Home > Count On Me (Baytown Boys #12)(30)

Count On Me (Baytown Boys #12)(30)
Author: Maryann Jordan

Facing each other, she slid her arm around his back, her fingers trailing over the soft material of his T-shirt, feeling the muscles underneath. Closing the slight distance, his mouth settled over hers. His lips, both soft and strong, commanded and teased all at the same time. As his tongue swept inside her mouth, she once again felt the sensations jolt through her. Her breasts felt heavy as her nipples tingled, and she felt a spasm in her womb.

Clutching him tighter, she wanted to erase any space between their bodies. Swept away by the waves of passion just from his kiss, she wanted nothing more than this man, right now, right here, in her bed.

His kiss was claiming, and yet giving. She allowed him to take control, gently moving her head so that he could delve his tongue deeper. The fingers at her hip clenched and she felt each one as though branded. Their kiss became more urgent, heads moving back and forth, noses bumping, each swallowing the other’s groans.

Wanting to be closer, her hips began to undulate, desperately seeking friction. Sliding her leg over his, she jolted, breaking apart with a gasp. “I’m sorry,” she rushed, eyes wide. “I don’t want to do anything to hurt you.”

He chuckled and slid one hand from her hip to pat his leg. “Baby, there’s nothing you could do to hurt this.”

The last thing she had meant to do was break the kiss and ruin the mood, but she watched as he slid his hand back to her, up her side to cup her cheek. As his thumb moved over her face, he sighed.

“I want you to be comfortable, Lizzie. So we can take this as slow as you need.” Bending forward to place a soft kiss on her lips, once again he leaned back and said, “We can talk. You can ask me anything.”

She licked her lips, staring at his handsome face. She had so many questions. Questions about his injury. Questions about his rehabilitation. Questions about his life before and after the military. He was strong and courageous, but right now, in that moment, she saw a flash of vulnerability move through his eyes, and she wondered about his own fears.

“Is it scary?” she whispered. From the slight jolt of his head, she could tell that he was not expecting that question. Hurrying to explain, she continued, “Is it scary to start a new relationship?”

Understanding dawned, and he gave a mournful smile. Before answering, he shifted in the bed, rearranging them so that his back was against the pillows at the headboard, and she was tucked next to him, her face turned up toward so that they could hold each other’s eyes.

“I had a girlfriend,” he began. “I met her when I was stationed in the States before doing a tour overseas. I didn’t like to hang out in bars, not interested in women who just wanted to bang a soldier. She was a civilian who worked in one of the offices on the base. We dated for six months and were very serious about each other. We talked about getting engaged before I had to leave but decided to wait until I got back. I suppose I thought it was a way to bind her to me, but I respected her wish to wait.”

Wanting to see his face clearly, Lizzie shifted again on the bed so that she was facing him, one hand on his thigh and the other linked with his.

“We wrote to each other. Skyped with each other. She even told me that she regretted our not being engaged because she wanted to get married as soon as I came home.”

Her heart pounding, Lizzie spoke softly. “I take it that didn’t happen since you’re obviously not married now.”

A rueful snort emitted. “No, it didn’t happen. She came to see me in the hospital when I finally got back to the States. She tried, but in the end, she just could not see herself being happy with me. I had several surgeries, long rehabilitation, and had to learn to walk again. Multiple fittings with various prosthetics to see which one would work the best.” Shrugging, he said, “I could tell she wasn’t happy but was just staying out of guilt. We had a long talk, and she admitted that she could not see being married to me, even though she knew that made her look bad.”

“You think?” Lizzie bit out, her back now ramrod-straight. Throwing her hands out to the side, she said, “She was never ready for better or for worse, in sickness and in health. If she was, then she would never have needed to bail! And she was worried about looking bad? Jesus, Scott… as sorry as I am that you had to go through that, she didn’t have the strength it takes to weather whatever storms come!”

Furious for him, she let out a huff then lifted her gaze back to his, seeing his wide-eyed surprise. Pressing her lips together, she dropped her chin to her chest, mortified that she had just blasted the woman he had once been in love with.

She felt his knuckle on her chin and he lifted, now surprised to see his wide smile. Before she had a chance to apologize, he chuckled.

“Damn, woman. I’ve been on the end of your fire, but it’s a lot more fun when your fire is directed at someone else on my behalf.”

Shoulders slumping, she said, “Don’t tease me, Scott. I should’ve kept my mouth shut, but I just hate that you were going through so much and then had to take on the burden of losing her at the same time.”

Leaning forward, he kissed her lightly before settling back against the pillows, a smug smile resting on his face. “It was tough at the time, babe, but I realized pretty quickly that she wasn’t the right person for me. Since then, I’ve dated some but no one special… no one who has the kind of strength to handle what life throws at them. Something, by the way, you have in spades.”

Coming from him, the words meant so much, gliding over her and filling the empty spaces deep inside.






From Lizzie’s questions and the fact that they were laying on her bed, Scott knew they had moved to the part of the relationship that most people never have to face. The amputation. He wished, with the hope of intimacy, the subject could be as easy as talking with one of his friends. But that had never proven to be so.

He held her gaze and waited for the questions that would now inevitably come since he had thrown open the doors to his past. He watched as she rolled her lips in, pressing down, her gaze not leaving his face. Finally, unable to wait any longer, he asked, “What are you thinking? What’s on your mind?”

“I was just wondering… well, I was hoping…”

“Lizzie, it’s okay. Ask whatever questions you want.”

Tilting her head to the side, she jutted out her chin slightly and blurted, “I was wondering when you were going to kiss me again.”

He blinked. Slowly. Twice. Her response was not what he expected, although he could not deny it was what he hoped for. Grinning, he replied, “If you’re ready, there’s no time like the present.”

Her lips curved into a beautiful smile, and she nodded as she shifted her body closer, almost laying across his chest as she brought her face toward his. “I’m ready.”

His arms banded around her body, pulling her close. He wanted to share his life with her but was thrilled he did not have to dissect everything with her all at one time.

Their lips met, and just like before, he felt the electricity move through his entire being. There was a hesitancy in her kisses, but he now felt it was more innocence than concern. He had no idea what her sexual experience was and did not care. All he wanted was the drug-inducing, lust-flaming headiness that filled his entire being when her lips met his and she moaned slightly into his mouth.

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