Home > Let It Snow (A Well Hung Novella 1)(11)

Let It Snow (A Well Hung Novella 1)(11)
Author: Faye Byrd

“My turn.” I hold the basket on my hip and tousle his damp hair. “Do we have a plan for the afternoon yet?”

He leans over and pecks my lips. “You shower and let me take care of the rest.”

I shrug one shoulder, smiling. “Sounds good.”

After putting away our clean clothes, I grab a fresh pair of leggings and an oversized sweater before disappearing into the bathroom. I take my time in the shower, trying to wash away the gloom that’s clinging to me. I don’t have Xander for much longer, and it makes me sad.

With that in mind, I finish my shower and hurry to join him in the living room. As soon as I come out of the bedroom, the smell of pasta greets me, and my eyes move to the kitchen. He places a pot on the table and waves me over.

I move toward the kitchen without hesitancy, pulling out a chair. “It smells delicious.”

He returns from the oven with a small pan of garlic bread and sets it on the ceramic plate before pulling out the seat beside me. “I hope you’re hungry.”

“I’m famished,” I say, licking my lips. “I didn’t know you could cook anything besides breakfast.”

“I can’t.” He chuckles, lifting the tongs. “Alfredo is my one dinner dish.”

“If it tastes as good as it smells, then I’d say it’s a keeper.”

“Give it a go.”

He heaps a serving onto my plate, and it ends up tasting divine. We make small talk while we eat, which is the norm, and when we’re done, we move toward the living room. But before we make it to the sofa, Xander stops me.

“Wait right here,” he says, turning and positioning me in an odd spot partway between the kitchen and living room. “I have something I want to try.”

I stay where he left me, even though I have no idea what he’s up to. He doesn’t go into the bedroom like I assumed he would but across the room to the entertainment center instead. The TV is in the large opening; the games came from the bottom doors, but this time, it’s the one on the right of the TV that he opens.

I can’t see what he’s doing, but it doesn’t take long for him to turn to me with a huge smile. He looks so damn pretty that I forget to check out what he was messing with and instead watch him as he saunters back my way, a lone hand outstretched.

Furrowing my brows, I still don’t hesitate to take it. “What?”

“Shh,” he murmurs, spinning me into his arms. “You’ll see.”

No sooner than the words leave his lips does music float through the room. The beat is catchy, and Xander starts leading me. I’m not the best dancer, but it doesn’t matter. Just like with everything else, Xander makes me feel confident in every way.

Tears burn the backs of my eyes, and I lay my head on his shoulder as he starts to hum along. As the lyrics begin, his beautiful voice joins them, and a smile like only he can bring curves my lips.

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow




An annoying scraping sound pulls me from sleep, and I stiffen as my eyes pop open. It’s always so quiet here, so to hear such a loud and obnoxious noise is disconcerting. Xander’s arm tightens around my waist, and his nose nuzzles into the back of my neck. It’s a blatant reminder that I’m safe and secure.

“It’s the plow,” he murmurs, kissing along my shoulder. “Martin finally made his way up here.” Using his arm and leg, he tugs me over to lie flat on my back. “Did you know there’s a cozy town about three miles down the mountain?”

“I didn’t stick around for details about the community,” I say, shaking my head. “Annabelle offered, so I rented a car, punched the address into my GPS, and took off. All the clothes I brought were purchased at a strip mall along the way.”

“Clothes are overrated.” He braces over me, his morning blue eyes bright and inviting. “Man, that Evan is a fool,” he rasps, settling his pelvis between my spread thighs. “Only a real fuckwit would put a ring on your finger and then screw someone else.”

“Damn straight,” I agree, using my newfound confidence. “And I have you to thank for convincing me that I deserve better.”

“So much better.” He smiles, his eyes twinkling. “How about I take you into town this afternoon? It’s a quaint little place, and they go all out for Christmas. I’d bet they’re still fully decorated.”

“It sounds lovely.”

“It’s okay,” he replies, shrugging one shoulder as his eyes roam my face. “You are lovely.”

“You’ll get no objection here …”

My words trail off as his lips fall to the curve of my breasts and work their way along my collar bone. I arch into his body, shifting so his cock presses against my clit. I moan, thrusting my hips. Without entering me, Xander has the ability to drive me wild with barely any effort on his part. It’s new to me, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s because he’s really that good or if I’ve only ever had bad.

“So sexy,” he whispers, lifting his head. “Make yourself feel good, Ivy.” I thrust again, my eyes falling closed in pleasure. “That’s it, baby. Use my cock as your own personal toy.”

I grip his shoulders, anchoring myself as I rock against his fully erect shaft. My ankle hooks around his thigh to hold him tightly against me while I take and take and take. The precipice is just out of reach when his mouth descends, pushing me to the brink.

The scraping sound from outside grows louder, masking my heavy moans as I tumble toward the edge. A bite just above my collar bone sends me careening over, and I fall down, down, down, weightless and wrapped in a cocoon of bliss. I’m floating in the beyond when reality slams me to the ground.

“What the fuck, Ivy!”

I’d know that voice anywhere.

“Did you get it out of your system, Xander?”

I don’t know that voice, but I can take a good guess.




My eyes widen and my mouth goes dry. Xander’s lip turns up in a snarl, and he yanks the blanket up to cover my nakedness. I’m still too stunned to move, but he isn’t. He jumps up, his monster cock swinging wildly, before he grabs a throw from the sofa and wraps it around his waist.

I sit up slowly, still stunned from the intrusion. Watching Xander’s defined back as he storms across the room, I don’t allow my gaze to stray to my angry ex fiancé. Xander stops two feet from Tessa, and I look past him to her. A tall, voluptuous blonde should be naturally beautiful, but this one isn’t. Her lips are too big, and the skin on her face is pulled tight, expressionless.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Xander stands before her, his fist opening and closing at his side—until Evan moves to pass him. Xander throws up his arm and shifts his glare to my ex. “Don’t.”

I come to my senses then, hurrying to stand while making sure to keep the blanket wrapped around me. Evan’s glare snaps from Xander to me, and I swallow back my fear. Placing one bare foot in front of the other, I hold his eyes as I join them near the door.

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