Home > Count On Me (Baytown Boys #12)(23)

Count On Me (Baytown Boys #12)(23)
Author: Maryann Jordan

He wondered if he should have said that when her eyes filled with tears. “Lizzie, I’m so—”

Shaking her head, she spoke, her voice raspy. “Scott, I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. I can’t even imagine.”

“I shouldn’t have mentioned it, though,” he said, stepping closer. “Your grief is still too fresh to take on anyone else’s.” The rest of the people at the fairgrounds faded into the distance as he continued to stare into her watery eyes.

She swallowed deeply, still shaking her head. “No, I’m glad you shared. I’m just embarrassed, that’s all.”


Her gaze left his, shifting to the side as she seemed to struggle with her emotions. His hands moved to her shoulders, gently squeezing, giving her time to pull her thoughts together.

She opened and closed her mouth several times before finally lifting her gaze back to him. “I’m not sure why, but I assumed you had had an easy life with things just given to you. That was foolish, and I’m sorry.” Sighing heavily, she shook her head again. “I’m really not like that. Or, at least, I didn’t used to be.”

His fingers kneaded her shoulders, trying to relieve the tension he felt in her body. “Lizzie, there’s nothing to forgive. But if it makes you feel better, then we can start over.” Stepping back a foot, he lifted his hand and said, “You must be Lizzie, Beau’s granddaughter. I’m Scott… a friend.”

She quickly wiped away the moisture under her eyes and sucked in her lips. Finally, giving way to the laughter, she took his hand in her own. “It’s nice to meet you, Scott. I’ve heard a lot of good things about you.”

The feel of her fingers, warm in his hand, moved through him, and he wanted to pull her close, wrapping his arms around her body. Before he had a chance to act on his desires, they were surrounded by others. American Legion members were congratulating him on the organization of the fundraising race, Lizzie’s new friends were checking on her sales, and invitations to join the picnic were abounding.

He managed to sit next to her while they ate, but soon his duties interrupted his time with her as he made sure the fairgrounds were left in the same state as he found them. By the time the legionnaires were finished with cleaning up, the parking lot was almost empty, and he noted her truck was gone.

Disappointment filled him, but he knew her animals had to be fed and cared for. Driving home, he hummed along with the radio, formulating his next plan. The plan that involved getting to know Lizzie even better.






A week later, Scott came in from his morning run, sweat dripping off of his body but anxious to get showered and on with his day. He and Lizzie had exchanged a few texts during the week, but since she had sold out of all of her lotion and soap, she was on a mission to replace her depleted stock, working late at night. Knowing her schedule left little time for the possibility of a date, he discerned a new way to spend time with her.

Met at the door by Rufus, he scratched his dog’s ears, then said, “Boy, you’re going to have some fun today.” Glad to have a Saturday that did not involve an AL ballgame to coach, he could not wait to get out to the farm to surprise Lizzie.

Rufus had made his way into Scott’s bedroom and now sniffed his boots. Laughing, he said, “If you weren’t going with me today, you’d really be sniffing my boots when I got home.” Grabbing his phone and wallet, he patted his thigh and said, “Come on, boy, let’s go.”

Rufus jumped into the cab of his SUV, and it did not take long before they were pulling into Lizzie’s drive next to the large Weston Farms sign. As he drove toward the house, he suddenly wondered if showing up unexpectedly was a good plan. An inkling of concern that she might not be happy to see him oozed through his mind, but before he could turn around, he saw her at the back end of her pickup truck, hauling large bags, struggling under the load.

Rufus began barking, and Lizzie stumbled as she turned too quickly, dropping the bag back onto the tailgate as she stared at the source of the noise.

Dusty jeans, T-shirt covered by a short-sleeve plaid blouse, hair in a long braid down her back, and ball cap on her head. He grinned as he climbed from the truck, stalking toward her, thinking, Absolutely fucking gorgeous.

Rufus ran around, and Scott called him back, making the dog walk at his side. “Good morning!” he called out.

Lizzie stared, her gaze going from him down to the dog and back up again before her lips curved into a smile. “Uh… good morning. What are you doing here?”

“I had a free Saturday morning. I thought you could use some help, and I also thought that I need to have more of an idea of how the farm works to help you with your business plan.” Her mouth opened and closed several times, but no words came forth. Jumping into the silent breach, he stepped closer. “And, Lizzie, I really just wanted to see you again.”

She snapped her mouth closed at that, and he saw her cheeks grow rosy, more from blush than the sun. Her gaze moved back down to the dog at his side. “This is Rufus. He’s a shelter dog that I rescued, but sweet as can be. I promise he’ll be good with the animals.”

Rufus sniffed her hand and quivered with excitement. She looked concerned as she rubbed his head and scratched his ears. “I don’t mean to be rude, but do you think he’ll be okay out here?”

“Why?” Scott asked. “Is it because he only has three legs?” He watched as she nibbled on her bottom lip and added, “I promise I wouldn’t have brought him if I didn’t think he’d be great. And believe me, this dog can do anything that a four-legged dog can do.”

Smiling, she nodded her agreement. She stuck her chin out slightly as she peered up at him. “So, you want to spend some time on the farm?”

“Absolutely. Just show me what needs to be done, and as we go about your chores, you can tell me about how things run.”

She looked around in uncertainty, then said, “Well, I was hauling the bags of feed into the barn. I made a run to the feed store this morning.”

Knowing her day began early, he wanted to help as much as he could. Moving to the back of her old farm truck, he hefted a bag of feed easily onto his shoulder and said, “Just point the way, ma’am.”

Her bottom lip trapped between her teeth, she crinkled her nose as she dropped her gaze to his jean-covered legs. Not giving her a chance to become embarrassed, he said, “Lizzie, don’t worry. I’m just like Rufus… I can do anything that a two-legged man can do.”

Holding his gaze for another moment as though pondering the veracity of his statement, she nodded and showed him where she kept the bags of feed. “I have to keep them in here and locked up,” she said, indicating the metal bin inside the barn. “I can’t afford to have the feed eaten by snakes or mice, and I certainly don’t want the animals to get into it.” Looking around, she added, “The barn is in good shape, but it could use a few repairs. And I know before I have people come to the farm, it really should be painted.” Shrugging, she sighed. “I suppose I need to add that to my list of things to do.”

He looked around and could see there were several boards that needed to be replaced, but the barn overall looked sturdy. Scott was sure that if Beau was still alive, he would have taken care of it. It did not take long for him to get all the bags put away, and he turned, seeing her beam.

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