Home > Rebel(21)

Author: Marie Lu

“It’s him, yeah?” I say to her in the beat of silence that follows. “He did this?”

Min nods toward the telltale red handkerchief tied to the corpse’s ankle. “And he wanted us to know it,” she replies.

The kind of cruelty that Dominic Hann inflicts on his victims is so sharply reminiscent of what the Republic used to be like, what Commander Jameson used to do, that I feel an ominous weight on my chest. This isn’t just the work of a sadistic criminal. This is manipulation, someone trying to send a message. Someone threatening the city with his power.

“Who was he?” I ask as I bend down beside the body. “Do we know yet?”

Lara nods. “A councilman in the President’s inner circle.”

This stops me cold. The President’s inner circle. My eyes go back to the mutilated figure before us. Most of Hann’s past attacks have been against people who couldn’t repay his debts, but an act like this is bold beyond belief. Had this councilman owed him money too? It’s possible. But this isn’t a regular citizen. He had bodyguards. All kinds of security attached to his account.

If Hann was able to do this to a prominent councilman in a coordinated attack, then he’s not only growing more confident, he’s got more connections in powerful places than I thought.

“How did it happen?” I ask.

Jessan runs me through what they already know: that the councilman had gone missing earlier today; that he’d been driven here and dumped at the intersection still alive; that he had then been set on fire. I wince at each graphic detail. My attention goes briefly to people sitting on the curbs now, being interrogated by the police. Probably nearby storeowners, some who might’ve witnessed everything happening.

“And they still managed to get away?” I ask when Jessan finishes.

She shrugs, and Lara nods at the scorched walls. “They seem like they struck fast and hard. It’s not their first time at this game. It’s just the worst one yet.”

I run a hand through my hair in frustration. “But what does Hann want?” I mutter to no one in particular. “Money? Revenge? Do we have any evidence? What does he get out of killing a councilman, aside from all of AIS descending on him like a horde of wasps?”

“No idea, but there was a theft tonight at the East City Laboratories, where a rare energy coil was stolen. No confirmation yet on whether or not these two events are related in any way, but the timing is unusual enough that it’s worth noting.”

My eyes go back to the pitiful remains. We’re going to be the ones to deliver the news to the family.

Min is looking at me with a thoughtful expression. She turns to Jessan and Lara, then gives them a terse nod. “I need you two to gather some more eyewitness accounts,” she says. “Go on. Let me have a word with Daniel.”

They don’t hesitate. As they head off, Min turns to me and lowers her voice. “I know that look, Wing,” she says quietly. “What’s going through your head?”

“That this all looks familiar,” I reply, my eyes still settled on the body.

“The wounds?”

I shake my head. “The political escalation. Up until now, Hann has stayed in his realm, punishing anyone who fails to pay their debts to him or loses a gamble or is a part of some rival gang. But this is different.” I cross my arms. “He’s prepping the people.”

“What do you mean?”

I give her a hard look. If there was ever a time to bring the topic up to her again, it’s now. “You know how I feel about the city’s Level system. I remember what it’s like to be part of the lower class when we’re pushed to our limits.”

At that, Min makes an exasperated sigh. “Daniel. You know my answer to this argument already.”

“Then don’t ask for my opinion,” I say. “But I’m warning you—Hann isn’t a fool. He knows that the number of poor down here is growing, that more people aren’t able to raise their Levels and can’t afford to feed their families. You got flattened Levelers setting up entire rows of tents down here. Hann knows that. He’s already instilled a proper amount of fear in the Undercity—people here are intimidated by him. But he also shows them enough mercy to make them love him. Now he’s attacking the city council. Prominent politicians.” I point at the body. “It’s not a coincidence that Hann decided to put this body on display down here instead of hanging it up in the Sky Floors, where they live. He knows how much the people down here hate the Sky Floor politicians. He wants the people down here to see. To know who’s really running their city.”

Min gives me a skeptical look. “You’re insinuating that Hann wants to stage a coup?” she asks incredulously.

“I’m saying that’s a real possibility,” I argue back.

Min shakes her head in frustration. “Hann doesn’t have that kind of power. You’re telling me he’s going to try seizing the capital of the most advanced nation in the world?”

“A nation that’s still too young,” I argue back. “That can topple just like anything else.”

She rubs her temples in irritation. “Give me something I can work with. I’ll never be able to convince the council that this is even a remote threat.”

Her expression makes me want to scream. These cracked Antarcticans have never lived through a revolution before. Their country is barely a few decades old. They have no idea how fragile this entire system is. Everything always seems like it’s going fine until suddenly, one day, it’s not.

“All of you think this place is invincible,” I snap. “You don’t see the poison bubbling under the surface, that’s been here since day one.”

“What do you propose we do, then?”

“Find a way to Hann’s side. We’ve had no luck hunting him because our relations with the Undercity are so poor.”

“And how are we going to do that when we don’t know the first thing about him?”

I smile grimly. “I’ve got some insight into how a notorious criminal can be caught by someone from the inside. She did it by becoming someone I could trust. But you need to tell the President that this system is unsustainable. We’re setting the Undercity up for a revolution, and I don’t even think they’re wrong to do it.”

Min still looks unconvinced. She shakes her head. “The President’s not going to like me bringing up this conversation again,” she says. “You know how much he supports the Level system.”

These Sky Floor bastards always try to maintain order by giving themselves all the advantages. Eden’s words linger in my mind, along with his disgust at my working for the AIS.

Sometimes I think you’ve forgotten where you come from.

But I was never the same as someone like Dominic Hann. Hann is a killer.

“You don’t have to talk the President into taking it down,” I reply. “Just tell him how much his own life is at risk. Hann isn’t going to stop at killing a councilman. President Ikari is the prize at the top, and if he wants to stay alive, he needs to do something to quell this.”

Min’s eyes have gone cold again, but she doesn’t dismiss my words. Instead, she nods at me. “Go join the others to gather eyewitness accounts,” she says. “We’ll talk again later.” She doesn’t wait for me to respond before walking away with her hands in her pockets.

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