Home > Count On Me (Baytown Boys #12)(50)

Count On Me (Baytown Boys #12)(50)
Author: Maryann Jordan

Shoving back into his chair, Scott threw his hands up to his side and grumbled, “That’s why this whole mess is killing me. I don’t want someone to escalate to the extent of harming her.”

“Maybe with the security lights and cameras up we scared someone off.”

“I hope so, but I’m not going to take that chance. I think it’s time I paid a visit to Paul Dugan.”

Eyebrows lifted, Gareth said, “You need to be careful, Scott. You can’t start threatening someone without proof.”

“I’m not going to threaten him. But I’d like him to know that I’m there now and plan on staying. So, if someone is messing with Lizzie, they’re messing with me.”

A grin slipped across Gareth’s face. “I know the situation is fucked up, man, but I’m happy for you. She’s a great girl.”

The two men stood and shook hands, and Scott walked Gareth out. Glancing at the clock on the wall behind Mrs. Markham, he thought about cutting out early when Lia rushed from the back.

“Oh, Scott, I’m glad you’re here. I just got a call from the school, and Emily’s got a little fever so I have to pick her up. I was supposed to meet our new clients at the Sunset Restaurant for a late lunch. It’s the Whitley family. They’re new to town and live in one of those million-dollar homes at The Dunes Resort. I’ve called them to let them know that you will be meeting them instead.” She stopped at the door and turned quickly, her nose slightly scrunched. “I hope that’s okay. You didn’t have any other plans, did you?”

Shaking his head, he smiled. “No, it’s fine. Go on and get Emily. I’ll take care of the Whitleys. I know it’s just an initial meeting anyway, but I can find out who their former accountant was.” He waved as she rushed out the door and sighed slightly. Turning toward Mrs. Markham, he offered her a rueful smile. “Guess I better get to lunch.”



Walking into the Sunset Restaurant, Scott caught a glimpse of Careena standing next to her Mercedes, talking to a man. From the back, the man looked like Paul, and it appeared the two were arguing. Wishing he could get closer, he scooted around a tall clump of ornamental grass.

“If you’ll just be patient, we can make this happen,” he heard Careena say. Unable to discern the man’s answer, he heard car doors slam shut. Stepping from behind the bush, he observed the two of them now in her vehicle. Careena wasted no time in speeding out of the parking lot. Desperate to follow them, he watched them leave, knowing there was nothing he could do right now.

Two hours later, Scott was grateful the lunch with the Whitleys had come to an end. They were a pleasant couple, having retired from Chicago, delighted with their large home on the Eastern Shore. They had filled the conversation with pictures of their grandchildren, pets, and vacations. He found there was very little that the couple talked about that their accounting firm needed to know but knew that sometimes business lunches were the best way to get to know clients informally.

Shaking their hands goodbye, he waved as they walked away before he hustled to his car. Time to pay Paul Dugan a little visit.



PD Development was in a small, nondescript brick building just off of Highway 13 in North Heron County. Parking in the front, Scott spied the large black pickup truck with the company’s logo on the side. Glad that it appeared Paul was in, he parked in the front of the building and walked in.

Not certain what he expected, he was a little surprised to see a neat reception area, not unlike Mrs. Markham’s. A young woman sat behind a desk, and as soon as her eyes lit upon him, her smile widened broadly as her gaze moved from his head to his toes and back again.

“Hi! Welcome to PD Development, where houses are built to fit your needs and dreams come true!”

He blinked at her enthusiastic greeting, and the consideration that he might have to punch Paul to make his point to leave Lizzie alone dimmed with the young receptionist’s presence.

“I’m here to see Paul Dugan.”

Her smile remained although a crinkle formed between her eyebrows as she continued to look up at him. “Did you have an appointment?”

Shaking his head, he replied, “No. But I think he’ll want to see me. Tell him that Scott Redding is here to talk to him about the Weston Farm.”

She offered a little shrug as she stood and moved toward the back, her mannerisms indicating that she did not recognize the significance of the Weston farm. A moment later, she popped her head out of an office in the back and said, “Mr. Redding, you can come on in.”

As he passed her in the hall, she looked up and whispered, “I get off at four, if you want to get drinks sometime.” She winked and headed back to her desk, leaving him to shake his head slightly in surprise. Quickly forgetting her, he headed into Paul’s office, shutting the door behind him.

He recognized Paul from the pictures he had seen. Medium height, brown hair that was shot with gray. Not a large man, he definitely had some weight around his middle. What struck Scott the most was his eyes. His ruddy cheeks made his eyes appear small, but they darted around as though taking in everything quickly. Dressed in jeans with a denim shirt with his company’s logo embroidered over the pocket, he looked exactly as Scott expected, and yet, not at all like the type of man Careena Giordano would have for a partner… unless he was simply a means to an end.

He shook Paul’s hand and took the seat that was offered. Having no desire to mince words, he began, “Mr. Dugan, I’m a personal friend of Elizabeth Weston and considered it an honor to be a friend to her grandfather as well—”

“A better man I’ve never met in my life,” Paul interjected, his head nodding up and down rapidly.

Tilting his head, he held Paul’s stare until the other man shifted slightly in his seat. “If that’s true, then I find it strange that you would attempt to coerce Ms. Weston into selling her farm when surely, you know that it’s the last thing her grandfather would’ve wanted.”

Paul pinched his lips together which only served to puff his cheeks out further, giving him a somewhat comical expression. “Now, now, coerce is not the right word,” he protested. “That girl has got more than she can handle out there, and I don’t mind taking that property off her hands.”

Brows lifted, he countered, “Well, how neighborly of you. Seems like several people are wanting to help Ms. Weston. But from what she tells me, you lied to her face about what Beau wanted her to do.”

Throwing his hands up, Paul defended himself. “Now, that’s just business, Mr. Redding. Good business. A businessman who wants to make it in this day and time should know who they’re dealing with and use that to their advantage. I figured if she thought her granddaddy and I had come to an understanding, it would help her make the right decision. That’s all I was doing.”

“I don’t care for your business tactics, nor do I care for your threats against Ms. Weston.”

Paul reared back in his seat, his small eyes wide and said, “Threats? I never once made a threat against Ms. Weston. You might not like my business tactics, but I assure you I’ve never resorted to threats!”

Leaning forward, his voice barely above a growl, Scott bit out, “I know what you and Careena Giordano are doing. I don’t understand why, but I’m here to tell you right now—it’s going to stop.”

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