Home > A Date with an Admirer (The Dating Series)(4)

A Date with an Admirer (The Dating Series)(4)
Author: L.P. Dover









I think I drank way too much last night. Waking up with a raging headache isn’t my idea of fun. Then again, when I think of what Ellie and I did, I can’t help but smile. It felt good tossing Warren’s things in his front yard last night. Yeah, it was also a little childish, but again, it felt amazing. Especially when I made sure his pink boxers were on full display. There’s nothing wrong with men wearing pink, but Warren just looked like a douchebag in it. It’s crazy how a breakup can make you see things more clearly.

My phone rings and I already know who it’s going to be. I look down and there’s Ellie’s name. I quickly grab the TV remote and hit pause on the movie I’m watching. Hallmark now has Valentine’s day themed movies out and I can’t get enough of them. If only love was really like the way you saw it on TV.

“Hey, Ellie,” I say, answering the call.

She snickers in that mischievous way of hers. “How ya feeling?”

“Pretty good,” I lie, wishing my headache would go away.

“Glad to hear it. Are you dressed?”

I look down at my Chapel Hill sweatshirt and matching Tarheel pajama pants. “In my jammies, why? You coming over? I have Hallmark on.”

She bursts out laughing. “Not exactly. My brother is though.”

“What?” I shout, jumping to my feet. “What do you mean he’s coming over?” Heart racing, I rush into my bedroom. My hair’s a mess and I have zero makeup on. Not exactly the way I wanted to see him for the first time. Pressing the speaker button, I toss my phone on the bed. I almost trip as I hurry into my bathroom to wash my face. There’s not enough time to wait for the water to get warm so I hold my breath as the cold water splashes against me.

Ellie giggles. “He agreed to be your date to the Valentine’s Day ball. I knew he would. The guy’s been hard up over you for forever.”

I dry my face quickly. “What all did he say?” I rush over to my closet and grab the first pair of jeans I can get my hands on. Before I can slip them on, the doorbell rings. “Shit,” I gasp, “he’s here. I look like hell.”

All Ellie does is laugh in reply. Ripping off my pajama pants, I squeeze into my skinny jeans and opt to keep my Chapel Hill sweatshirt on. There’s just no more time.

“If you were wearing a trash bag Tanner would still think you’re sexy as hell,” Ellie admits. “He was a little annoyed with me this morning. I went to mom and dad’s house to welcome him home in the old Ellie fashion.”

She used to give him hell, always picking on him. It used to piss Tanner off. “That’s mean, Ellie. The poor guy just got back.”

Ellie snorts. “He’ll be okay.”

The doorbell rings again and my heart jumps. “I gotta go. Thanks for asking Tanner for me. I’ll call you later.”

“No problem.” As soon as we hang up, I wrap my messy, tangled hair up into a bun, hoping I don’t scare Tanner the second I open the door.

Taking a deep breath, I hurry to the front door and place my hand on the knob. Here we go. My breath catches in my lungs the second our eyes meet. His are still the same striking blue as before. His blond hair is a little longer, tousled in that sexy way you’d imagine California surfers to look. In his low-cut jeans and snug light blue T-shirt, he looks exactly like a version of Chris Hemsworth. Butterflies flutter in my stomach.

“Hey,” I say, voice breathless.

Tanner’s lips pull up at the corner and he rakes his gaze up and down my body. “It’s been a long time.”

Stepping back, I open the door all the way. “Yes, it has. Do you want to come in?”

Tanner steps in and looks around. “Did Ellie tell you I was coming?”

I ran a hand over my messy bun. “Yeah, literally just five minutes ago. I’m sorry I look like a hot mess right now.”

Tanner meets my gaze and smirks. “More like hot as hell, Soph. Your fucking ex was stupid for what he did.”

That makes me smile. “Thanks. I appreciate you agreeing to be my date. I know it’s probably the last thing you want to do now that you’re back in town.”

He shrugs. “Actually, I think it’ll be fun.” His eyes twinkle with mischief and it makes me tremble. I wonder what kind of fun he’s referring to. All I know is that I’m looking forward to it.

I nod toward the couch. “Want to have a seat? We can catch up.”

Tanner walks over to the couch and I sit beside him. The way he stares at me with such intensity makes me nervous. I love it though. “I hear you’re a dentist now,” he says, draping his arm over the back of the couch.

“Yep,” I reply, smiling back at him. “I love it. Your sister is my office manager. She told me she gave you hell this morning.”

He scoffs. “That’s putting it lightly. The girl has no boundaries.”

I laugh. “Exactly. I love her though.”

“So do I, but I’ll be happy to get out of my parent’s house tomorrow. That way, I don’t have to let her in if she comes to visit.”

“Just don’t let her know where you put the spare key. She barges in all the time here,” I say.

Tanner chuckles and shakes his head. “Don’t see how you do it. She’d drive me insane.”

I have to agree with him. Sometimes she does drive me crazy, but it’s part of who she is. “Where’s your house at?” I ask, turning my body more toward him.

He points toward the door. “About a mile from you. I was hoping the house would be ready yesterday, but it had to go through one last inspection. Got the call this morning that it’s ready.”

“Did you design it yourself?”

He nods and I can see the pride on his face. “Yep. It’s on the lake. Not exactly my beachfront property in Cali, but it’s pretty damn awesome.”

“If you love California so much, why’d you come back?”

With a heavy sigh, his smile fades. “They didn’t have a position available at the West Coast office. The owner of M&M Architectural Design offered me a job. It’s based out of Charlotte, but I can pretty much work from anywhere as long as I’m in North Carolina. I couldn’t pass it up.”

I shrug. “Hey, at least, you have your family here. Can’t be all that bad.”

His grin returns. “It’s looking up for me.”

It’s hard to imagine him being the same Tanner I knew nine years ago. He’s completely different, but then again, I really never paid much attention to him back then. Kind of makes me feel horrible asking him to do me a favor.

“Do you need help moving in tomorrow? I’d be happy to help you. It’s the least I can do for what you’re doing for me.” If he accepts, it won’t make me feel so bad.

For a few brief seconds, he stares at me curiously. Makes me wonder what’s going on in that mind of his. He peers around my living room and nods. “You know what, I think I’ll take you up on that. All of my furniture will be delivered tomorrow, but I could use some help moving the boxes from my parents’ house.”

I hold out my hand. “Deal. I owe you.” He shakes my hand and goosebumps break out all over my skin. Luckily, he doesn’t seem to notice.

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