Home > Securing Avery (SEAL of Protection Legacy #5)(70)

Securing Avery (SEAL of Protection Legacy #5)(70)
Author: Susan Stoker

Again, Phantom shook his head. “She’s being forced to participate then.”

The commander’s lips pressed together, and he leaned forward on his elbows. “It’s possible she’s turned,” he said quietly.

Phantom met his commander’s gaze without flinching. “She’s doing what’s necessary to survive,” he insisted. “You weren’t there. You didn’t see her. She was lying face down on a pile of bodies. Children she loved and cared about. The rebels obviously realized she wasn’t dead, something I should’ve, and took her. She’s probably been raped and beaten and who knows what else.

“If she’s participating in the atrocities happening over there in Timor-Leste, it’s a self-preservation tactic. I’ve listened to Piper talk about her best friend for hours. Kalee Solberg is no killer. I’d bet my career on it.”

He was practically panting by the time he was finished speaking, but there was nothing more important than making his commander understand that whatever Tex had uncovered, it was all bullshit. Not the part about her working alongside the rebels, but her motives for doing so.

Commander North sat back in his chair and sighed.

Then the rear admiral spoke for the first time. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

“No, Sir. I fucked up. I need to make it right.” No matter how many times he’d been told that not realizing Kalee was alive wasn’t his fault, Phantom couldn’t help but think otherwise.

“For the record, I happen to agree with you. I don’t think a woman who enjoyed visiting an orphanage in her free time and who would join the Peace Corps would suddenly decide to join a group of rebels after almost being killed by them in the first place. But…”

Phantom’s body tightened in preparation for the rear admiral’s next words.

“I think you know that we can’t send a SEAL team on a mission where there isn’t an issue of national security.”

“But, Sir—”

The rear admiral held up his hand, cutting off Phantom’s words.

“I know this is personal for you, but the Timor-Leste government has a handle on the uprising and they haven’t asked for assistance. There are still pockets of rebels causing havoc, mainly in Dili, but for the most part, the uprising has been suppressed. Kalee Solberg is presumed dead, and the information we’ve received isn’t enough for the United States Navy to spend the money and man-power to go into a situation that’s already under control.

“I’m sorry, Phantom. I know that you were hoping for better news. We both understand how difficult this has been for you, and we felt you deserved to know what’s going on.”

A muscle in Phantom’s jaw ticked and he held on to his composure by the skin of his teeth.

Commander North leaned even closer and pinned Phantom to his seat with a stare. “Tex is staying on this. He’s going to keep us informed as to any other information he can get. We’ll extend the courtesy to pass that info on to you.”

Phantom wasn’t happy with the intel. He’d hoped that he and the team would be allowed to go to Timor-Leste and pick up Kalee. And if not the entire SEAL team, then maybe by some miracle, he’d be authorized to go in by himself. But looking at the serious expressions on his superior officers’ faces, he knew that was never going to happen.

Kalee Solberg was on her own. Just as she’d been since he’d mistakenly left her for dead.

“Permission to speak?” he asked.

“Of course,” the commander said.

“I’d like to request a month’s leave,” Phantom said, his face not showing any of the emotion he was feeling.

The commander and rear admiral were quiet for a moment, studying him.

“Why?” Commander North finally asked.

“I’m not thrilled with this information,” Phantom said honestly. “I’m tired. We’ve had a lot of missions one right after another. My leg still isn’t one hundred percent, and after failing the Solberg mission, I’m burnt out. I need a break.”

“If you’re thinking about going in by yourself—” the rear admiral started.

“I’m not,” Phantom interrupted. “I’m a SEAL. I work with my team. We don’t operate well individually. I just need a break, Sirs. I have a friend who lives on Oahu. He’s invited me to come out and visit time and again, and I’ve always said no. I’m thinking spending four weeks relaxing on the North Shore and trying to get my head on straight would be beneficial. To me, my team, and the navy. Sirs.”

Phantom didn’t flinch under the intense stares of the men across from him. Nothing he was thinking was broadcast on his face.

“If you’re planning on heading to Timor-Leste, it would be career suicide,” Commander North said.

“I understand,” Phantom said.

“Four weeks. And you’ll check in every week,” the rear admiral said.

Phantom wanted to protest. He wasn’t a kid who needed to report to his parents. But he knew if he disagreed with his superior officer, he wouldn’t get the leave he so desperately needed. “Yes, Sir,” he said with a small nod.

“Fill out the leave paperwork, complete with the name, address, and phone number of this friend of yours,” Commander North said. “I think this vacation could be good for you, as long as you don’t obsess over something you had no control over. Seriously, you need to relax, Phantom. Take some hikes, surf, spend some time with a local Hawaiian beauty…do something to get your head back in the game. Your team needs you. Your country needs you.”

“I will, Sir. Thank you,” Phantom said.

“I’ll let you know if I hear anything else from Tex,” his commander told him. “Dismissed.”

Phantom stood and walked out of the office, his mind already churning with everything he needed to do for his impromptu vacation.

He hadn’t lied to either the commander or rear admiral. He understood that going after Kalee without the approval of the U.S. Navy was career suicide.

But he didn’t care.

It was his fault Kalee was in the position she was, and he’d do whatever it took to rectify the situation.

Phantom needed to talk to Tex, needed as much intel as possible so he could get into Dili, find her, and get her the hell out of there. He’d kidnap her if he had to.

He did know someone who lived in Hawaii. A fellow SEAL who was stationed over in Oahu. He had no doubt the man would help arrange a place for him to stay while he was there. And he did plan to spend his leave in Hawaii—but not until he’d taken a detour to Timor-Leste first.

Determination rose up within him. He had a chance to right the major fucking wrong he’d done to Kalee Solberg. He was staking his career on the fact that she was alive and desperate to be rescued. He wouldn’t fail her again.



Kalee gripped the automatic rifle in shaking hands and shot as far away from where the others were aiming as she could while still making it look like she was participating in the assault on the building. She shot into the bushes, at the ground when she could, praying none of her bullets harmed anyone. She’d done a lot of things she was ashamed of in the last six months or so, but, as far as she knew, she’d never killed anyone.

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