Home > Gone With the Rogue (First Comes Love #2)(27)

Gone With the Rogue (First Comes Love #2)(27)
Author: Amelia Grey

“Thank you for that. I know the duke’s most prized possession is his standing in Society. He adores the accolades he receives, he is constantly reminding his family how everyone looks up to him for how they should live. I have to believe if I show him I have proof that he owns secret companies such as Eubury-Broadwell, he will give me my freedom rather than let all in London know of his treachery. I’m certain he doesn’t want to be remembered as one of the most evil and uncaring men in history. I don’t know of any way to ever be free of him other than confronting him. There’s no way to challenge him in the courts because the laws are written for men. Not women.”

“I know and understand all you say. But men like him are very hard to bring down, Julia.” He picked up some of the loose sheets of foolscap and shuffled through them. “The Eubury-Broadwell was a gaming house. Why would such a pious man want to own a gaming house?”

She swallowed hard. “To make money I assume. I really don’t know. He never gambles and speaks against it, saying it ruins families. He was a vicar before he inherited the title and doesn’t believe in wagering on anything.”

“You will continue to need my help.”

Julia touched the side of his face. “I am grateful for whatever help you can give me.”

He smiled and then reached over and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Do you know when the duke will arrive in London?”

“No, but in the letter Mr. Pratt brought, he told me the fever hasn’t passed but he is feeling better. I know he will come as soon as he is strong enough to make the journey.”

“It won’t be safe for you to keep the duke’s documents here with you,” he said, and started gathering the scattered papers and stuffing them back into the leather packet. “I should take them with me.”

A chill went up Julia’s spine. “No.” She grasped the packet from his hands and clutched it to her chest. “This is all I have. Now that I have it, I can’t let go of it.”

Tension crackled between them like a hot fire for a few seconds. His gaze stayed focused on hers. “You are no longer handling this alone. I’m going to help you, but I must have your trust, Julia.”

“You do. I swear it, but I’m not sure you know how important this is to me. If this is what I think it is, it will change my life.”

“I know,” he said softly, and then continued to gather the sheets of paper from off the floor. “All of this is useless to you the way it is now.”

Her hands tightened on the leather. “I will find someone to decipher the code. I’m certain the ledger will show the names of the companies, the names of the fake people who owned them, and that the duke is the one who has profited from them.”

“Where will you hide it until you find someone?” he questioned. “If the duke returns and finds it missing, you will be the first person he suspects.”

That was true, but the thought of giving up the evidence was terrifying. “I don’t want to lose this chance, Garrett. I’ve waited for something to give me the opportunity to get away from the duke. I know I can convince him to allow me and my son to be free if I can prove he is not who he claims to be.”

Garrett smiled and touched the side of her hair. “You won’t lose it. I promise. Let me take care of it. There’s a man in my office who is very good with numbers. His name is Mr. Urswick and he’s my accountant. He may be able to make sense of the code.”

Her spirits lifted and she swallowed down her misgivings. “Do you really think he can?”

“I don’t know for certain, but I won’t know until I try. Right now, he’s the best shot we have unless you know of someone you can call on.”

Julia shook her head. She had to trust him to help her. She handed over the packet.

Garrett stuffed the rest of the papers into the folder and retied the leather strings. “I’ll have a list made of every company in here. When you confront the duke it’s best you not have the real documents with you.”

“What if the duke catches you with them in your possession? He could have you put in prison.”

Garrett reached over and kissed her sweetly, earnestly, and then looked into her eyes. “I’m not afraid to go to prison, but I would be afraid for you to go. If we’re both careful, I won’t have to. Now, let’s get the desk put back in its proper place and I’ll get out of here. We don’t want to give the housekeeper cause to suspect anyone ever touched it.”

Julia grabbed hold of his arm and stopped him when he started to rise. “I want to know what you find out. I’ll meet you at The Seafarer’s School late tomorrow afternoon. There’s a house in front of the school and a garden between the two. Can you meet me there?”

He smiled. “I’ll meet you anywhere you want me to.”

She squeezed his arm. “You must be careful not to be seen. A neighbor across the street has a spyglass and I’m told she’s not shy about using it.”



Chapter 10

Gray skies threatened rain as Garrett walked at a fast pace past shops and businesses on his way to the offices of Stockton Shipping Company, carrying the duke’s documents in a satchel. The rare, humid heat that had settled upon London for a few days had lifted and was no longer scorching plants, animals, and human life. In its place were cool temperatures more common to late summer in London.

It was a short distance from Garrett’s leased room at the prestigious Holcott-Fortney Inn to the business district of St. James, but the trek was invigorating. He could ride in a carriage from place to place as most proper gentlemen did, but Garrett walked. There’d been too many days onboard ships when he’d wished for land so he could walk as long as he wanted. When sailing, he often imagined himself on a horse, riding at full gallop across a wide expanse of English countryside. He intended to do that, but other things were more important right now.

He didn’t have to look in the windows or open doorways to know what shops he passed. The scents told him all he needed to know. The tailor smelled of fabric, the bakery of fresh bread, and the apothecary of dried herbs and potent spices.

He hadn’t gone to any of the clubs or the card room at the inn after he’d left Julia last night. All he’d wanted was a glass of brandy and the thought of her to lull him to sleep. The tension between them had been vibrant and hot since the moment they’d met. Every time he looked at her, he wanted her. And now that he’d been with her, he wanted her again. He had no doubt she felt the same. Making that happen wouldn’t be so easy. She was right to be cautious in the duke’s house.

Their coming together had been desperate, urgent and primitive but deeply satisfying. She’d been as passionate as he’d imagined, but what he was still trying to comprehend was how his feelings for her had grown so intensely so quickly. He hadn’t been looking for a lady to capture his heart and soul. Garrett stopped. That thought took him by surprise. But, yes, he feared Julia might have done just that.

He started walking again. From the moment he saw her in the tree, he’d been enchanted by her. She’d had all his senses reeling and he hadn’t been able to shake thoughts of her. Now, he didn’t want to. She was beautiful, capable, and he admired her strength and tenacity in wanting to topple the duke from his domineering and self-righteous perch.

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