Home > Drive Me Crazy(44)

Drive Me Crazy(44)
Author: Leaona Luxx

"What rules are we breaking?" His warm breath sweeps over me, and I shudder from his proximity. He's always been the one to bend all the rules, and I've always fucking loved him for it.

I tilt my head, our mouths an inch apart. "All of them, Ridge. Every damn one of them."

A door slams and we stumble away from one another. I collapse into the wall behind me, letting my shoulders hold me up. He falls against the one across from me and we struggle for air.

"We need to..." he swallows hard. "get back."

I will myself to stand and straighten my clothes. "Dear Baby Jesus! I think I'm ready."

"I sure as hell like the color in your cheeks." He winks, grinning mischievously.

I take a step toward the door, gripping the handle and sink my teeth in my bottom lip, and slowly releasing it. "And to think, had you played that right, you might've been free to make the others just as pink."

"Fuck me." His mouth gapes and adjusts himself. I pull the door open, looking back to see if he's following and run straight into another person.

"Oh, excuse me." I hold my hands up as Ridge latches onto my waist, holding me up.

The man, dressed in a white coat, reaches for me and earning him a glare from Ridge. "Hey, you okay? Miss Jennings, how are you?"

"I'm good. Definitely better than the last time you saw me here." I fidget, ready to go.

He reaches for Ridge. "Hi, there. How are you?"

"Good, thank you for asking." Ridge grumbles. There's an odd vibe whirling around as I pull the door open.

The doctor hesitates and stops. "So, you are a couple? Alright, I thought you said you were, but he said no."

"Umm, yeah we're together." I cut my eyes at Ridge, who has narrowed his at me.

The doctor stares at Ridge. "Well, I suppose I should say..."

"The baby's here!" Rumor screams from inside the door as she sprints into her dad's arms.

I yank Ridge with me, scrambling through the opening. "Thanks, bye!"

"What's he talking about?" Ridge murmurs as we hurry over to the crowd.

I shrug, refusing to face him or the question. "No clue."

"It's a boy! He's healthy and is the spitting image of his big sister. He weighed nine pounds, ten ounces!" Boone announces as we join the rest in cheers and applause.

Rumor waits for Boone to give her a sign she can speak. He whispers in her ear, and she smiles. "My parents and I are happy to introduce my baby brother, Maximus Boone Hatcher."

"Awe, Max!" The butterflies in my belly take flight, and I elbow the lump of grumpy man standing beside me. "Don'tcha love it?"

"I do," he nods. "and after this, you're going to tell me what the hell is going on."

"As long as you're going to do the same damn thing." I grunt, side eyeing him.

"Hey, come here." Boone motions in Ridge's direction. He takes a step and then wraps my wrist and tugs me with him.

Ridge releases me and wraps Boone in an enormous bear hug. "Congratulations, man!"

"I can't thank you enough." Boone pats his back as the manly emotions ensue. "You've been by her side when no one else could be, we love you, brother."

Even with Boone gone as long as I've been, he still knows more about Ridge than I do. My emotions are everywhere, I've got to get a grip on them.

I smile as he lets Ridge go. "Congratulations, I can't wait to see him."

"Thank you, it's good to see you." He gives me a quick peck on the cheek. "We need to catch up sometime over dinner."

"That sounds great." I slide in beside Ridge as everyone gathers around, waiting to see the newest addition.

Boone's eyes flicker between us. "Y'all are staying around to see them, right? You know she's gonna want to see you."

"I can get a ride home, so you can stay awhile." I bump Ridge's shoulder, nudging him to respond.

"We're here," he tugs on my hand. "let the grands go first."

Boone thumps his bicep. "Good! I'll get them moving."

I chew the inside of my lip. "Should we find a place to sit?"

"No," Ridge leans in, whispering in my ear. "we're going to go find some place private."

"I'm thinking this is a bad idea." I protest as he pulls me toward the door.

His head spins. "Wanna do it here?"

"Is that an option?"

He glowers. "No!"

"Then why ask, Mister Grouchy Pants." I drag my feet behind him, doing my best to pout. It has no effect on him, he's determined to get answers and I'm set on not giving any.

He pushes through the door as I trail along. I have to admit; I don't mind being here with him. I know I can't give him the answers he's looking for right now.

"Will you ever just go along with the program?" He slams back another door, holding it open for me.

"Would you like it if I did?" I smirk, knowing I'm working on his last nerve.

His head falls forward. "Probably not."

"You've always let me go my way, Ridge. What's with the cave man attitude?" I cross my arms, readying to defend myself. Truth is, I'm hoping to deny and deflect.

He crowds me against the wall... again. "Is there anything wrong with me wanting you alone?"

"No, if it's for the right reasons." I lift my chin, angling my mouth toward his. "But I have a feeling, this isn't one of the right ones."

"It's as easy as the sway in your hips," he leans in. "all you have to do, is to tell me what you're hiding from me."

I lay back against the wall. "I don't have a clue what you're talking about."

"Harper, I know you better than you know yourself."

We lock eyes, and a charge of energy surges between us as if it's willing me to tell him my deepest and darkest secrets. I've never fought something so hard in my life, but this isn't something he needs to know.

Not yet.

"Then you should definitely know, there's no chance in hell I'm going to tell you anything. Especially if there's nothing to tell." I avert my eyes, praying I can fend him off.

He steps back, and I immediately chill from his absence. "For someone that spent years doubting her own existence, you sure as hell exude confidence."

"So, you recognize it?" I slip under his arm, yanking on the door. "I'm confident in you, Ridge."

"You could be wrong about me, you know."

I nod. "Yeah, I've been wrong plenty of times and this might be one. It also might be the only choice I have."

"I'll never let you down again, Harper." He moves closer to me, laying his hand over mine. "But I need you to be honest with me, there can never be secrets between us again."

I stare out into the night, the stars twinkle and shine, much like Ridge's eyes when he looked down at me under the same sky years ago.

"I-I just need a little more time, that's all." I swallow past the knot forming in my throat. "And I'm scared you'll not want me when I tell you all my truths."

He wraps my wrist, pulling me into his arms. "Crazy girl, that'll never happen."

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