Home > His to Shelter (The Guard #1)(43)

His to Shelter (The Guard #1)(43)
Author: Em Petrova

Everyone came forward to shake his hand or give him another hug. After the crowd parted, he spotted Rose standing there.

He ran a hand over his face to dispel the emotion threatening at the surface. “You were freakin’ amazing, woman. I’m so damn grateful for you.” After stepping up to her, he cupped her face in his hands, cradling her tenderly while searching her striking eyes.

“I’m sorry, Oz. I couldn’t keep from interfering.”

He rubbed the pad of his thumb over her plump, kissable lips. He could think of a dozen different ways to put those lips to other uses. “I’m glad you couldn’t. I needed you, Rose, and even if I didn’t know that, I’m glad you did.”

A soft noise broke from her chest as she leaned in. “It’s why we make a good team.”

“We do. Which brings me to another question.”

“What’s that?” Up close, her eyes burned with intensity, and he could guess the thoughts stirring in her brain. His body ached for the same.

“What would you say about leaving the courtrooms behind and joining us?”

She blinked in surprise.

“We could use a good researcher. And we can offer enough protection to give me peace of mind.” He drew her into his arms, holding her tight against his chest.

When she stretched onto tiptoe and brushed her lips across his, an invisible cord yanked tight in his guts. God, he loved this woman above all else. For a long moment, they shared a tongue-twining kiss. After she pulled back, he held her gaze.

“I feel like making more promises with you. What do you say about a little bungalow on the waterfront for the week? Just us and the boys. They can fish and we can…” He waggled his brows.

She arched her own. “I’m ready now. Though I would like some clothes. Can we make a stop at one of those endless closets again?”

He chuckled. “Give me your sizes, and I’ll have everything there for us when we arrive.”

Rubbing her fingers over his wrist, she said, “All this power almost got you in trouble.”

“I’d do it all over again.” He clutched her forearms. “Rose, if I could start over—”

She shook her head. “We are the people we are because of what happened to us. No regrets, Oz. Just looking to the future.”

“This is why I love you so damn much.” He smoothed a lock of blonde hair away from her cheek and then leaned in to claim her lips.

* * * * *

Oz opened the door for the pizza delivery man. He accepted the boxes with a nod of thanks and then closed the door.

“You didn’t even tip him.” Nick eyed him.

Oz turned. “A perk.”

“So this house is a perk, and it comes with free pizza?”

Chuckling, Oz handed one of the pizzas to his son. “That’s right.” The two of them walked into the spacious open living area where Rose and Alex already had a movie queued to start.

“Mom, tell me again why Alex and I don’t want to be part of The Guard.”

“You can’t speak openly about it, remember?” She moved to push a floral arrangement off to the side of the square coffee table, making room for the pizza. “Instead of worrying about your future, why don’t you go grab some plates from the kitchen?” she said to Nick.

The boy set down the pizza he held. For a moment, Oz watched Nick’s long, lanky body as he moved to the kitchen to do his mother’s bidding. When he glanced around, he found Rose staring at him. Such a look of love softened her features that his heart gave a warm flip.

He set the other pizza down and took his seat next to her. So far, they’d limited their displays of affection in front of the twins for two reasons. One, they were all just feeling each other out and finding their roles in this new venture. And two, Rose and Oz figured teen boys did not want to see their parents kissing. Ever.

Still, Oz couldn’t resist taking her hand and stroking her silky fingers. Nick returned, and they all settled in for a movie and pizza night.

“I can’t remember the last time we did this.” Rose took a bite of pepperoni.

Gaze still on the big screen, Alex grunted. “Spring break.”

“Yes.” Rose looked to Oz. “When was the last time you watched a movie?”

He shook his head. “Up until now, I’ve never been the pizza and movie kind of guy.” But looking around at the boys slamming back pizza as fast as they could pick up a slice while drawn into the action flick, he couldn’t think of a time he’d ever been happier.

Rose nodded, as if she understood all that had just passed through his mind. Thing was, he believed she did.

After pizza, the boys went in search of ice cream and returned with heaping bowls. Oz shot them a crooked smile. “I forgot I used to eat like that.”

Rose leaned her head on his shoulder, and he kissed the top of her soft hair. When the movie finished, Nick and Alex vanished to their respective bedrooms in the house, leaving him and Rose alone. At last.

She ran her hand down his chest, and he recognized the question in that touch. He responded by tilting her face up and capturing her lips. The kiss started off with all the passion he kept bottled up inside himself for hours. A moan escaped her, and he angled her head to deepen the caress. Their tongues met in a frenzy of need.

Without a word, Oz stood and scooped her up in his arms. He carried her down the hall to their bedroom and quietly closed the door rather than kick it shut in line with his instinct.

Rose threaded her fingers into his hair and pulled him closer as he walked to the bed and lay her on the mattress. Following her down, he braced his weight on his elbows and continued ravishing her mouth. She worked off his shirt and scraped her short nails over his shoulders.

In answer, he tore hers off and popped the clasp of her bra. Nuzzling between her fragrant breasts, he let his eyes slip closed. “Christ, you’re everything to me.”

Her chest rose and fell with her sharp breaths. She clutched his head to her and whispered, “I love you.”

He raised his head and met her stare. “I love you, woman.”

He surged upward again and kissed her while fondling each breast into a tight peak. Her nipples bunched under his fingertips, and soon his mouth. Taking one bud between his lips, he swiped his tongue over the crest. Rose stifled a cry.

As he walked his fingers down her ribs to the stretchy waist of her leggings, his mind whirled with so many things he wanted to do to her. Not only tonight but every night from here on. Sure, there would be times his work took him away from her, but they’d never be separated like before.

She arched up to meet the kisses he spattered down her torso. Tracing small circles across her silken skin, he breathed in her musk of want. His cock couldn’t be any harder, straining against his fly like a steel rod.

Rose guided him down, and he stripped off her pants and underwear. When her glistening heat loomed in front of his tongue, he couldn’t resist snaking out the tip and tasting her juices.

With a cry, she rocked upward. He zigzagged his tongue through her slick folds and sank one finger deep into her tight walls. Clenching down with another swallowed moan, she showed him exactly how she liked it. He teased at her inner wall, brushing her G-spot until she couldn’t remain still, and then he pumped his finger in and out. In only seconds, she started her climax. He watched her beautiful face as she shook apart for him.

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