Home > Beneath a Summer Sky(21)

Beneath a Summer Sky(21)
Author: A.R. Perry

Shane bends down to grab his phone as I run a clammy palm over my warm cheeks. I’ve never felt this way about a guy before. Now that Shane has admitted everything that’s gone on between him and my brother, I’m starting to get a nervous churning in the pit of my stomach. Having to choose between them would wreck me.

“We’re packing up for the night.” Scarlett nods toward camp. “I held off old man River as long as I could but if I don’t bring you back pronto, he might catch on and keep you two locked away the next three days.”

“Go on.” Shane lets go of my hand. “I’m gonna search for the inhaler.”

My neck is stiff as I nod. My legs are even stiffer as I walk away. It’s easy to say everything will be fine when I’m not being forced to make any hard decisions.

I talk a big game, but the truth is if Jay pushed it there’s a possibility I’d take his side.

Just like last time.

All I can hope for is that it doesn’t come to that.



“Congratulations, campers!”

With a genuine smile on my face I clap along with everyone as Mr. River hands out the last certificate. Three weeks passed by so fast and I can’t believe another stretch at this camp has come to an end. The older I get, the more I realize times here are limited. Soon I’ll have a grown-up job and there won’t be time to spend weeks in the middle of nowhere.

But those thoughts aren’t the only ones lighting my insides with nervous energy. Today we head home and I face Jay. Even though I put on a confident act for Lyla, I know this fallout will be catastrophic.

“Does this mean we can finally go home?” Scarlett shouts to Lyla over the noise of the campers cheering.

“After all the kids are picked up.”

“Thank God. I’m so excited to leave I’m not going to complain about having no air-conditioning in your rust bucket.”

“Hey, you could have driven.” Lyla points a finger at Scarlett, then winks at me. “We’re lucky she runs at all after that midnight bonfire. Even Sunshine was protesting.”

Sunshine, which is the worst name for that piece of crap, was delivered last week with a hefty bill for fixing the starter and replacing a few cables. The mechanic who happens to be a friend of Mr. River, told Lyla to send the payment whenever she could.

“God. Worst name ever for the piece of crap,” Scarlett says with a shake of her head.

“I tried to tell her not to buy the thing.” I pinch Lyla’s side and receive a dirty look.

“So, now you’re both ganging up on me?” She reaches up to tighten the elastic band at the top of her head. “I have half a mind to leave you here.” She turns her narrowed gaze on me. “And you better watch it or I’ll leave you to fend off Jay all by yourself.”

It’s a playful jab, one she would never follow through with, but stings all the same.

“Yeah, so how is that going to work?” Scarlett asks as we clean up the paper plates and cups. “I don’t have a brother but I wouldn’t be too happy if Lyla started banging him.”

Lyla’s eyes bug out. “Scarlett! There are children around. Besides, Shane and I haven’t…” Her cheeks flame red as she chucks garbage into the nearby bin.

“That’s only because we’ve been surrounded by a bunch of kids and Mr. Keep It In Your Pants.” She thumbs over her shoulder to where Mr. River is standing, chatting with a few campers.

“We are not having this conversation,” Lyla grumbles and shoulders past her friend.

Running a hand through my hair, I survey the cafeteria, avoiding Scarlett’s stare. Lyla is right, we ain’t having this conversation since Lyla and I haven’t even had it.

Sure, we’ve had a couple of hot make-out sessions in the time we’ve found to sneak off, but until we’ve talked to Jay, I’m not allowing anything else to happen. I can’t. Not when this could end before it gets a solid start.

“Someone’s awfully quiet.” Scarlett saddles up next to me, bumping her shoulder into mine.

“Just taking everything in for the last time.” Lyla is off in the corner, picking up plates and chatting with a couple of the kids. The way her face lights up at whatever the girl next to her says sends a jolt through my stomach.

God, she’s beautiful.

“This whole thing is going to end badly.”

I tear my eyes off Lyla to focus on Scarlett. “What?”

“You and her. Jay is going to murder you. One time he threatened to break some dude’s leg who catcalled us. You used to be friends. Even if you were still buddy-buddy, he wouldn’t be okay with this. When I told her to go for it, I figured this would be a quick summer fling. Being together up here is fine. But back home?”

I sigh and lean on the table behind us. “Yeah. I know.”

“I haven’t seen her like this in a long time. For some reason she really likes you. Just…let her down easy when this blows up. I’ll be there to handle the aftermath.” Scarlett pats me on the arm much like a mother would to her child and walks away.

I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. There’s a reason I moved halfway across the U.S. to avoid Lyla. For whatever reason, I’ve always been pulled to her. There’s this almost primitive need in me whenever she’s near. It took most of my energy when we were younger not to act on it.

And now?

Now I’ve had a taste of what being with her is like and I don’t think there’s any force in the entire universe that will keep me away from her.

So, Scarlett was half-right about one thing, this will end, but it will be so much worse than badly. This is going to verge on cataclysmic, and the one person who will be left in the middle, choosing sides, is the one person I promised I’d never hurt.



I toss Lyla’s bag into the trunk and reach for Scarlett’s. The girls are saying goodbye to Mr. River a few spaces over. We’re the last to leave since I always hang back to make sure everything is in order for him to close up until the next batch of kids come up. Since I hung behind, so did Lyla, much to Scarlett’s annoyance. Right now, she’s rocking on her heels and I can tell she’s itching to leave.

“Have a safe drive home,” Mr. River says as I slam shut the trunk of her beater.

I’m following close behind because I’m not sure this piece of junk will make the drive.

“Expect us next summer,” Lyla says as they back away.

“Yeah. Right,” Scarlett mumbles, hurrying her steps until she’s standing right next to me. “You couldn’t pay me enough to come next summer,” she says behind a hand.

She’s the exact opposite of Lyla and it makes me wonder how the heck they became friends.

“All ready?” Lyla asks with a bright smile on her face.

The sun is shining down on us, making her blond hair glow. Even though I promised myself this afternoon I’d be hands-off until we’ve talked to Jay, I can’t help reaching over and hooking my fingers into the frayed belt loops on her jeans. She squeaks as I yank her to me.

“Almost.” I plant a quick kiss on her lips that has Scarlett gagging and Lyla giggling. “Good luck kiss for the road. You’re gonna need it to make it home in this thing.”

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