Home > A Taste of Sage(30)

A Taste of Sage(30)
Author: Yaffa S. Santos

He glanced up at her and blew her a kiss, causing her to break out in a fit of giggles. “Can I help you with anything?” she asked.

He shook his head. “No, just sit there and watch me, looking achingly beautiful.”

She pouted playfully. “‘Sit still, look pretty’ has never been my strong suit,” she said.

Julien grinned. “You’re on your feet all day. Learn to let someone else do something for you for a change.”

She looked out the large window. The sun was high in the sky now. “You’re killing my buzz, man,” she joked, and he shook his head and waved the eggbeater at her.

“Sh-sh-sh, never mind that,” he said. “We’ll talk later.”

In what seemed like the blink of an eye, Julien had set eggs Benedict, shredded hash browns, prosciutto, and fresh-brewed coffee upon the counter.

Seated and excited, Lumi raised the first forkful to her mouth and savored the simple flavors. The eggs were warm, runny, and delicious. She felt that now-familiar electric buzz emanating through her body from the first bite. And once more, she tasted that savory, pungent note of sage.

She had to ask him.

“Julien,” she began, her voice casual, “can I ask you something?”

“Of course,” he said, turning toward her as he poured hollandaise over his eggs.

She knew it was a strange question. “Did you . . . did you put sage in the eggs?”

He shook his head gently, his face amused. “No, love. Do they taste like sage to you?”

She was unsure if he would think her totally crazy for saying yes. “Um, just a little,” she said.

“Mmm,” he remarked as he chewed, clearly blissed out. “Is that a good thing?”

She eyed him coyly. “Yes . . . yes, it is. They’re excellent. Everything is. Thank you,” she said.

“You don’t have to thank me,” he answered. “I wouldn’t let you go home on an empty stomach. Not after a night like that.”

They laughed together and fell into an easy silence as they ate and sipped their coffee.

Then the kitchen door slammed open, the metal door banging loudly against the frame. They both looked up.

“Oh!” Julien said. “Is it nine o’clock already?”

Esme stared back at them haughtily, raising a hand to rest on her hip. “It’s eight actually. I came in to organize the corporate files. Looks like the early bird got the worm today,” she said.

Julien stopped drinking his coffee and shot Esme a frigid gaze. “Kindly return to the files, then,” he said, “and I expect your discretion about the rest of this.”

Esme glowered at them both before she slammed the door shut behind her. Lumi stared in the direction of the door, her mind slowly putting the pieces together. She turned back toward Julien.

“Julien, I have to know . . . Are you sleeping with her?” she asked.

Julien shook his head. “No, I’m not.”

She eyed the door, still settling in its hinges. “Have you slept with her?”

He shook his head again. “No, of course not.”

Lumi rested her chin in her palm. “I see.”

They sat in silence, no longer eating their breakfast.

“Why is that an ‘of course not’?”

Julien cocked his head. “What do you mean? She’s my secretary.”

Lumi stared down at her plate. “And I’m your sous chef,” she said quietly.

Julien furrowed his brow and reached for her hand. “Lumi. What you and I shared last night was completely . . . sacred to me. If it didn’t happen here, it could have happened somewhere else. It has nothing to do with where we are and everything to do with how we connect. I do believe that assumption to be a little unreasonable.”

“Oh, you think I’m unreasonable?”

“I didn’t say you were unreasonable, I said that was unreasonable.”

Lumi slowly drew her hand back, and Julien watched her cautiously. A stupid grin spread across his face before he thought better of it and checked himself.

“Are you . . . jealous?” he asked.

She narrowed her eyes at him and recoiled. “No, I’m not jealous,” she snapped. “You sure look pleased by that idea, though.”

Julien broke out into that goofy grin again.

“You know what, Julien, you are so selfish,” she said, crossing her arms. “That’s just one of the many reasons I don’t like you.”

Julien’s eyes widened, though there was still mirth behind them, which made her want to slap it out of him. To his credit, he managed to keep a straight face.

“You . . . don’t like me,” he said.

She shook her head vehemently, her eyes defiant.

“Well. There were a few moments there where I could have sworn you liked me. At least a little bit,” he said.

She squinted at him through her still-narrowed eyes and took a deep breath. “You know what, Julien. I think this was a mistake. A huge mistake,” she said.

“Lumi,” he began, “I’m sorry, but I can’t bring myself to regret it. In fact, I’m not sorry at all. I feel connected to you, and after last night, I felt that connection deepen. Don’t you feel it too?”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. There was no way for her to say yes to that, because if she did, what she was about to do wouldn’t make any sense, even to herself.

“No,” she said, biting her lip. “I don’t.”

She glanced toward the kitchen window to avoid the pained look on his face.

“It was a mistake, and one I’m certain cannot be undone. I’ll be here tonight for the Atlantic Records dinner party. I’m not leaving Gloria, Ruben, and Richard hanging. But after tonight, Julien, I’m done,” she said.

He looked at her in shock. “Done . . . here?” he asked.

She could hear the slightest waver in his voice. It made her feel sick to her stomach, but it was too late. She couldn’t trust him anymore. And besides, it would be better this way. Easier to move on and focus on what she needed to: her next venture. She nodded emphatically.

“Even if you don’t want to work here, can I still see you?” he asked.

“That would defeat the purpose of quitting,” she said, as she snatched her clothes off the metal chair. She pulled them on angrily.

“Lumi, but we were just . . . getting to know each other better,” he said. “Why don’t you take a few days away from here, if that’s what you need? I think you are taking this the wrong way.”

“No, I’m pretty sure it’s the right way,” she said as she stepped into her boots. “Thanks for breakfast,” she added. She walked quickly out the door, shut it behind her, and didn’t look back.







Julien heaved a sigh and sank into the metal chair. Then just as suddenly, he jumped up as if he had sat on a cactus. That chair was the last place he wanted to be. It only reminded him of how sour things had gone.

He took the dishes and hastily dropped them in the main kitchen sink and headed off to his office. He clenched his fists involuntarily. Argh, why did Esme have to show up at the worst possible time?

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