. You woke up just in time.”

“Oh no. Really? I figured I’d just take a quick catnap.” She pulled the pillow from her shoulder and settled it onto her lap. “I had no idea I’d sleep for so long. I’m so sorry, Grady. That was really rude of me.”

“Nothing to apologize for, Mare. You clearly needed to catch up on some shuteye. I’m glad you were able to.”

“I make a terrible travel companion,” she said with a laugh.

“Not at all. I’d go anywhere with you.”

They locked eyes across the cab and Grady felt it low in his gut like a jab.

“How about San Francisco?”

Grady snorted. “Wouldn’t that be a sight? This cowboy in the concrete jungle.”

“I’m serious, Grady. Come back with me. I’ll show you the campus where I went to college. I’ll take you to all the best restaurants and we can spend forever exploring. There’s so much to look at, see, and do.”

“If I could carve out the time, you know I would. But I should stay close to home these next couple of weeks until…”

“Until Kiley has her baby.” Maren filled in the blank. “And I think you’ll be a little busy once that happens. From what I’ve heard, newborns can make you pretty housebound.”

“I don’t plan on raising Kiley’s baby, Mare, if that’s what you’re insinuating.” Grady flipped his blinker to angle onto the off-ramp toward the fairgrounds. “I told you before, the baby isn’t mine.”

“I know. And I believe you. I do. But I know you, Grady. There’s a reason you feel obligated to take care of Kiley and I know that same obligation will extend to the baby once it’s here, too,” Maren said as she quietly wove her fingers together in her lap. She stared at them. “And I wouldn’t expect any less from you, Grady. It’s just who you are and I can’t fault you for it. I could never fault you for doing the right thing.”

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