Home > Purgatory(26)

Author: Hayley Smyth

He sighed. “Jaxon, trust me when I say I have my best guys on this. I know you Murdoch's have guys of your own, but we've never had a murder so brutal before, especially to a woman. And despite our families differences, we work as a team now, huh?”

He knew, and I knew that wasn't entirely fucking true. We kept out of each others' business and done our jobs. We'd never attend an auction or socialize with any of the Chro's. His explanation stunk of bullshit to me, and I didn't believe a word he said.

“And the funeral?”

“The plot has been chosen, and you will be all told in good time.” He stood, clapping his fat hands together. “I'm afraid I must ask you to leave now, Jax, I have some other business to attend to.”

I thanked him for the talk and drink and left the library.

I'm not sure whether I was grateful to have exited at that moment or not.

But as I closed the door behind me, Josef emerged from the kitchen carrying Ella.

The state of her had me rushing the skinny prick, grabbing her frail, naked body from his arms, and if looks could kill, Jozef would have been spewing blood from his throat on to the floor.

“What the fuck you doing, Murdoch?” He sneered, Russian accent just as strong as Vlad's Slovak.

I cradled my little bird in my arms, evaluating all the cuts, bruises, burns, and other marks on her beautiful pale skin.

“She fucking nearly died last night,” I growled. “I saved her damn life, and that's what I'm going to do right now.”

Jozef smirked at me, just one corner of his lip moving beneath an enormous mustache. I was expecting a fight, for him to call Vladimir that a Murdoch held his naked wife, but instead, he simply gestured his hand towards the stairs.

“Infirmary is the last door on the left.”

I began to walk, cradling this woman in my arms as he spoke once more. “You're gonna be a dead man very soon, Murdoch, I hope cleaning that bitch up is worth your life.”

Ignoring the bait he dangled, I carried the unconscious Ella up the stairs and into the infirmary.

And for the first time in my life, I didn't care that a woman was naked, all I cared about was fixing her.

I'd spoken to her twice and yet felt fiercely protective of her.

What was happening to me?



Chapter Thirteen

Archibald Murdoch was restless, as was Nancy. He'd never seen his wife so unhinged before. Jaxon leaving for Vladimir's had been the harshest blow of their lives, and they'd been through some trials already.

Archie handed his wife a cup of sweet tea, sitting on the bed beside her. Her normally made-up face now showed signs of the grief she felt. Heavy bags hung under her eyes, her caramel-colored hair was awry, but in his eyes, she still looked beautiful.

“I miss him, so, darling, you must wake me the next time he calls. I need to hear my boy's voice.”

Nancy had been distraught Archie never woke her, but she'd been crying all day, and sleep would do her good, he'd thought.

“How did he sound? Did he say they're treating him well?” She asked, sitting up to sip her tea.

Archie reached his hand forward and brushed her hair from her cheeks, stuck to her flesh by tears, and gave her a reassuring smile.

“He sounded fine, honey, and yes, from what he said, they are.”

Nancy sniffled and hiccuped. “First, Amy, and now Jaxon. That monster is planning something, Arch, I can feel it in my bones.”

Archie grimaced. His wife never usually discussed his boss, despising the man for luring Archie into the underworld all those years ago.

“We'll get justice, and we will get our son back, Nance, I don't know how yet, but I swear it.”

Nancy reached out, her skin warm from the cup, and took hold of his hands. "I love you, Archibald Murdoch."

The two kissed, said their goodbyes, and just as his hand was reaching for the front door, Kendra came running towards him, looking no better than Nancy.

Her gray sweatpants and sweatshirt told him all he needed to know. She, too, was struggling to cope without her older brother.

“Dad, this came for you earlier.” She handed him a thick envelope with his name handwritten on the front, but there was no stamp or address.

He frowned. “Who gave this to you?”

“I'd gone out to take the trash out, and it was just there, perched against the wall.” She shrugged. “Recognize the handwriting?”

Archie shook his head. “No, only Christ knows what could be inside, as if we need any more surprises.” He sighed and leaned forward, placing a tender kiss on his daughter's forehead. “I'll be back around seven, you two look after each other, okay?”

Kendra smiled, eyes red. "Of course, daddy."

Archie didn't want to work, but they had a mortgage to pay, mouths to feed, and while his son was in Vladimir's home, he'd bust his ass twice as much, not wanting to risk anything while he son was not with him.

Reluctantly, he drove to the office, the envelope sitting on the passenger seat, burning a hole in the leather the entire journey.



Chapter Fourteen


There was a beautiful melody playing. A soft, delicate tune on a guitar that I didn't recognize, it roused me from a deep sleep, and yet my eyes refused to open. I felt exhausted. My body ached. And I was wholly aware of being tucked tightly into a single bed. It was not my bed.

A man's voice began to hum along to the tune, and I wondered if there was a radio playing somewhere.

My mouth was dry, my tongue felt like sandpaper, and I tried to remember what happened, but my brain refused to cooperate; it far too occupied with perfect noise emitting somewhere from my left.

With all the strength I owned, slowly, my shaking eyelids fluttered open, and I immediately closed them again, the white light of the room far too harsh.

The music stopped. There was a scrap of a chair and a whoosh of air as a body approached me.

“Ella... Ella, are you awake?” The voice said a deep grumble that pierced the fog of my mind.

Nodding was all I could manage.

“Open your eyes, darlin'. I need to make sure you're okay.” The voice said, a desperate plea that worried me. What on earth happened?

Preparing myself the white light, I opened my eyes and squinted a little. It took a few seconds, but soon enough, the beautiful face of Jax appeared. He took my breath away. Even wearing the black Purgatory uniform, even though he was the enemy, I couldn't deny the effect he had on me. His dark hair was perfectly styled, an even amount of stubble caressed a strong, square jaw, and those eyes. Oh, my. Those eyes.

“Hey,” he grinned. “How are you feeling?”

I shrugged. “What happened? I hurt everywhere.”

Jax's muscular body moved, so he was sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving mine. “Marco and your husband happened, Ella.” He said, not hiding the disdain from his tone.

“How long have I been out?” I ask.

He glanced at his watch. “Fourteen hours. I'm no doctor, but I've done what I can.”

I looked down and pulled the covers away from my body. I was naked from the waist up, a pair of unfamiliar gray pants hung around my hips, but it was the bandages and bruises across my torso and chest that had the tears spilling from my eyes. More scars. More proof that this was my reality.

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